Metheringham Primary School

Welcome to issue 64 of our whole school Newsletter. Don't forget to follow us on X for regular updates on achievements, class news and whole school updates. Follow us @metheringhamp 

Coming up in this issue:

Learning updates

Foundation Stage Following on their learning of Oliver’s Vegetables, the children in Foundation Stage have been writing instructions on how to make vegetable soup. They had lots of fun watching Mrs Wray and Mrs Flintham make soup, then they used their wonderful writing skills to write sentences about each stage. Well done Chicks and Robins 👏 

Key Stage One We've been getting very physical in P.E this week- we are really enjoying doing lots of different activities as part of circuits. In just 2 weeks we have noticed that some exercises are getting a bit easier and we are able to keep going for longer. It's also great to be outside for Tag Rugby and are hoping for more sunshine as we move into Spring.  

Lower Key Stage Two LKS2 have shown determination and resilience during assessments this week. In geography, we have used our knowledge about earthquakes to understand tsunamis. Children were fascinated to learn how far a tsunami wave could travel. In English, we have begun a new unit of learning exploring playscripts, which has fitted in brilliantly with our play rehearsal.  

Upper Key Stage Two What a fantastic break, it was, for the UKS2 classes from their mid-year assessments, to embrace the outdoors and take part in the UKS2 geography fieldwork study, midway through this week. All the children worked so well together, in their teams; supporting one another with encouragement and praise. They all treated our visitor (Lincolnshire Outdoor Learning) with respect, whilst upholding our school values. Mr Butterfield was quite impressed with the responses to his questions; the articulation and knowledge expressed by the children was so pleasing to hear. I'm sure your child has already shared their experience with you and you are all, no doubt, experts on river meanders and insects! 


42 pupils have maintained 100% attendance so far this academic year. 

221 pupils have maintained 100% attendance so far this term.

Last years whole school attendance figure was 95.15%

Current whole school attendance is 95.53%

Our attendance figures this week are as follows:

Well done to Miss Pearson's Class, what a great week of attendance.


During the last school week, we had  21_incidences of lateness. 

Please be reminded that doors open at 8:45 and registration is at 9:00. This gives you 15 minutes to be early and have a calm start to the day.

These latenesses range from 5 minutes late to 90 minutes late. This has a huge impact on classroom teachers, office staff, pupils in class and the child that is late. Please help us to reduce lateness.


Every child from Year 3 upwards has a TTRockstars account which can be accessed in school or at home via the website TTRockstars

Each issue we will list the latest leader board for Times Tables Rockstars. To get on the leader board, you need to play 'studio' on TTRockstars and you need to play at least ten times. 

Please find the current leader board and the class 'top rockers'. 

Rock Status Improvements

You can improve your 'Rock Status' by playing in studio and improving your speed and accuracy. 

These children improved their Rock Status this week:

Mrs Wilcox and Smith-Wood's class:

Rosalinda is now a Rock Star

Joshua M is now a Rock Star

Olivia L is now a Rock Star

Ms Vrettos and Miss Wright's Class

Jake is now a Gigger

Miss Tucker's Class:

John Rylee is now a Headliner

Mrs Fulbrook's Class:

Leonardo is now a Garage Rocker

Spelling Shed 

Every child from Year 2 upwards has a Spelling Shed account which can be accessed in school or at home via the website Spelling Shed

Here are the latest scores on the whole-school leader board (these scores are based on their total score from the last 7 days): 

Well done everyone! Another top spot for Alex, great spelling!

This week's X Posts

upcoming events

                                     -Class Photographs by Tempest (Full school uniform)

                                      -World Book Day

Advanced notice:

                                         Science Week in school

Class photographs

All children should be in full school uniform on Tuesday 5th March for their class photograph. If you have PE then please bring a change of shoes in a carrier bag no PE kit needed. Remember your smiles everyone :-)

an eggcellent reading competition 

Read your home reading book 5 times a week, at home, in Term 4 and you will receive a raffle ticket. Pop your raffle ticket in the box outside the library and be in with a chance to be picked to take home an eggtremely chocolatey prize!

One person will be picked each Friday in Term 4. An eggtra large prize will be awarded on the last day of term! The more tickets you earn the more chance of winning.

1 raffle ticket can be earned during each of the following weeks:





Co-Op Community Champion 

Our Metheringham Lincolnshire Co-op branch will be raising funds for our school from 3rd December 2023 – 2nd March 2024. Please support us by purchasing in store if you can.

Amazon wishlist

The school has set up an amazon wishlist with a whole host of ideas if anyone would like to donate something to the school. We will write inside the front cover of any books to say who it was donated by, and add the books to our school library. You are invited to donate a book on your child's birthday to mark the special day. Thank you for your ongoing support.

Click here to view our wishlist 

world book day 

It's World Book Day next week! 

World Book Day is taking place next Thursday 7th March. Children are invited to come to school dressed up as a WORD or their favourite book character. We are kindly asking for a suggested donation of £1. Donations will be payable through Parent Pay. We are also running a Book Swap! We are asking children to bring a maximum of two children’s books from home into school, which they would be willing to give away. All children will get the opportunity to choose a new book from the donated collection that they can take home with them and keep. Thank you for your continued support.  

We can't wait to see your dressing up choices and celebrate a love of books with you all.

 There's a little whisper going around that we may also have a 'mystery reader' coming into school to read to the whole school. Watch this space for clues as to who it could be!

Easter Disco and Raffle

Easter Disco and raffle tickets will be on sale via ParentPay from Monday 4th March. 

Disco Information:

Wednesday 27th March 

Disco tickets: £2

Raffle tickets: £1

Please purchase tickets on ParentPay. A physical ticket will be sent home with your child in order to access the infant or junior disco. We are encouraging infants to enter the playground area in time for their disco. Juniors will wait at the front of school (outside the school office entrance) until infants have been released.

Parent Consultations 

Parent consultations will take place on Tuesday 5th and Thursday 7th of March.

 Please note, learning books will be available to view outside your child's classroom and adults will go to the hall to meet with their child's teacher. 

easter arrangements 

Parents and Carers are welcome to join us for our Easter Assemblies on Thursday 28th March. Please see the times for each key stage below:

KS1 and Foundation Stage are invited to decorate and wear an Easter bonnet or cap on Thursday 28th March.

KS2 are invited to decorate a hard-boiled egg and bring it into school on Thursday 28th March.

Tickets for the FOMS Easter raffle and disco will be on sale via Parent Pay from Monday 4th March.

Donations of chocolate eggs and Easter treats for the FOMS raffle can be made on our non-uniform day on Friday 22nd March. The more donations we get the more prizes there will be.

spring walk

Our one and only Mrs Price has set herself, and has almost completed an incredible challenge to raise money for charity. She has been walking every day this month to reach a target of 100 miles in February! All of this is to raise money for her family and friends who are battling cancer. We have been kept updated on her daily achievements and have even joined her on some of her adventures. She is an inspiration! We plan to have a whole school spring ramble in March to mark her last walk, and to watch her cross the finish line as a whole school.

This is a disease that so many of our staff, pupils, parents and community are battling with in one way or another. Mrs Price set herself a target of raising £200.....she has smashed this and has already raised over £800. We would love to help her cross the £1000 mark. If any of our parents would like to support her then please find a link to her Just Giving Page. 

Our pupils and staff look forward to cheering her over the finish line on March 8th. All pupils need a change of footwear (wellingtons or walking shoes) in a carrier bag and to be dressed for the weather on Friday!

Comic Relief 

This year, we are 'Doing Something Funny for Money.' School council have planned an individual activity for each class, a Bake Sale, a wear red from head to toe theme (Red to Toe!) and plan to sell red noses at the end of school in the week leading up to Comic Relief on the 15th March. More information to follow soon!

Visiting poet

On Monday 11th March we have Deborah Bertulis, who is a published Poet, visiting our school to run a number of exciting poetry workshops! Deborah is able to sign books on the day, so if you would like to purchase a book for your child to get signed, you can purchase it here Her books can also be purchased via Amazon. 

Please bring the book in on Monday 11th March, if you child wishes for it to be signed by our Poet.