Metheringham Primary School

Welcome to issue 33 of our whole school Newsletter. Don't forget to follow us on Twitter for regular updates on achievements, class news and whole school updates. Follow us @metheringhamp 

Coming up in this issue:

 Learning Updates

Foundation Stage The children have been learning all about beans this week and are making their own bean life cycles. In science, we planted 4 beans in different materials and are waiting to see which grows the best. The children were really excited to see the bean planted in the sand growing! We have also been learning about the artist Arcimboldo and made our own fruit and vegetable portraits.  

Key Stage One  Key Stage One have been learning about and writing their own stories of The Tiger Who Came for Tea by Judith Kerr. The children have written some amazing stories, using a range of punctuation and exciting sentences. In maths, Year 2 have been learning how to find fractions of numbers. The children have shown wonderful understanding and maturity when learning about food banks in RE learning and have really enjoyed learning new songs and playing instruments in music. We also had a special visitor, called Nick Taylor who visited us from Metheringham Airfield to tell us all about the history of aircraft in Metheringham and some fascinating stories of some of the planes and pilots who flew in the Second World War. We are really excited to have a special Design Technology Day on Friday where we will be making a meal and finding out all about our food.  

Lower Key Stage Two As well as our performance of Cinderella, LKS2 have started a new English unit. We have gathered information about Bio-diversity and David Attenborough, ready to write our own information texts next week. In Year 4 Maths, we have learnt about decimals whereas Year 3 reached capacity with their volume learning. We are looking forward to beginning our Art unit inspired by the work of Georgia O'Keeffe. We can't wait to show you our final creations next week.  

Upper Key Stage Two Following on from the programming unit 'Crumble' in computing, UKS2 are now using those skills to create questions through using and creating branching algorithms. The end product will be the creation of their own quiz! This week, the children have started a new English unit, Macbeth. So far, years 5 & 6 have looked at the historical context of the play, different types of tenses and analysed the opening scene and the character of Macbeth. All working towards writing a formal letter from Macbeth to Lady Macbeth. In Science, the children have been using Carl Linnaeus' classification system to identify the characteristics of different organisms, whilst also looking at how organisms can be grouped according to their characteristics. 

KINGSWOOD Residential

The Year 6 children spent an amazing week at Kingswood last week. They demonstrated our school values perfectly throughout the week; they showed determination when they thought they couldn't do it, they showed resilience when the challenges were tough and most of all they showed understanding and kindness to each other - supporting each other through some of the tricky times, whether that was being away from home or climbing the Leap of Faith tower. It was wonderful to see the children being children; running up hills, jumping in puddles and eating their way through a mountain of sweet treats!! The memories they made last week will last a lifetime and they can't wait to share some of them with the rest of the school next week.

While our trip to Kingswood was fantastic and everyone had the best time, there was one thing that made me feel very sad... It was Mrs McMenemie's last residential visit with us. Mrs McMenemie and I (Mrs Freeman) have been running the Kingswood residential trip together for the last 15 years!!! I don't know what I'm going to do without her next year!

Mrs McMenemie... thank you for all your support and hard work during our Kingswood visits over the years. You have helped the children make so many memories and for that we will be forever grateful.  


36 pupils have maintained 100% attendance so far this academic year.

Current whole school attendance is 95.04%. 

Our attendance figures for week 4 of Term 3 were as follows.  As you can see there was alot of poorliness last week. Well done to Miss Houldershaw's class for topping the charts.

During the last school week, we had  28_incidences of lateness which equated to 10 hours and 15 minutes of lost learning.

Please be reminded that doors open at 8:45 and registration is at 9:00. This gives you 15 minutes to be early and have a calm start to the day.

Meet the team

Meet Miss Grundy

Hi everyone, 

I’m Miss Grundy. I work in the Year 6 class as an enhanced adult, alongside Mrs Freeman and Mrs Outhwaite. We have just returned from an action packed week at Kingswood. It was great to see all the children push themselves to their limits, overcome fears and challenge themselves beyond what they thought possible! I loved encouraging the children and seeing how much they supported each other though their highs and lows throughout the week.

In my spare time, I enjoy curling up on the sofa with a book and a cup of tea! I love reading lots of different types of book, especially Harry Potter. Some of the staff and I occasionally lend each other books, we love nothing more than having a good chat about our favourite reads.

I also love nothing more than getting on a plane and going somewhere hot! I am lucky enough to have been some amazing places all over the world and can’t wait to see where I get to experience next.

This week's tweets!


Every child from Year 3 upwards has a TTRockstars account which can be accessed in school or at home via the website TTRockstars

Each issue we will list the latest leader board for Times Tables Rockstars. To get on the leader board, you need to play 'studio' on TTRockstars and you need to play at least ten times. 

Please find the current leader board and the class 'top rockers'. There has been no change to this week's leaders.

Spelling Shed

Every child from Year 3 upwards has a Spelling Shed account which can be accessed in school or at home via the website Spelling Shed

Here are the latest scores on the whole-school leader board (these scores are based on their total score from the last 7 days): 

A huge well done to everyone! Owen, you have stormed to the top! Well done :-)

Upcoming events

Tuesday 28th March- Kingswood Assembly (Y6 Parents invited - 10am start)

Thursday 30th March- FOMS Easter Discos

Friday 31st March- Easter Assemblies (Parents Invited)

                                   -End of Term 4

Meet the Clerk to the Governors

Leanne Chancellor has been the Clerk to the Governors for Metheringham Primary School for 12 years. 


The Clerk role involves:


Leanne’s full-time employment is at Bishop Grosseteste University, where she is the Secretariat, Graduation and Governance Manager and is also the Executive Assistant to the Deputy Vice-Chancellor and Registrar & University Secretary. She is also the Clerk to the Governors at Newton on Trent CofE Primary School.

A new arrival

Miss Wright and her family welcomed William Thomas Jackson into the world on Tuesday 21st March. Mummy, Daddy and baby are all doing well. I'm sure you will all join with us in sending a huge congratulations to them all. We can't wait to meet baby William and welcome him into #TEAMGREEN


Thank you to everyone who came and supported us in our LKS2 Cinderella Performance this week. We are so proud of the children; they showed such confidence, determination, co-operation and resilience... the list could go on! Some children have really stepped out of their comfort zone and it has been a pleasure to see them shine on stage. Thank you to our amazing LKS2 team who have supported with props and to parents for providing costumes and helping the children with their lines. We already can’t wait to see what their future performances bring! 

Easter Update

Parents and Carers are welcome to join us for our Easter Assemblies on Friday 31st March. Please see the times for each key stage below:

KS1 and Foundation Stage are invited to decorate and wear an Easter bonnet or cap on Friday 31st March. 

KS2 are invited to decorate a hard-boiled egg and bring it into school on Friday 31st March.

Tickets for the FOMS Easter raffle and disco are still on sale.

Donations of chocolate eggs and easter treats for the FOMS raffle are still welcomed ...the more donations we get, the more prizes we will have to award.

Comic relief

Thank you to everyone who donated cakes, treats and biscuits to make Comic Relief extra special. A huge thank you to our School Council for arranging and organising another successful fundraising event.

Our school community raised a whooping £419 for this worthy cause! You are incredible.


This Year 5 has been training at Darkside, a powerlifting gym in Lincoln.

This week, she achieved a personal best in her deadlifts. It's wasn't easy and it took a few attempts, but she persevered and eventually did it. Her parents said 'A little while ago, she would likely have got mad at herself and given up saying that she couldn't do it, but last night was different. When we told her it was ok and she could try it again another day she said "no", built herself back up with a bit of an angry cry and strode up to the bar to show it who was boss'.

What amazing resilience and an incredible achievement. We are very proud of you!

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Sports Crew

We are the Metheringham Primary Sports Crew.  At the beginning of the year, we were selected to represent our classes as sports ambassadors.  We meet every Monday lunchtime to discuss how we can improve P.E. and sport at our school.  The Sports Crew are responsible for the playtime equipment in both the KS1 and KS2 playgrounds.  We assist Mrs Jones and the teachers to select the sports teams that compete against other schools.  After each meeting, we feed back to our class and ask their opinions on any particular sporting matter.  Each term, we choose the after school and lunchtime sports clubs that will be running.  In the coming weeks, we are going to be auditing the sports equipment we have in school and replacing anything that is missing.  If you have any questions about P.E. or sports in school, we are always happy to help!  

End of term 4

Term 4 ends on Friday 31st March at 3:30 pm

Term 5 starts on Tuesday 18th April at 9:00 am