Metheringham Primary School

Welcome to issue 3 of our whole school Newsletter. Don't forget to follow us on Twitter for regular updates on achievements, class news and whole school updates. Follow us @metheringhamp

Coming up in this issue:

  • Learning updates

  • Meet the subject leader

  • TTRockstars

  • Online safety

  • Attendance

  • Holidays during term time

  • Sports day

  • School trips

  • This week's tweets!

  • KS2 SATs

  • Meaningful May

  • Staffing updates

Learning Updates

Foundation Stage This week, the Foundation Stage children have been learning about life cycles. They creatively created the life cycle of a butterfly using arts and craft materials. It was lovely to see how all of this also inspired their writing this week. Lots of children visited Mrs McMenemie to show off their amazing writing skills.

Key Stage One In history this week, KS1 have been learning all about Florence Nightingale and her contribution to nursing. All of the children agreed that she was very brave and thought the conditions that she worked in were rather disgusting...urgh! They are glad things have improved! In English the children are writing kennings to describe minibeasts. They observed how different minbeasts move and look and then wrote kennings for people to guess the 'creepy crawlies' without using their name.

Lower Key Stage Two This week, Lower Key Stage Two are hooked on the story 'Arthur and the Golden Rope'. It's such a lovely tale of a brave little boy who finds himself becoming the unlikeliest of heroes. This week they have also been investigating how materials can change state. They observed how a solid (Ice) can change state into a liquid. They investigated the speed of the change in different conditions. They set up an experiment and observed the changes over time. Which Ice cube do you think melted the quickest and why?

Upper Key Stage Two This week, in Year 5, the children have been consolidating their learning of measuring and drawing angles with a protractor. In English, they have continued our text study of Floodland by Marcus Sedgwick. This week, they have written letters to advise the main character Zoe on her predicament. Will Zoe take their advice?

Meet the subject Leader

Meet Mrs Wilcox

our PSHE and RSE subject leader

Hello everyone,

I’m Mrs Wilcox. I am a mum of two adult girls, who have grown up into strong and capable women and also I am a Nana to a three year old boy, who is just starting out on life.

I am a Year 5/6 teacher here at Metheringham and I lead on PSHE (Personal, Social and Health Education – including RSE – Relationships and Sex Education). I passionately believe that when children leave primary school, they should do so with the knowledge, understanding, skills and emotions that will enable them to play an active, positive, healthy and successful role in the diverse society of 21st century Britain and prepare them for being a global citizen in an ever-changing world. Through my work at school, I hope to encourage a love and wonder of the natural world and an interest in it that will stay with our children for their life time. I absolutely believe we all need to find a connection with nature as it grounds us and resets us and is crucial for our physical and mental well-being.


Every child from Year 2 upwards has a TTRockstars account which can be accessed in school or at home via the website TTRockstars

Each issue we will list the latest leader board for Times Tables Rockstars. To get on the leader board, you need to play 'studio' on TTRockstars and you need to play at least ten times.

There has been no change to our leading ten this week. There is a lot of activity on TTRockstars and children are racing towards these positions. It's exciting to see so many Year 3's working their way to the top.

online safety

A Date with Dan 18 May 6:30pm-7:30pm FREE Online Safety Parent Question and Answer event

Online safety can be a bit of a minefield and many of us have lots of questions on how we can not only keep our children and young people safe but also let them enjoy the benefits the online world brings. After our last Q and A event earlier this year, many parents and carers asked for another opportunity to ask us some questions.

Join our resident Online Safety Officer, Dan Hawbrook, on the 18th May 2022 for a special Question and Answer session for parents and carers which will cover whatever YOU want to know – whether it's game ratings, parental controls, bullying or strangers – we will let you ask us those burning questions.

Sign up will be required to access this session A Date with Dan Tickets, Wed 18 May 2022 at 18:30 | Eventbrite .


Below are the attendance figures for Week 2 of Term 5. Well done to our two Key Stage One classes for tip top percentages.

All families should have received their child's current level of attendance for this academic year in a letter this week. If you have not received this, then please send an email to and we will follow this up for you.

Holidays during term time

As you are aware from our previous newsletters, the way we expect parents to request holidays during term time is changing in the next academic year. If you are planning a holiday in term time in exceptional circumstances, all of the information you require and the forms that need completing are on the attendance page of our school website. Leave of absence forms are also available from the school office, please pop in or email the office to request a copy.

School Attendance Page

Sports Day

You will have seen Sports Day on our diary of events in issue one. We are pleased to announce that Sports Day is planned for Thursday 26th May. This date is weather dependent, an alternative day will be arranged in Term 6 if we have to cancel. KS2 will compete in the morning and Early Years pupils will compete in the afternoon. More detail will follow in Key Stage updates to parents nearer the time. Parents will be invited to this event and we can't wait to see you all there. All classes are practising for different events in their PE lessons this term.

School Trips

Due to ongoing staffing shortages, we haven't been able to provide school trips for all year groups this year. In order to make our commitment to school trips fair for all year groups, we are committed to embarking on school trips again from September 2022. The staff and pupils already have lovely ideas linked to curriculum knowledge and skills that will be planned into the curriculum to inspire our pupils. All classes will have a school trip in the next academic year.

All year groups have had the opportunity to explore the local community and complete fieldwork. We will continue to use our local area to enhance the curriculum over the next two terms.

This week's Tweets!


The UKS2 team are incredibly proud of the Year 6 children. They have worked their socks off, not just for the last few weeks, but for the last few years, to make sure they are as prepared as they can be for their end of Key Stage 2 tests. Their commitment and dedication to their revision has been exemplary and we wish them all the luck in the world. We believe in you... we know you can do it!

Meaningful May

How many meaningful things can you tick off in May?

Staffing Updates

Mrs Gillings will be leaving our school at the end of this academic year. Mrs Gillings is going to pursue pastures new and we wish her well in her new career. Mrs Gillings last day of work will be Friday 22nd July. The school is looking to appoint a new teacher to start with us in September 2022. We will keep you informed about the new appointment once interviews have taken place.