Metheringham Primary School

Welcome to issue 37 of our whole school Newsletter. Don't forget to follow us on Twitter for regular updates on achievements, class news and whole school updates. Follow us @metheringhamp 

Coming up in this issue:

 Learning Updates

Foundation Stage Foundation Stage have been using brushstrokes and colour mixing to continue to recreate Monet’s lily pad art. We can’t wait to see the finish product.  

Key Stage One  This week, the Year 2 children have been working hard in their SATs tests.  Their attitude towards their learning has been amazing and we are all extremely proud of them.  On Wednesday, we had this term’s 'well-being Wednesday' and each class got to do something to aid their well-being.  We painted vases of flowers and got to recreate pictures from our favourite books.  We have been busy practising our Sports Day races and learning to stay in the lane when we are racing.  

Lower Key Stage Two LKS2 have had another rocking week! In English, we have started to create non-chronological reports all about rocks, soil and Mary Anning. We have been able to use our science knowledge to enhance our writing and fill it with substance. Our experiment in Science helped us filter through all the information about soil, so now we know why soils are so important. In reading comprehension, we have created our own summary pages about women that we think are great and deserve to be remembered alongside people like Mary Anning, Jane Austen and Sacagawea . In PSHE, we have explored different relationship, conflicts and bullying. LKS2 have designed some creative and thoughtful anti-bullying posters. We all enjoyed our Wellbeing Wednesday and even released some beautiful butterflies.  

Upper Key Stage Two Week 5!  How did that happen?  The end of Term 5 is already in sight.  The SAT's are out of the way and Year 6 have been enjoying the afterglow!  Their Friday afternoon at the end of the SAT's week gave them time to indulge in pizza and cakes, and their friendships as they celebrated the end of the week and looked forward to enjoying what is left of their time in primary school.  In English this week, Y6 have gone all Shakespearian and delved into the character of Macbeth.  They have analysed exemplar letters from Macbeth to Lady Macbeth and then written their own.  Year 5 have been brushing up on their grammar.  There is just so much terminology for them to get their heads round!  Well-being Wednesday was very welcome and each of the UKS2 classes spent it in different ways.  The afternoon passed in a glow of one-off art activities, PE, film and lots of happy children!  We are all looking forward to the last week before the holidays and hoping the weather is kind to us for our sports day.


31 pupils have maintained 100% attendance so far this academic year.

Current whole school attendance is 95.17%. 

Our attendance figures for week 4 of term 5 were as follows:

Well done to Miss Vrettos and Miss McKenzie's Class! You have topped the charts.

During the last school week, we had 16_incidences of lateness

Please be reminded that doors open at 8:45 and registration is at 9:00. This gives you 15 minutes to be early and have a calm start to the day.

holidays in term time

Please be reminded that holidays in term time will not be authorised.

Leave of absence forms for exceptional circumstances can be found on our school website and any supporting evidence will be considered.

Our attendance is monitored by the Local Authority and holidays in term time may result in a fixed penalty notice.

Meet the team

Meet Miss Taylor

Hi Everyone,


I am Yvonne and I have worked at the school for a long time, starting as a Caretaker and midday supervisor, which I did for 20 years before reducing my hours. I am now a midday supervisor, where I serve lunch then look after the little ones in the playground.


I like to volunteer my time to help with the little ones, like catering at the Christmas and summer fayres.


In my spare time I love dancing, especially ballroom sequence. I have travelled to many places to watch the competitions, like Blackpool. I am a keen gardener and my pride and joy are my hanging baskets with trailing petunias.

This week's tweets!


Every child from Year 2 upwards has a TTRockstars account which can be accessed in school or at home via the website TTRockstars

Each issue we will list the latest leader board for Times Tables Rockstars. To get on the leader board, you need to play 'studio' on TTRockstars and you need to play at least ten times. 

Please find the current leader board and the class 'top rockers'. Well done Tommy, you've reached 'Top Rocker'.

Spelling Shed

Every child from Year 2 upwards has a Spelling Shed account which can be accessed in school or at home via the website Spelling Shed

Here are the latest scores on the whole-school leader board (these scores are based on their total score from the last 7 days): 

Well done Tallulah, you are top speller this week. What an achievement!

Meet the governor

Hi.  My name is Steph Gilluly.  It's my absolute pleasure to be a member of Team Green, supporting the school as a Governor.  I am a member of the Resources Committee and the school’s Safeguarding Governor.


In my day job, I am the Registrar and University Secretary of Bishop Grosseteste University.  I have oversight of the University's regulations and governance, which may sound a little boring but no day goes the way I expect it to at 9am.


In a rather mad moment, I registered to do a doctorate in education when I was 46.  My next aim is to try to learn first aid for dogs.  I guess I like learning, irrespective of the end qualification. 


Online governor meetings may be punctuated by contributions from my cocker spaniel - Charlie.  He should really be called 'Cheeky Charlie'. He always seems to know when I'm busy and tries to distract me by running off with things during the meeting. His favourite items are shoes and the TV remote control.  


P.S. I'm also known at governor meetings for having a liking for Tunnock's tea cakes.  

Upcoming events

Advanced Notice 

Wednesday 24th May- Sports Day

Friday 26th May- End of Term 5

sports day - Wednesday 24th May

Important information for Sports Day:


Our Year Two pupils completed their end of Key Stage One SATS assessments this week. They tackled each assessment with determination, resilience and self-belief. We are extremely proud of them and everything they have achieved in their Early Years. They are going to be a credit to Lower Key Stage Two and will continue to make Team Green proud. Well done Year Two, you rock!


We have had reports from a number of parents that cars are stopping outside of school in prohibited places to drop children off. 

If you’re driving your child to school, please make sure you park safely, legally and considerately. Please don’t park across household driveways near schools and always park safely. We don’t want to see anyone hurt.

It is illegal to park on ‘School Keep Clear’ markings, or zig zag markings. Yellow lines on the road also show that parking restrictions are in place; please check the signs to see what times these apply.

world bee day

Happy World Bee Day for this weekend! We will be celebrating next week during assembly - please find attached lots of resources for use at home.  Click on each part of the honeycomb to access activities and more.


Diary Dates Term 6