Metheringham Primary School

Welcome to issue 6 of our whole school Newsletter. Don't forget to follow us on Twitter for regular updates on achievements, class news and whole school updates. Follow us @metheringhamp

Coming up in this issue:

  • Learning updates

  • Meet the subject leader

  • TTRockstars

  • Attendance

  • Tweet Tweet

  • Staff updates

  • Thank you!

  • Swimming

  • Vacancies

  • Knit for Nowt

  • Dental Checks

  • Diary of events

Learning Updates

Foundation Stage In the Foundation stage, the children have started their new term with the new topic 'Oh I do like to be beside the seaside'. In maths, they have had lots of practical learning opportunities. They have used mirrors and tens frames to find and show doubles.

Key Stage One The Year 1’s have been absolute super stars this week! As part of assessment week, we have been carrying out the national phonics screening as well as lots of other quizzes. They have shown our school values of determination and resilience – brilliant! Our new phonics books have definitely helped develop their reading skills. There has been more use of manipulatives in Year 2, the children have made arrays to support them with their multiplication and division facts. It's awesome to see children so active, engaged and using lots of thinking skills when working practically.

Lower Key Stage Two In the last week of term LKS2 had a busy time practicing for sports day. They also printed their Viking symbols using the stamps they created. This week, LKS2 have been fantastic at maintaining concentration and stamina to complete a challenging assessment week. Year 4 have created some awesome times tables board games. Which game would you like to play?

Upper Key Stage Two This week, UKS2 have been busy sewing! We are really proud of the children - they have shown great patience and resilience! We were really impressed with their skills - they have mastered new types of stitches as well as designing and planning a felt phone/sunglasses/pencil case. We can't wait to see the final products!

Choir On Thursday, the KS2 choir took centre stage at the end of the school day and performed 3 Jubilee songs to parents and carers as they collected their children. It was such a joy to see the smiles on everyone's faces. Here's to the Queen!

Meet the subject Leader

Meet Mrs Freeman


Design Technology

subject leader


My name is Mrs Freeman and I teach Year 6 here at Metheringham Primary School. I am a mum of 2 young boys. I am lucky to have worked in this wonderful school for 16 years! I have taught all ages across KS2 during my time here, but Year 6 is definitely my favourite! What I love most about our school is that it is like one big family! The children, parents and staff are all amazing and I love coming to work to share the fun, laughter... and learning... that happens each and every day.

As part of my studies at university, I was fortunate to be able to learn more about the world of design and technology. It is for this reason that I lead Design and Technology (DT) in our school. I love the fact that anyone can be 'good' at DT - seeing the smile and sense of achievement on the children's face when they take a product from the design process, through the making process to the final piece is so rewarding. During lockdown, when we all found ourselves at home, I (along with my boys) found myself using these skills to make some new furniture out of old pieces of wood! I got to experience that sense of pride when the project was complete... and it certainly tested my patience, resilience and determination!


Every child from Year 2 upwards has a TTRockstars account which can be accessed in school or at home via the website TTRockstars

Each issue we will list the latest leader board for Times Tables Rockstars. To get on the leader board, you need to play 'studio' on TTRockstars and you need to play at least ten times.

Well done to this week's top ten. Let the race to the top for Term 6 commence!


Below are the attendance figures for the whole of Term 5. We had an amazing 133 pupils who achieved 100% attendance in Term 5. We also have 23 pupils who are still on track to reach 100% attendance for the whole academic year.

Tweet Tweet!

Staff updates

Miss McKenzie has stepped down from her role as Deputy Headteacher. She will continue in her teaching role as normal until the end of Term 6 and then she will be reducing her working week to four days. From next year, Miss McKenzie will have a two day teaching role and she will also support across the school with interventions for two days. We would like to take this opportunity to thank Miss McKenzie for the support she has given to the school leadership team and to school improvement during her time as Deputy Headteacher. Mrs Duggin will continue in her role as Interim Deputy Headteacher until she starts her co-headship in the next academic year. We will be advertising internally for a Deputy Headteacher for the next academic year and we will keep you updated on the outcome of this.

Mrs Wilcox has requested to reduce her working week to three days from September. Mrs Smith-Wood has successfully been appointed as a class teacher and will work in a job share with Mrs Wilcox during the next academic year.

We have made three full-time teacher appointments for the next academic year. We would like to congratulate Mr Edwards, Miss Pearson and Miss Houldershaw on their appointments and welcome them to Team Green.

Our class structure for 2022-2023

Thank you

We would like to say thank you to everyone involved in making Sports Day and our Jubilee Celebrations a huge success. The children had a fantastic time and it was so lovely to have parents back in school to celebrate with us. FOMS raised £105 by running the Sports Day stall and they gave all children an ice pop and a medal. We are incredibly lucky to have such a dedicated group of volunteers. News of FOMS summer term events will be shared soon.


As you are aware, Metheringham Swimming Pool are facing problems and urgently need to raise funds to cover the cost of pool repairs. This is causing delays to the opening of the pool and, of course, will impact on swimming lessons this academic year.

We are so lucky as a school to have this facility on our doorstep. The school will be organising a fund raising event to help towards the repair costs and to ensure that our children get the opportunity to swim in the future.

We will keep you updated with the progress of fund raising and the arrangements for swimming when we know more.



Miss Coleman and the children were very excited to receive free hand-knitted worry monsters in the post this week. Miss Coleman has been on a waiting list for a long time and has managed to secure these to use with pupils in school. They are incredible! A huge thank you goes to 'Knit-for-Nowt' a charitable service who do all of this lovely work out of the kindness of their hearts!

Knit-for-Nowt is a charitable service based in Yorkshire. It appeals for knitted, crocheted, or sewn hand puppets and "worry monsters", which are posted out to help children with their emotions. They are made by a dedicated team of volunteer knitters/makers and then donated right across the UK.

Dental Checks

One of our parents, who is a dental nurse, has invited all children who are not registered at a dental surgery to register at her practice. They are currently taking NHS and private patients. If you would like to register a child or yourself, please contact and use the reference NG.

Diary of events