Metheringham Primary School

Welcome to issue 35 of our whole school Newsletter. Don't forget to follow us on Twitter for regular updates on achievements, class news and whole school updates. Follow us @metheringhamp 

Coming up in this issue:

 Learning Updates

Foundation Stage This week we have been learning about mini-beasts. We used maps to go on a mini-beast hunt around school. We were really excited to find all the mini-beasts that are living in the different areas of school.  

Key Stage One  This week we have been exploring the art of Van Gogh. After exploring his 'Sunflowers' painting, we sketched our own flowers and explored shading with different pencils. We loved looking at the tiny details on the flowers and include them in our drawings. We also wrote and performed poetry. We hope you like them!

Lower Key Stage Two This week in LKS2 we are continuing to write our narratives based on ‘No Ballet Shoes in Syria’. We have been focused on writing a setting description, expanding our vocabulary and using creative writing devices. In PSHE, we have learnt about positive relationships, what an unhealthy relationship looks like, and who our trusted adults are. Through continuing to explore Humpty Dumpty’s adventure, we have learnt how to be resilient and determined. Our geography learning has led us to research about Rome and compare Italy and England. In maths, we are learning about money, subtraction and addition. We still have lots to learn about this term...After all, Rome wasn’t built in a day! 

Upper Key Stage Two This week, Year 6 have had a mock SATs week. They have approached it positively and maturely and can see how they are progressing. In English, year 5 have continued to polish and edit their Jumanji stories. Their writing has really grown - showing good use of writing techniques. We are underway with our Egypt topic, in History, which also has a Geography focus about the human and physical features of a location. The children are making fine progress with their canopic jars, having added paint layers before adding the final touches next week. In PE, the children have had fun playing Cricket in the Spring sunshine with Mr Steed. 


33 pupils have maintained 100% attendance so far this academic year.

Current whole school attendance is 95.07%. 

Our attendance figures for week 1 of term 5 were as follows:

During the last school week, we had 25_incidences of lateness.

Please be reminded that doors open at 8:45 and registration is at 9:00. This gives you 15 minutes to be early and have a calm start to the day.

Meet the team

Meet Mrs Deakin

Hello everyone!

My name is Mrs Deakin. I joined Metheringham primary school in January 2023 as an enhanced adult working with KS1. You will mainly find me in the Foxes class working with the lovely Mrs Jones and Mrs Price. I am very lucky to work with such an amazing team who has made this new chapter in my life all the more enjoyable. I absolutely love working with your children, seeing their smiley, happy faces, and hearing their funny stories. They always put a smile on my face. 

I have two young children, who both attend the school. They keep me very busy....carting them to and from afterschool clubs, friends houses, football matches, birthday parties and much more! But I wouldn't change it for the world. 

I have another little girl who keeps me very busy ...our family dog Callie. We love her to bits. She gets us all out in the fresh air and if it's just me, I'll stick on some good music and walk for miles.

Me and my husband are currently doing up our little bungalow. It's been hard work, but we are nearly there. Can't wait to just fully enjoy it ....!

Most of you will be aware, but I do have an identical twin sister. ( We do look very similar) The children make me giggle when they say to me "I just saw you Mrs Deakin" and I have to explain to them I have someone who looks just like me! Me and my sister are very used to it now and have a good laugh about it. 

I will no doubt bump into you all at some point . Take care!

This week's tweets!


Every child from Year 2 upwards has a TTRockstars account which can be accessed in school or at home via the website TTRockstars

Each issue we will list the latest leader board for Times Tables Rockstars. To get on the leader board, you need to play 'studio' on TTRockstars and you need to play at least ten times. 

Please find the current leader board and the class 'top rockers'. Well done our Year 2 Foxes who have battled all week and ended up with a tie for 'top rocker'. 

Spelling Shed

Every child from Year 2 upwards has a Spelling Shed account which can be accessed in school or at home via the website Spelling Shed

Here are the latest scores on the whole-school leader board (these scores are based on their total score from the last 7 days): 

There are so many new names in the top 10! Well done to everyone...I know the battle for the number one spot has been fierce this week. A huge well done to Mr Edwards class....what a score!

Upcoming events

Monday 1st May- Bank Holiday School Closed

Friday 5th May- Coronation celebrations in school. Children to wear red, white and blue.

Advanced Notice 

Monday 8th May- Bank Holiday School Closed 

Sports Day

On Wednesday 24th May, we will be hosting our favourite event of the year, Sports Day! This is advanced notice of timings so parents and carers can arrange to be at the event if they wish to spectate.

King's Coronation celebrations 

On Friday 5th May, we will be joining together to celebrate the upcoming Coronation of King Charles. 


A reminder to all parents/carers of our policy on medication in school, please click on the below link.

Medical Policy 

We are unable to administer any medication that is NOT prescribed by a Doctor.  This includes, but is not limited to,  Piriton/Allergy medication, Calpol/Pain relief and eye drops/ointment.  

Online Safety

Join the next 'Ask Dan anything for parent and carers'

 We want to give you the information and tools to help you feel confident enough to protect your children and young people from online harm. 

14th June | online | free 

Click here to book a free space 

Water bottles 

We have noticed an increase in the number of children who do not have a water bottle in school. Please ensure your child has a water bottle with them everyday. Children are encouraged to drink plenty of water throughout the day and cups are not available in classrooms.

Radio Stars

We welcomed Joseph Begley, Lincs FM breakfast show radio presenter, into school today. Joseph recorded a few of our school councillors reading out descriptions of a famous place in the world for his 'Hide and Seek' feature. These clues will be aired next week (Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday and Friday) at 7.40am. The children spoke so clearly and eloquently - what will they think when they hear themselves on the radio! 

Library progress

We are so excited to share the progress we have made on our new library. We have invested in shelving, books, storage, decor and seating to make the space welcoming, calm and inspiring. We can't wait to see it in use in the next few weeks.

Mrs McMenemie has bought the school a special reading chair as a gift to mark her upcoming retirement. How special!

None of this would have been possible without the grant we received from The Johnson & Mukherjee Brothers Charitable Trust

Video (2).MOV

Believe and achieve 

What an achievement for this Y5 in her very first  Ballroom and Latin exams. She amazingly achieved the highest grading of 'Highly Commended' for both her Waltz and Cha Cha Cha! This surprised and absolutely delighted her. We are incredibly proud of you! It's amazing what you cn achieve with hard work and self-belief. 

Bank holiday

Please be reminded that Monday 1st May is a bank holiday and school will be closed. We hope you all have a lovely long weekend.

School reopens on Tuesday 2nd May at 8:45.