Metheringham Primary School

Welcome to issue 63 of our whole school Newsletter. Don't forget to follow us on X for regular updates on achievements, class news and whole school updates. Follow us @metheringhamp 

Coming up in this issue:

welcome back

Welcome back everyone! We hope you all had a good break and managed to find time to be with your loved ones and have some fun. The first week back has gone by in a flash. The children are ready to learn and progress, and are looking forward to all of the fun that the Easter term will bring. It's a very important term for everyone with so many opportunities to secure knowledge and master skills. We hope to see growth in resilience, mindset, responsibility and independence this term. Staff are always on the lookout for children demonstrating our school values and so many pupils have already been recognised for this. We are looking forward to meeting with parents for parent consultations this term, and working together to help our pupils be the best that they can be.

staffing updates 

We are delighted to announce that Mrs Weston, our School Business Manager, is expecting a baby in the Summer. She will be working until the end of the academic year before she starts her adventures as a mummy of 2! We are currently advertising for a School Business Manager to work alongside Mrs Woodhead. Please see our school website for current vacancies  .

We have appointed Mrs Thorpe and Mrs Howseman-Miller as school cleaners. They are working extremely hard with our cleaning team to keep everything safe, tidy and clean.

After the recent parent governor recruitment process, we are delighted to add Sophie Wilson to our Governing Body as a parent governor. She is a Children's Mental Health worker and has so many skills to offer the governing board. We look forward to working with her.

Learning updates

Foundation Stage Foundation Stage children have been exploring special artefacts that Christian’s see and use. They have learnt about why these artefacts are special and have enjoyed sharing their previous learning brought heir play.  

Key Stage One KS1 have enjoyed their first week back with lots of smiley faces. We have been enjoying our descriptive writing and sharing the story of Handa's Surprise. We have been learning about money, counting between 20 and 50, and groups of tens and ones. We are excited to begin our new science topic, all about minibeasts and where to find them! 

Lower Key Stage Two Year 3 and 4 had a creative first day back.  The children explored collage and landscape artists before having a go at creating their own masterpiece. Meanwhile, in English, the children have been using their skills of persuasion to produce a speech to convince world leaders to stop deforestation. They have used Greta Thunberg's speech titled 'How dare you!' as inspiration. In PE, the focus for the term is Pop La Crosse and circuits.  Rehearsals are well underway for this terms production of Jack and the Beanstalk, with many characters already having learnt their lines. A great first week back!   

Upper Key Stage Two In UKS2 this week, we have continued our adventures in Floodlands with Zoe. This time our focus is on writing a persuasive speech to the islanders of Eel island, trying to convince them why we would be a greater leader. The children have enjoyed playing the role of a character called Dooby and sharing their speeches with the class. Our Science has continued to focus on living things and their habitats. The children have been comparing different habitats and why the Scarlett Ibis (from South America) and the Eurasian Jay (From Europe, Asia and parts of Africa) are very different types of bird. Our PE lessons have changed to circuits and pop lacrosse. The children have been having a real workout and getting out of breath. In Geography, we have enjoyed learning about coasts and finding out how they are formed. 


44 pupils have maintained 100% attendance so far this academic year. 

247 pupils have maintained 100% attendance so far this term.

Last years whole school attendance figure was 95.15%

Current whole school attendance is 95.49%

Our attendance figures this week are as follows:

Well done to Mrs Wilcox and Mrs Smith-wood's class for the best attendance of the week......again!!


During the last school week, we had  19_incidences of lateness. 

Please be reminded that doors open at 8:45 and registration is at 9:00. This gives you 15 minutes to be early and have a calm start to the day.

These latenesses range from 5 minutes late to 110 minutes late. This has a huge impact on classroom teachers, office staff, pupils in class and the child that is late. Please help us to reduce lateness.


Every child from Year 3 upwards has a TTRockstars account which can be accessed in school or at home via the website TTRockstars

Each issue we will list the latest leader board for Times Tables Rockstars. To get on the leader board, you need to play 'studio' on TTRockstars and you need to play at least ten times. 

Please find the current leader board and the class 'top rockers'. 

Rock Status Improvements

You can improve your 'Rock Status' by playing in studio and improving your speed and accuracy. 

These children improved their Rock Status this week:

Mrs Wilcox and Smith-Wood's class:

Rosalinda is now a Headliner

Joshua M is now a Headliner 

Ms Vrettos and Miss Wright's Class

Oscar L is now a Wannabe

Henry H is now a Wannabe

Oliver M is now a Busker

Miss Tucker's Class:

Bella is now a Headliner

Sophie is now a Headliner

Cleo is now an Unsigned Act

Spelling Shed 

Every child from Year 2 upwards has a Spelling Shed account which can be accessed in school or at home via the website Spelling Shed

Here are the latest scores on the whole-school leader board (these scores are based on their total score from the last 7 days): 

Well done, great scores!

This week's X Posts

upcoming events

Advanced notice:

                                     -Class Photographs by Tempest

                                      -World Book Day

term 4 diary of events

Please note: We have added a whole school spring walk on Friday 8th March. This will be weather permitting.

an eggcellent reading competition 

Read your home reading book 5 times a week, at home, in Term 4 and you will receive a raffle ticket. Pop your raffle ticket in the box outside the library and be in with a chance to be picked to take home an eggtremely chocolatey prize!

One person will be picked each Friday in Term 4. An eggtra large prize will be awarded on the last day of term! The more tickets you earn the more chance of winning.

1 raffle ticket can be earned during each of the following weeks:






Co-Op Community Champion 

Our Metheringham Lincolnshire Co-op branch will be raising funds for our school from 3rd December 2023 – 2nd March 2024. Please support us by purchasing in store if you can.

Amazon wishlist

The school has set up an amazon wishlist with a whole host of ideas if anyone would like to donate something to the school. We will write inside the front cover of any books to say who it was donated by, and add the books to our school library. You are invited to donate a book on your child's birthday to mark the special day. Thank you for your ongoing support.

Click here to view our wishlist 

world book day 

Please check Seesaw to find World Book Day information. 

All of the World Book Day books are on display in our library with lots of our favourite texts too. Which one will you choose to get for free with your World Book Day Token?


Thank you to our FOMS team who ran a very successful pop up event at the end of term. They were overwhelmed by the crowds of happy pupils waiting for a sweet treat. They even sold out! All of the funds raised go directly to school to enhance the curriculum for your pupils. 

Our FOMS team are busy planning and Easter Disco and Easter raffle. Sales for these will commence on Parent Pay on Monday 4th March. Again, all funds raised go directly back into school.

Parent Consultations 

Parent consultations will take place on Tuesday 5th and Thursday 7th of March.

 Please note, learning books will be available to view outside your child's classroom and adults will go to the hall to meet with their child's teacher. 

Appointment letters have been sent out to families. Please return these by Friday 23rd February. 

Thank you 

easter arrangements 

Parents and Carers are welcome to join us for our Easter Assemblies on Thursday 28th March. Please see the times for each key stage below:

KS1 and Foundation Stage are invited to decorate and wear an Easter bonnet or cap on Thursday 28th March.

KS2 are invited to decorate a hard-boiled egg and bring it into school on Thursday 28th March.

Tickets for the FOMS Easter raffle and disco will be on sale via Parent Pay from Monday 4th March.

Donations of chocolate eggs and Easter treats for the FOMS raffle can be made on our non-uniform day on Friday 22nd March. The more donations we get the more prizes there will be.

Lincs FM

This week, Joseph Begley from Lincs FM paid our school a visit. Joseph, spoke with some of our school councillors and recorded a clue from each of the children for the 'Hide and Seek' feature on his breakfast show. Listen out for our wonderful children revealing a clue, each day next week, at 7.40am.

The big reveal will happen on Friday, when you will hear the children, rather ecstatically, reveal the city. Will you guess the answer before then though? 

Also, it wouldn't have been right to have let Joseph leave without a staff photo! 😂 📸