Metheringham Primary School

Welcome to issue 44 of our whole school Newsletter. Don't forget to follow us on Twitter for regular updates on achievements, class news and whole school updates. Follow us @metheringhamp 

Coming up in this issue:

Welcome Back

Welcome back to school everyone! We have been really lucky to see so many happy, smart and sensible pupils return to school after their holidays. We are also pleased to welcome our new reception pupils and families. We are very proud of how everyone has settled into their new classes and rose to the high expectations of behaviour, attitudes and learning. I have been in and out of all classes across the three days and seen happiness, quality learning, relationships being established, respectful behaviour and lots of fun.

Our Senior Leadership Team would like to say a big hello and will be available at the front of school each day. If you haven't met myself, Mrs Freeman or Mrs Jones yet, then please come and say hello. We are excited to grow our lovely school and we have already started working on our school improvement priorities for the year. Our most important task this term is to ensure that everyone is safe, happy and ready to learn.

Team Green are full of positivity and have loved getting to know your children this week. They are all here to help so please just ask.

Mrs Duggin 


261 pupils have maintained 100% attendance so far this academic year. 

Last years whole school attendance figure was 95.15%

Current whole school attendance is 96.87

We would like to say a huge thank you to all of our families for helping us have a great start to the year with attendance and punctuality. Lets keep this going.

Our attendance figures for week 1 of term 1 are as follows:

Well done to Miss Pearson's Class! What a great start to the year. They will be rewarded with an extra playtime. Some class will be affected by transition arrangements for this first week.


Safeguarding is of paramount importance, and everyone at Metheringham Primary School has up-to-date safeguarding training. Safeguarding monitoring is carried out by our safeguarding governor and staff regularly monitor the effectiveness of of safeguarding measures. Please find detail below of our Designated Safeguarding Leaders.

Safeguarding of children concerns

 (children living in Lincolnshire) 

If a parent or carer has a safeguarding concern about a child out of school, they have a duty of care to contact Children's Services on the number below.

01522 782 111

Lincolnshire’s Children’s Services Customer Service Centre for reporting concerns

Young writers

The Incredible Diary of Wonderful Writers Competition 2023

A huge congratulations to these four pupils for having their diary entries published in the Incredible Diary Anthology! They went above and beyond by entering a competition shared on Seesaw. We are so proud of you all and can't wait to see what your future holds as young writers! Well done. 

This week's tweets!

Homework and Reading 

We are busy reading with every child, selecting books and sharing expectations for home reading and homework. You will receive home reading books and homework for the first time on Friday next week. Watch this space for more information.

Diary of Events

Good lookin cookin

Everyone has enjoyed the meals provided by Good Lookin Cookin this week. The food is yummy and we have never seen so many clean plates. Mrs Duggin enjoyed a roast chicken dinner with us on Thursday. Lots of satisfied faces... give it a try!

Reading Rocks

Over the summer, Mr Flintham has helped us to create wonderful reading spaces in our playgrounds. We were lucky enough to receive a grant from The Johnson & Mukherjee Brothers Charitable Trust and we couldn't think of a better investment in reading for pleasure than this! So many pupils have enjoyed books in the sunshine this week. Mrs Duggin has received lots of requests from children for books by inspiring authors.

If anyone has any books by the following authors that they no longer use, then please think of making a donation to our reading sheds:

Please note: We are only looking for books by the above authors.


Staff are busy organising after school clubs for Term 1. Watch this space and Parent Pay for more information coming soon.

Uniform reminder 

It was lovely to see so many pupils returning to school in the correct uniform and looking so smart. Staff will be carrying out uniform checks regularly.

Please may we remind you of the importance of naming all school uniform, particularly jumpers and cardigans. 

Here is a reminder of our school uniform requirements.

Our school uniform

Children are expected to wear school uniform Monday to Friday. Class teachers will provide parents with PE days for each term, and it is expected that PE kit is worn to school on those days of the week.

Our school uniform consists of the following:

PE Kit

For safety reasons, no jewellery of any kind is to be worn during PE sessions.

upcoming events

Friday 15th- Homework and Reading books sent home

Advanced Notice 


Our kindness cupboard is bursting with support. Please take what you need and give if you can.