Metheringham Primary School

Welcome to issue 8 of our whole school Newsletter. Don't forget to follow us on Twitter for regular updates on achievements, class news and whole school updates. Follow us @metheringhamp

Coming up in this issue:

  • Learning updates

  • Meet the subject leader

  • TTRockstars

  • Attendance

  • This Week's Tweets!

  • Swimming

  • Staff update

  • FOMS

  • Permissions

  • Vacancy

  • SEND

  • Starting school

  • Armed Forces Day

Learning Updates

Foundation Stage In the Foundation stage, the children enjoyed a bike day. They brought their bikes into school and enjoyed lots of balance and co-ordination challenges. The sun was shining and everyone was happy to be outdoors and active.

Key Stage One This week KS1 have been writing letters to a local school who have their very own bee hives. We have been thinking about the features of a letter and using questions to enhance our writing. We have been able to both share our knowledge of bees and ask questions to find out more. Mrs South delivered some letters to the beekeeper who came in to school last week. I wonder if we will get a reply?

Lower Key Stage Two LKS2 have been writing and presenting their haiku poems in English. In science, a plant investigation is underway with records being kept of how well each plant is growing.

Upper Key Stage Two These past two weeks in English, Y5/6 have been using a text called 'Hidden Figures' for their learning. The book is based on the true story of four black women (Dorothy Vaughn, Mary Jackson, Katherine Johnson and Christine Darden) and the Space Race between Russia and America. The children have learnt about segregation in society; the NACA and NASA Programmes; the science and maths behind them and how the personalities and traits of these four determined women drove them to achieve their dreams and change society for ever. All classes have enjoyed learning about their characters, building on our knowledge of grammatical features like noun phrases and prefixes and revisiting persuasive language features to write formal letters to convince the judge to allow Mary Jackson to attend a college for (at that time) white people only. From the beginning, all of the children have shown an incredible amount of interest and enthusiasm towards this story and have put a lot of effort into their learning. It has been a pleasure watching them become so animated towards the story and we wanted to share some examples of their brilliant letters. We hope you enjoy reading them a much as we did!

Meet the subject Leader

Meet Mrs Thackray


Modern Foreign Language

subject leader


My name is Mrs Thackray and I am the Modern Foreign Language (MFL) co-ordinator. I have been a teacher for over thirty years with the majority of those years being spent at Metheringham school teaching children from Reception up to Year 6. One of my many roles is to teach French to KS2 pupils.

My passion for languages developed from an early age as I was born and grew up in North Wales. Throughout my own education I studied Welsh as a second language until I completed my teacher training. Despite leaving Wales when I moved to Lincolnshire, I continue to enjoy my visits to Wales and remain a keen supporter of Welsh rugby.

I was introduced to French in secondary school and France was the first foreign country I visited on a school residential trip. My love for travel began and now I enjoy visiting countries, listening to the language and observing the different culture.

I am passionate about providing our children with an understanding of other cultures and languages since our country is a multicultural society. I try to encourage pupils to share their own knowledge of other languages and cultures with me. They enjoy becoming ‘le petit prof’ teaching me and other pupils what they know. Many are keen to greet me in French when they see me around school or even when they see me out of school. It always makes me smile. Merci les enfants!

I strive to inspire our children to take an active role in French lessons through my own passion of languages and enjoy teaching them through songs, raps, stories, games and role play. I believe children learn best when learning is interactive and fun!

Merci et Au Revoir!


Every child from Year 2 upwards has a TTRockstars account which can be accessed in school or at home via the website TTRockstars

Each issue we will list the latest leader board for Times Tables Rockstars. To get on the leader board, you need to play 'studio' on TTRockstars and you need to play at least ten times.

Well done to this week's top ten! You rose to Mrs Duggin's challenge and shook up the leader board. All ten children will be invited to have their lunch with the staff on Monday and there will be a special treat. Keep rocking everyone!


Below are the attendance figures for week 2 of Term 6. A huge well done to Mrs Wilcox class who achieved 100% attendance for the entire week! They have been rewarded with an extra playtime.

This week's tweets!


We are extremely proud of everyone that showed their support for the swimming pool by coming to school in non-uniform and making donations. Your generosity was overwhelming and because of this we raised over £1000 to go towards pool repairs. What a community!

We are pleased to inform you that pool repairs have re-started and the pool will open. We will keep you updated on the progress and the impact this will have on swimming when we know more.

Metheringham Swimming Pool have awarded all pupils who showed their support a special certificate of thanks.

Staff update

Mrs Woodhead, our School Business Manager has requested to reduce her working week next year. We are pleased to inform you that we have appointed Mrs Erica Weston who will work alongside Mrs Woodhead in the role of School Business Manager.

We would like to take this opportunity to thank Mrs Woodhead and Mrs Evans for their hard work over the past year. They work tirelessly to keep the school running, to keep our children safe and to support families. We are very lucky to have such a caring and dedicated team.



Permissions for using photos on online platforms (Seesaw, Twitter etc) will be carried over into the next academic year. If you would like to change the permissions you have already agreed to then please send an email to the school office with your new preferences.



Information on Special Educational Needs and Disability (SEND) at Metheringham Primary school has been updated on our school website. Mrs Thackray and Mrs Jones have worked hard on a new identification and support system to ensure that all pupils get access to quality first teaching and the right level of support. You can access this information and more, on the SEND page of our school website.

Starting School

It was a pleasure to have so many families in school for the EYFS induction meeting this week.

FOMS sold pre-loved uniform and our Year 6 pupils helped to sell water bottles and bookbags.

It's such an exciting time for these families and for the rest of the school who will be preparing to transition to new classes, key stages and schools at the end of this term.

Next week is the last induction session before our 2022-2023 cohort start school in September.

Armed Forces day

As part of our Armed Forces Day celebrations Flight Sergeant Temple came in to school to talk about the role of the armed forces. We enjoyed hearing lots interesting facts and getting to see pictures of Chinooks. What an inspirational assembly!