Metheringham Primary School

Welcome to issue 43 of our whole school Newsletter. Don't forget to follow us on Twitter for regular updates on achievements, class news and whole school updates. Follow us @metheringhamp 

Coming up in this issue:

 Learning Updates

Foundation Stage Foundation Stage children have been exploring number patterns using cuisennaire rods and cubes. The children have been able to use their prior learning on doubles and place value to talk about what they noticed whilst exploring through play.  

Key Stage One This week, the key stage 1 children have been writing letters to Mrs McMenemie to tell her why we all think our school is a special place to be.  In our letters, we have been thinking about all the wonderful things we learn at our school and expressed our thanks for the 16 years she has been at Metheringham Primary.  Our school council representatives presented our letters during their celebration lunch.  

Lower Key Stage Two This week, LKS2 have been finishing our learning on the Crow's Tale. We discussed the qualities the crow has, identified our own qualities and how we show these qualities every day. We've been working hard at our letters to Year 2, focusing on planning and structuring the letter and what we need to include. Our swimming has now finished for the term and sadly for the year 3's it was a cold and wet one for our final session, but we've all enjoyed every minute of it! In our art lesson we have been looking at Roman mosaics and we've designed our own mosaic using clay, it was so much fun painting them.

Upper Key Stage Two Here we are - end of another school year and what a year it's been! The UKS2 children have been utterly amazing this year and have achieved so much both individually and as a team. All the adults in the UKS2 team couldn't be more proud. The end of year assembly, 'Robin and the Sherwood Hoodies', was utterly triumphant and most definitely a highlight of the year. We've still got a couple more events to happen before the doors close on Friday - disco and the Year 6 leaver's assembly - but (no buts!!!! 😂) we're going to work hard to keep those tears at bay. Year 5 and Year 6 our parting words to you, 'we are glad we've been your teachers, we've come to know you really well and so can't believe the end is here, we hate to see you go. Remember all the fun we've had in all the things we did but most of all remember, you're all very special kids. Have the best summer break. 🌞


25 pupils have maintained 100% attendance this academic year. This is a huge achievement and all of these pupils have been rewarded with an excellence certificate from the local authority.

Current whole school attendance is 95.15%. 

We would like to say a huge thank you to all of our families for helping us to maintain a good level of attendance for the academic year. This is our target to beat next year, we can do it!

Overall class attendance for this academic year is:

Well done to Miss Pearson's Lovely Ladybirds for the best class attendance of the year!

Term 6 100% attendance certificates will be awarded in Term 1.

Summer Reading Challenge

Click here to find out more: Summer Reading Challenge 

This week's tweets!


Congratulations to this year's top ten Rockstars. What an achievement! A huge well done to Jackson for keeping his top spot for two years in a row. I wonder who will be rocking the top spot next year?

Spelling Shed

Congratulations to this year's top ten spellers! We are incredibly proud of you. See you all next year for more Spelling Shed fun...I feel a spelling bee coming on :-) 

Diary of Events

Good lookin cookin

Please follow the instructions that have been sent home to get your hot school meals ordered for September. If you have any difficulties, please contact Good Lookin Cookin directly.

We are so excited about this move and would encourage all families to get their children to try these delicious meals. The staff gave them excellent reviews during their tasting session and even took boxes of food home for teatime!

school council

Between being elected at the whole school elections, back in September, and their whole school assembly this week, Metheringham's school councillors have had a very busy year! 18 young people have attended fortnightly meetings (including extras in between) with Mrs Wilcox and Mrs Smith-Wood, giving up part of their lunch break in order to discuss, deliberate, feedback and ultimately decide on actions that will have a positive effect on our school and beyond. We couldn't be prouder! Helping to raise over £5000 for Children in Need was a phenomenal moment, as was being part of the Headteacher interviews -  proving there was nothing these children couldn't do. They have followed and embraced our School Values, whilst, for some, pushing themselves out of their comfort zones. Thank-you councillors - both of us have had a super year with you all. 

A message from our reading ambassadors 



It's not all about the final percentage- it's about the story behind it. Every child has made progress from their starting points and every child has shown their potential in one area or another. 

The children who took their SATs this year went home on 23rd March 2020 and didn't return until nearly a year later. They've come to school, got back into school life and excelled. We are proud of each and every one of them!

To our staffing team, catch-up tutors, volunteers and parents, thank you for your continued support towards raising standards and closing the gaps. 

To our pupils, well done for all of the small and big steps you are taking. This is down to your hard work, focus and commitment.

Sports Crew

It has been awesome being part of the Sports Crew this year.  We have enjoyed helping Mrs Jones to choose the sports teams representing our school and selecting the sports clubs that have happened throughout the year.  We have been responsible for ordering equipment and promoting sport in our school.  As we leave to go to secondary school, we are excited to continue playing sport especially football, judo and gymnastics.  


This year we have offered 37 extra curricular clubs, this includes 16 different sports clubs across the year groups. 

This year we have offered:

Paralympic sports, football, netball, pop lacrosse, Zumba, cricket, gymnastics, ball games, athletics, choirs, homework, art, Bluey, Lincolnshire show, Spanish, board games, sewing, science, poetry, gardening, eco-club and sketch club. 

Thank you to our dedicated staffing team for offering these spaces in their own time and at no cost of families. Thank you to our wonderful pupils who have made these sessions fun and enjoyable. You have been inspired and achieved so much; we are very proud of you!

Uniform reminder 

We would like to send a reminder out to all families about the expectations for school uniform. We hope that this will be useful and help with the uniform shop for the next academic year. Appropriate (black) shoes/trainers for active playtimes are encouraged. Please ensure PE shorts are long enough to be visible under a longer T-Shirt.


White shirt/White polo shirt

Emerald green sweatshirt/cardigan  

Navy blue or black trousers 

Navy blue or black skirts or pinafores  

Blue or black cotton shorts 

Green/white check or striped dresses

Black flat-soled shoes/trainers are encouraged so pupils can be as active as possible at breaktimes. 

Indoor PE 

Green T-shirt  

Blue or black shorts  

Black plimsolls 

Outdoor PE  

Green T-shirt  

Warm sweatshirt top (not hooded) 

Tracksuit bottoms  


Moving on

Year 6, you are ready to start your next big adventure...well, after a fun-filled summer that is! You have been an incredible cohort of pupils who have shown so much resilience through difficult situations. Many of you have faced personal challenges during your time with us, and let's not all got through a pandemic together! We applaud you on your successes, effort and sheer determination to be the best that you could be. You have shown our school in the best possible light and you have had so much fun along the way. We are lucky to say we have inspired you and we are sending you off with pride, happiness and a love of learning for life. Keep being you and on your adventures always remember the values we stand for as Team Green. #inspire #believe #achieve 

To our Year Two pupils and the rest of school, you are ready for this next transition. Show your next teacher what you are made of. We believe in you all :-) 

A final Farewell

I have thoroughly enjoyed my sixteen and a half years at this magnificent school, and I have relished taking the school on its improvement journey to where it is today. When I started at Metheringham, the school had just experienced a new build and renovation work. The school was a blank canvas waiting for someone to sprinkle a little touch of magic to make it a very special and inviting place. With the help of a wonderful staffing team, excellent governing body, supportive parents and most importantly, amazing children…the school was transformed! It is now a very special place where children are inspired to be the best that they can be, they believe in their abilities, and they achieve well in all that they undertake.

I am delighted that Mrs Duggin, Mrs Freeman, Mrs Jones and the rest of the staffing team will be able to inject imagination, vigour and drive into taking this wonderful school further. I remember having their levels of energy and enthusiasm when I first became a Headteacher 20 years ago! Their ideas for future school improvement are innovative and exciting and I can’t wait to be invited back to see the changes.

Please continue to offer your support to the new Leadership team headed by Mrs Duggin. They have your children at the heart of everything that they do, and they will work tirelessly to ensure your children’s needs are met.

Thank you all for 16 and a half wonderful years and for helping me to make lasting memories. I wish you and your families well for the future. I will miss you all.

Elspeth McMenemie

End of Term

Term 6 finishes on Friday 21st July.

We hope you all have the best summer. Stay safe, connect with others and most importantly, have fun!

We will see you on Wednesday 6th September at 8:45.