Metheringham Primary School

Welcome to issue 31 of our whole school Newsletter. Don't forget to follow us on Twitter for regular updates on achievements, class news and whole school updates. Follow us @metheringhamp 

Coming up in this issue:

 Learning Updates

Foundation Stage We have had a super week in EYFS. This week the Harmston Young Farmers visited us. We got to meet two of their lambs and sit in their tractor. The young farmers then told us all about where our food comes from. We have also been enjoying writing our own versions of Jack and the Beanstalk in English. We have used some super traditional tale vocabulary in our writing! 

Key Stage One  We have had a super week in KS1 this week. On Monday, we were visited by the Harmston Young Farmers who brought a huge tractor and even two little lambs with them! The children are really enjoying learning about pandas and this week have been writing about red pandas. They have learnt lots of interesting facts about them, like that red pandas tails are as long as their bodies. On Wednesday, we loved our Wellbeing Wednesday afternoon. The children took part in lots of activities to support their wellbeing and had a chance to connect with their friends.  

Lower Key Stage Two LKS2 have had a busy busy week rehearsing for our Cinderella Performance. KS1 have been lucky to have a brief glimpse of what is to come. We have continued learning about fractions in maths and feel like we are ¾ of the way there. In our PSHE, we enjoyed working as a team to get into numerical order without seeing our own numbers... or being able to talk! The Y4 Challenge Club and Green Ambassador members were able to enjoy an interesting RSPB talk about the importance of birds in our eco-system, whilst the rest of LKS2 enjoyed some wellbeing Wednesday time; colouring, making pompoms, Harry Potter Yoga and building structures. What do you enjoy doing for your wellbeing? 

Upper Key Stage Two UKS2 have used their storyboards to begin their Jumanji story writing, this week. They have thought really hard about how to use speech in a story to move the action forward, and also how to use conjunctions and adverbials to build cohesion both in and between paragraphs. In maths, Mrs Freeman's group have continued to develop their understanding of area and perimeter - we are getting quite good at finding the area of rectilinear shapes! We really enjoyed Well-being Wednesday! The Y6s really enjoyed the challenge of building one of the Kingswood activities they will be taking part in next week out of cardboard. 


39 pupils have maintained 100% attendance so far this academic year.

Current whole school attendance is 95.27%. 

Our attendance figures for week 2 of Term 3 were as follows. A huge well done to our youngest pupils for topping the charts!

During the last school week, we had  17_incidences of lateness. This is a pleasing decrease from last week's figure.

Please be reminded that doors open at 8:45 and registration is at 9:00. This gives you 15 minutes to be early and have a calm start to the day.

Meet the team

Meet Mrs Weston

Hi Everyone, 


My name is Erica Weston and I am one of the School Business Managers at Metheringham Primary. I joined in September and as a newbie, I have found my team to be welcoming, supportive… and my kind of crazy!  


I moved to Lincolnshire in 2019, prior to which I was living in Dubai. I have a corporate background in accounting, before moving on to project management. I find this job so multi-faceted I can utilise all my skills and still learn something new every day.  


I like to spend my spare time with my husband and our two-year-old daughter, who keeps us on our toes from the moment she wakes up. We enjoy dog walks, going to the park and generally surviving until nap time. Family is an important aspect of my life. I come from a large family who live all over England, so our weekends are spent travelling to see them or hosting them at home.  

If you see me at the park with my daughter, don't be shy, come and say hello! 

This week's tweets!


Every child from Year 3 upwards has a TTRockstars account which can be accessed in school or at home via the website TTRockstars

Each issue we will list the latest leader board for Times Tables Rockstars. To get on the leader board, you need to play 'studio' on TTRockstars and you need to play at least ten times. 

Please find the current leader board and the class 'top rockers'. There are some new names on the leaderboard this week. Well done to you all.

Spelling Shed

Every child from Year 3 upwards has a Spelling Shed account which can be accessed in school or at home via the website Spelling Shed

Here are the latest scores on the whole-school leader board (these scores are based on their total score from the last 7 days): 

Last week's top ten enjoyed lunch with the staff for taking part in Mrs Duggin's challenge to shake up the leaderboard. Keep your eyes peeled for the next challenge.

Upcoming events

Week commencing 13th March- Science Week/ Year 6 Residential 

Friday 17th March- Comic Relief 

Advanced Notice

Tuesday 21st March- LKS2 performance

Wednesday 22nd March- LKS2 performance 

Tuesday 28th March- Kingswood Assembly (Y6 Parents invited)

Thursday 30th March- FOMS Easter Discos

Friday 31st March- Easter Assemblies (Parents Invited)

Meet the school governors 


I’m Jemma Herring and I am a Parent Governor at Metheringham Primary. I’m relatively new to the role having joined in at the end of 2021, but I thoroughly enjoy it, and I’ve learnt so much. I am your Health and Safety Governor and a member of the Vision, Curriculum and Standards Committee.

My eldest is currently in Year 2 and just loves learning, he is definitely knowledge hungry, which we try and foster with family trips to museums, and attractions and my youngest will be starting in 2024.

I have lived in the village practically all my life, essentially just over the road from the school. Over the decades I have seen it change and grow, into what is a real jewel of the village.

After university I started my own business, but with my young family as well as military postings, I am just concentrating on my family at the moment. Supporting them in their many sporting endeavours and interests, and just revelling in being their Mummy.

I love books be that fact or fiction, and we are a real book loving family. I love reading to the children and hearing them read, as well as them telling me their stories. Getting lost within literature is real indulgence for me. I am a huge supporter of the Schools love of reading ethos.

I love to be active and outside, be that family walks, gardening, playing sports with the children, going on scavenger trails or running alongside with them on their bikes and scooters. 

Next Week

Science Week

Next week is British Science Week 2023 and we have lots of exciting events planned in school. The theme is CONNECTIONS and we are exploring the connections within our society, as well as food chains, the digestive system and electrical circuits. We will be having a STEM Ambassador visit us, and RAF Coningsby – stay tuned for photos from the events! 

Year 6 Residential

Our Year 6 pupils head off on their school residential trip to Kingswood next week. We hope they have a wonderful time full of adventure, new challenges and lots of fun, team work and friendship. 

Comic relief 

We will be joining fundraising efforts for Comic Relief on Friday 17th March. We all know things are tough at the moment so we appreciate any support you can give to this worthy cause.

Our school Council are busy planning the day and are asking pupils to wear something that makes them or others smile.

All children, allergies permitting, will recieve a cake on the day. No money is to be brought into school but a suggested £2 donation can be made via the follwing link. 

JustGiving sends your donation straight to Comic Relief and automatically reclaims Gift Aid if you are a UK taxpayer, so your donation is worth even more.

Any donations of cakes, biscuits or baked goods will be gratefully received and will ensure that everyone recieves a treat.


If an adult has concerns about the welfare of any child, then they have the responsibility to call Children's Customer Services on 01522 782111. Further advice on this can be obtained from the school's Designated Safeguarding Officers (Mrs Freeman, Mrs McMenemie and Mrs Duggin).

Tractors in schools

Five members of Harmston Young Farmers visited us for Tractors Into Schools Week. The children got to meet some lambs, look around the tractor and learn all about where their food comes from! The day was fun, informative and full of cuteness! Thank you to The Young Farmers for inspiring our pupils.

Family Learning 

Family Learning is well under way with our Foundation Stage Pupils.

 During our first three weeks, our families have explored story sacks, visited Metheringham library and have begun to make their own story sacks based on their child’s favourite story. 

They have enjoyed making puppets and are looking forward to making home made play dough to go in their story sacks. 

Ambassador Updates

Green Ambassadors

The Green Ambassadors have been working on building hedgehog homes and bug hotels to go into our school gardens. Well done Ambassadors!  

Reading Ambassadors

Our Reading Ambassadors have been busy organising and renovating our library, and planning events to inspire the whole school with a love of reading! Watch this space for upcoming lunch time clubs... 

FOMS and easter arrangements 

Our FOMS Committee are busy planning Easter events to raise funds for the school. They will be selling tickets for an Easter Raffle and for the Easter Disco. FOMS will also be asking for donations of Easter eggs or Easter goodies for the raffle. Please give what you can.

In school, we will be having Easter assemblies that parents will be invited to. Foundation Stage and KS1 will be asked to make a bonnet at home and KS2 will be asked to decorate a hard boiled egg. Our judges will award prizes to the best decorated creations that have had the most input from the child. Get your thinking cap on parents and carers!!

More details on all of this will be sent from our FOMS Committee next and in an Easter letter to parents next week.

Parent consultations 

Thank you all for your support and positivity during parent consultations this week. We are very lucky to be surrounded by a community that offer care, support and encouragement to those around them. We hope you enjoyed your time in school and seeing the wonderful progress that your children are making.