Metheringham Primary School
Welcome to issue 74 of our whole school Newsletter. Don't forget to follow us on X for regular updates on achievements, class news and whole school updates. Follow us @metheringhamp
Coming up in this issue:
Learning Updates
Staffing and class structure 2024-2025
Holidays in Term Time
Spelling Shed
This Week's X Posts
Upcoming events
Diary of Events Term 6
Parent code of conduct
School Swimming Lessons
Wish List
Moving on up!
Stay Safe
Term 6 Topic Overviews
Save the Date
Welcome back
Welcome back to the final term of the school year! We hope you all had a restful and enjoyable break. As we embark on Term 6, we are filled with excitement for the learning adventures and events ahead. Our curriculum is jam-packed with inspiring learning and opportunities to learn skills beyond the academic. Swimming starts for all classes in the next few weeks and Mini First aid workshops will continue. We are excited to welcome back Roots to Food, our sporting coaches, an Inspire representative and a visiting author. The Lincolnshire Show Club is busy preparing for the big day. We are also preparing our pupils for their next big transition and have many induction sessions planned for our 2024 Reception intake. Year 6 are preparing for their final performance and we are all building up to those final farewells. It's a busy term to inspire, believe and achieve! Mrs Duggin
Learning Updates
Foundation Stage Children in Reception have been predicting which materials would float or sink if they put them in water. They recorded their predictions using a tick list and then enjoyed testing them to see if they were right.
Key Stage One It has been an exciting week back for the Year 1 and 2s. The English focus has been around the books Du Iz Tak and The Blue Giant. Mrs Duggin was very impressed with our writing which has been inspired by these thought-provoking books. What do you think?
Lower Key Stage Two We have had a brilliantly busy start to term 6 in LKS2. We have begun writing an explanation text in English, started our new science unit on plants and completed a first aid session with Mini First Aid. Hopefully children are now aware of: what number to call in an emergency, how to put someone in the recovery position, how to help someone choking and how to carry out CPR. Year 4 have also had a practise run of the Multiplication Tables Check in preparation for next week's official check. Practise, practise, practise on TTRS as much as possible this week Y4!
Upper Key Stage Two Wow, what a first week back! In UKS2, we have had a really busy start. This week, we have started rehearsals for our play 'What a Knight' and the children have been fantastic with some children already knowing their lines. Miss Wright was really impressed with our singing in rehearsals and the children are all trying their very best. On top of this, we have started our DT which involves the children designing and making a pencil case or phone case. The children have made some brilliant designs, cut out felt and sewn them together to create some fantastic end products. All the way through, the children showed resilience and focus to complete their cases, as well as enjoying their learning. We also managed to fit in Mini First Aid this week! I think we are all ready for the weekend.
Staffing updates and class structure 2024-2025
A letter has been shared on Seesaw to update parents on staffing and our class structure for 2024-2025.
24 pupils have maintained 100% attendance so far this academic year.
234 pupils have maintained 100% attendance so far this term.
Last years whole school attendance figure was 95.15%
Current whole school attendance is 95.43%
Our attendance figures this week are as follows:
Well done to all of our classes who have managed an attendance level of 95% or over and a big congratulations to our youngest pupils for their winning attendance this week!
We would like to end the year with an overall whole school attendance figure of over 96%. This is doable, but we need everyone to help us by being at school every day until the end of the academic year.
If we can smash 96% by the end of the academic year, Mrs Duggin will reward the whole school with a fun, free and fabulous afternoon! How amazing would that be!
Let's do this!
holidays in term time
A reminder to parents and carers that holidays in term time will not be authorised unless we deem the circumstances for the request to be exceptional. The Local Authority may issue a fixed penalty notice for holidays taken without authorisation. Leave of absence forms are available on request from the school office. Thank you.
During the last school week, we had 38_incidences of lateness.
Please be reminded that doors open at 8:45 and registration is at 9:00. This gives you 15 minutes to be early and have a calm start to the day.
These latenesses range from 5 minutes late to 93 minutes late. This has a huge impact on classroom teachers, office staff, pupils in class and the child that is late. Please help us to reduce lateness.
Every child from Year 2 upwards has a TTRockstars account which can be accessed in school or at home via the website TTRockstars
Battle of the Classes
Each week we will display the TTRockstars Class averages to see who is putting in the most effort across the school.
Mr Edwards Class has had the most players in the last 7 days! Well done :-)
Spelling Shed
Every child from Year 2 upwards has a Spelling Shed account which can be accessed in school or at home via the website Spelling Shed
Here are the latest scores on the whole-school leader board (these scores are based on their total score from the last 7 days):
Well done to Carmen, it's the top spot for you!
Have you tried the new Mastery Zone game on Spelling Shed?
This week's X Posts
upcoming events
Week Commencing 10th June:
Swimming starts for all year groups
Phonics Screening Checks for Y1 and some Y2s
Multiplication Checks for Y4
Friday 14th June - EYFS School Trip
Advanced notice:
Monday 24th June- KS1 Trip
Thursday 27th June- Garden Party (All welcome)
Saturday 29th June- Sponsored SPLASHATHON
diary of events- Term 6-
parent code of conduct
Please be reminded of the Parent Code of Conduct that should be adhered to to ensure our pupils, staff, families and the community can thrive in a safe, happy and positive culture. Our staffing team and parents are working incredibly hard to maintain high standards and a safe and respectful space for our pupils. We will not tolerate anyone being disrespectful towards any of our staff. Our office staff are the first welcoming face you see, and they deserve to be treated with the same kindness that they give out. Thank you.
School Swimming Lessons
Swimming starts next week!
Your child will need their swimming kit and a towel on their swimming days.
Amazon wishlist
The school has set up an amazon wishlist with a whole host of ideas if anyone would like to donate something to the school. We will write inside the front cover of any books to say who it was donated by, and add the books to our school library. You are invited to donate a book on your child's birthday to mark the special day. Thank you for your ongoing support.
Moving on up! Outreach
Our 0-5 Moving On Up sessions are on every Thursday in Term 6. Come and join us between 1:15-2:15. No booking required.
Hi, we are your JRSO’s (Junior road safety officers) and we are here to tell you a little about our role and ways to stay safe.
First of all, let's start with our newest topic for this term ‘Summer Safe’. We will hold some competitions and an assembly to announce many new things about this topic.
Secondly we would like to talk about the 1-way-system and answer questions and queries like:
How does the 1-way-system work?
ANSWER: Well, you walk in the same way as normal, but at the end of the day you go straight across the zebra crossing (remember to look both ways and check for traffic) and out of the new gate. Make sure you are aware of your surroundings.
What do we do if we have bikes?
ANSWER: So, you can go out the same way as everybody else, re- enter school, collect your bike and go through the system again. DO NOT RIDE YOUR BIKE, you should wheel it instead. Make sure you are aware of your surroundings.
Thank you for taking your time to read this.
Stay Safe online
Stay Safe Partnerships Online Safety Q+A for Parents of Primary Aged Children 5th June 2024 6-7:30pm FREE TEAMS event sign up required:
term 6 topic overviews
We would like to say a big thank you to FOMS for their recent fundraising efforts. A Sports Day cafe, pop up events and uniform sales to name a few. Here is what they have raised in the last few terms:
Ice cream Pop Up Event- £155
Uniform Sales- £34
Sports Day- £144.67
Easter Disco- £245
Cake Sale Pop up Event- £80.77
Easter Raffle- £357
End of term tuck shop- £38.70
This year, they have used their funds to pay for a class set of 30 IPads, Mini First Aid workshops for all classes, medals for Sports Day, Iced treats for all pupils on Sports Day, book bags for the our new intake of reception pupils, selection boxes for all pupils and more.
They have a disco planned for the end of year, a garden party and lots of ideas for our Y6 leavers.
We would like to take this opportunity to thank the whole team and to give Mrs Porter and Mrs Barber a special mention. They will be leaving the team this term as their children transition to secondary school. They have made such a huge difference to our school through their voluntary work, passion and dedication! Thank you for making a difference to our little people. We wish you and your families a happy future.
FOMS are asking for sweet donations for their Garden Party tombola. If you can, please send any donations into school with your child in the next few weeks.