Metheringham Primary School

Welcome to issue 68 of our whole school Newsletter. Don't forget to follow us on X for regular updates on achievements, class news and whole school updates. Follow us @metheringhamp 

Coming up in this issue:

Staffing update

It is with a blend of emotions that I share news regarding Miss McKenzie's upcoming retirement. After 26 years of dedicated service to our school, Miss McKenzie has made the decision to retire from teaching in order to focus on the future, her family and her health. She will retire from teaching at the end of April.

Throughout her time at Metheringham, Miss McKenzie has been an integral part of our school community, leaving a huge mark on the lives of pupils and colleagues alike. Her unwavering commitment to education and her genuine care for each child have been nothing short of remarkable.

Despite facing health challenges this year, Miss McKenzie has continued to inspire us with her resilience, grace, and unwavering positivity. While we are saddened by Miss McKenzie's departure, we are immensely grateful for her years of service and the invaluable contributions she has made to our school as Deputy Headteacher and in recent years Class Teacher. 

Please join me in extending our warmest wishes to Miss McKenzie as she begins this new chapter in her life. Although she will be greatly missed, her legacy will continue to inspire us for years to come. Miss McKenzie has been unable to work during this academic year but for those of you wishing to send messages, we will pass these on. We do hope to see her on a voluntary basis in the future.

Learning updates

Foundation Stage Children in Reception have been exploring more complex repeating patterns. They have enjoyed using small world objects and small parts to create their own patterns.  

Key Stage One Key Stage One have had a lovely week celebrating Easter. We have been busy learning songs, making cards and learning Easter poems. The week was topped off with a wonderful visit to the church to take a gift of daffodils with a message of thanks which was placed on the alter. Happy Easter everyone!  

Lower Key Stage Two Year 3 and 4 have enjoyed playing Pop La Crosse this term in PE. Lead by our visiting sports coach, the children have been learning ball skills which have led to the children playing a full game this week. It was great to see a fantastic show of team work! In English, the children have been creating and writing an alternate ending to the traditional tale of Jack and the Beanstalk.  Particularly popular amongst the classes was the story 'This is not Jack and the beanstalk' .  A great little video clip to watch as a family. 

Upper Key Stage Two It's here! The end of term 4! We can't quite believe it. What a term it's been. The children have accomplished so much and grown......not just in maturity but size. Spring is definitely in the air. Our final week of term has not been a slow and steady one by any means. The big focus this week has been ART, specifically L.S. Lowry. The children have learnt about who he was as a person and as an artist, before exploring some of his paintings, including the Lincoln painting. They have explored how Lowry uses perspective in his paintings, with their end objective being to draw and paint a landscape using perspective. The finished product is still to come, so watch this space come the Summer term. UKS2 would like to wish you all a happy, safe and restful Easter break.  


37 pupils have maintained 100% attendance so far this academic year. 

90 pupils have maintained 100% attendance so far this term.

Last years whole school attendance figure was 95.15%

Current whole school attendance is 95.51%

Our attendance figures this week are as follows:

This Terms attendance champions are..........

....Mrs Wilcox and Mrs Smith-Wood's Class! An extra playtime is awarded to you!

reporting absences and lateness

Please be reminded that you must report your child's absence to the school office every day they are not at school. This is to ensure we correctly record your child's reason for absence and for safeguarding reasons. When we have not seen your child for a number of days, we may carry out a safe and well check and visit them at home. 

If your child has been unwell for a number of days, please seek medical advice and keep us updated daily by making calls to the school office or emailing in. 

If your child is late to school, please come into the school office and sign them in, giving the reason for lateness. 

Thank you


During the last school week, we had  13_incidences of lateness. 

Please be reminded that doors open at 8:45 and registration is at 9:00. This gives you 15 minutes to be early and have a calm start to the day.

These latenesses range from 10 minutes late to 138 minutes late. This has a huge impact on classroom teachers, office staff, pupils in class and the child that is late. Please help us to reduce lateness.


Every child from Year 3 upwards has a TTRockstars account which can be accessed in school or at home via the website TTRockstars

Each issue we will list the latest leader board for Times Tables Rockstars. To get on the leader board, you need to play 'studio' on TTRockstars and you need to play at least ten times. 

Please find the current leader board and the class 'top rockers'. 

Rock Status Improvements

You can improve your 'Rock Status' by playing in studio and improving your speed and accuracy. 

These children improved their Rock Status this week:

Miss Tucker's Class:

Cleo is now a Headliner

Spelling Shed 

Every child from Year 2 upwards has a Spelling Shed account which can be accessed in school or at home via the website Spelling Shed

Here are the latest scores on the whole-school leader board (these scores are based on their total score from the last 7 days): 

Well done to Harry and all of our top spellers!

This week's X Posts

upcoming events

Advanced notice:

Monday 15th April- Staff Training Day

Tuesday 16th April- Pupils return for the start of Term 5

Wednesday 17th April- Author visit- Book Signing

trusted adults

Please use the link posted on Seesaw to update your permissions for trusted adults to collect your child from school in your absence. Thank you.

Ofsted big listen

Amazon wishlist

The school has set up an amazon wishlist with a whole host of ideas if anyone would like to donate something to the school. We will write inside the front cover of any books to say who it was donated by, and add the books to our school library. You are invited to donate a book on your child's birthday to mark the special day. Thank you for your ongoing support.

Click here to view our wishlist 

topic overviews

All of our topic plans for Term 5 are now available on the school website: 

Term 5 clubs

Clubs for Term 5 are now live on Parent Pay. Don't miss your space...sign up today! Please note, the last day for registration is Monday 15th April.

Moving on up! Outreach

Coming to Metheringham every week in Term 5!


Please be reminded that dogs are not permitted on school site. They should also not be tied to the school fence. Parents are advised to report problems with dogs to the school office to make us aware that this is happening. Thank you

School Council

On Wednesday 26th March, Metheringham Primary School Councillors visited the Chambers of Lincolnshire County Council. Here they met with Councillor Robert Philip Harry Reid (Chairman of the Council), Councillor Robert Jozef Kendrick Metheringham Rural District) and Heather Sandy (Executive Director of Children's Services). The children had an amazing experience: learning about the structure and format of a Council run debate, how the democratic process takes place at local government level and the opportunity to take part in an actual live debate themselves! They were a true credit to Team Green; we are very proud of them. 

Here are a few of the lovely comments we have received from parents of the councillors in response to a Seesaw message sent to them about their child's experience:

'This is so lovely to hear, thank-you!'

'Oh my goodness, thank-you! He's so lucky to have the opportunity and he's loved it! Thank-you for taking him.'

'She had a great time! She was very excited to go and she said today's trip was great and told me what she did and said it was a big thumbs up. Thank-you!'

Coop community champions 

We are blown away by the fundraising efforts of Metheringham Coop. We have been notified that the community raised an incredible £1651.03! This money will go directly to enhancing the school and curriculum for all children. Thank you! 

Diary of events for term 5 and 6

house team winners

Every day, the children get the chance to earn house points for their house team. These could be for excellent behaviour, demonstrating the school values, completing homework etc 

House points are collected each week by our house captains and the winning house is announced in our celebrations assembly. Each week, we add the total to a running score for the term. Last term, the Hurricanes received the most house points for the term and they won a treat with Mrs Duggin. They enjoyed their extra long and extra fun playtime in the sunshine on Tuesday. It was lovely to see the Hurricanes come together to celebrate their success.

Today, we found out the winning house for term 4 and they will receive a treat next term!

end of term

As we approach the end of Term 4, we would like to take a moment to reflect on the remarkable journey our little people have undertaken throughout this term. It has been a term filled with growth, learning, and memorable experiences. Sporting achievements, assessment success, a show-stopping performance of Jack and the Beanstalk, culinary skills, residential adventures and the awe and wonder that our curriculum name a few!

As we bid farewell to Term 4, we eagerly anticipate the opportunities and adventures that await us in the new term. With the continued support of our dedicated teachers, staff, and parents, we are confident that our students will continue to thrive and achieve great things in the months to come.

We would like to take this opportunity to express our sincere gratitude to you, our parents and guardians, for your unwavering support and partnership throughout the term. Your involvement and encouragement play a crucial role in the success of our little ones, and we are truly grateful for your ongoing commitment.

Wishing you all a restful and enjoyable break, filled with joy, laughter, chocolate eggs and cherished moments with loved ones.

Mrs Duggin 

Term 5 begins on Tuesday 16th April