Metheringham Primary School

Welcome to issue 18 of our whole school Newsletter. Don't forget to follow us on Twitter for regular updates on achievements, class news and whole school updates. Follow us @metheringhamp

Coming up in this issue:

  • Learning updates

  • Attendance and Lateness

  • Meet the team

  • This week's Tweets

  • Diary of events for Term 2

  • TTRockstars

  • Remembrance

  • Upcoming events

  • Support

  • Winners!!

  • Educational Visit

  • Our curriculum

  • Safety

Learning Updates

Foundation Stage The Reception children celebrated Halloween in style. We all had lots of fun apple bobbing, playing games, making Halloween crafts and guessing what was in the cauldron's.

Key Stage One It has been so lovely to hear all about the children's super half term adventures and welcome them back to school. Our PSHE topic this term is, "Safety First" and we have been lucky enough to have a visit from two local fire officers. During a special assembly they explained how to stay safe when using sparklers and what to do when you are near a bonfire. Some of the children even got to demonstrate the, "stop, drop and roll" technique.

Lower Key Stage Two LKS2 had a spooky return to school for term 2. We enjoyed creating our own pumpkin decorations using lots of tricky skills. We had fun looking back at our Creswell Crags pictures and created cave art in our sketch books. Ask me how paint was made in the stone age! Also this week, we came across a crime scene! The big bad wolf has been bad again, or has he? We have all heard the wolf's side of the story, but do we believe it? Keep your eyes peeled for our news report in next week's newsletter.

Upper Key Stage Two The Year 5 children have started this term learning about Statistics, specifically charts and line graphs, whereas Year 6 have re-entered the world of Fractions! What a world to be in - equivalent fractions, simplifying fractions, improper to mixed numbers - what's not to love! In PSHE, UKS2 are learning about risks and personal safety - looking at different scenarios and discussing the safest course of action. Light is the topic area for Science this term. This week, the children have investigated how shadows are formed and how and why they change over time.

attendance and Lateness

158 pupils achieved a 100% attendance certificate this week for being at school every day in Term 1. Everyone was very proud of them.

Pupils cannot help being ill but they all understood that they have 5 more terms in school and therefore, 5 more chances to earn a special 100% certificate.

Current whole school attendance is 97%.

The class with the overall best attendance in Term 1 was......Miss Pearson's Class. They have earnt themselves an extra special playtime as a reward for their collective effort.

During the last school week, we had _15_ incidences of lateness. This is a pleasing decrease on the last weekly figure of 17.

Please be reminded that doors open at 8:45 and registration is at 9:00. This gives you 15 minutes to be early and have a calm start to the day.

Meet the team

Meet Miss Houldershaw our Music and Design Technology Subject Leader

Hi everyone,

My name is Miss Houldershaw and I am the Reception/Year 1 teacher at Metheringham. I had the pleasure of working at Metheringham in March 2020 as a supply teacher and I am so excited to be teaching in school again. I have been welcomed back by a friendly team of staff and children who are always polite, respectful and kind.

As well as my role as a class teacher, I am also the music and design technology subject lead in school. I love giving children opportunities to be creative and enjoy watching their ideas come to life. At Metheringham, all children are given opportunities to develop their creativity and explore the different arts. Last term, I particularly enjoyed taking part in expressive arts week. It was wonderful to see so many children inspired by all the different activities, and by our guest opera singer!

Out of school, I love spending time with my friends, family and my dogs (Phoebe and Mabel). I can often be found reading a book or sewing, which helps me unwind at the end of the week. I believe that hobbies are really important to our well-being and often ask the children to share their interests with each other. It is lovely to hear how passionately the children talk about their own hobbies and interests, and to see others be inspired to give them a go too!

This week's tweets!

Diary of Events


Every child from Year 3 upwards has a TTRockstars account which can be accessed in school or at home via the website TTRockstars

Each issue we will list the latest leader board for Times Tables Rockstars. To get on the leader board, you need to play 'studio' on TTRockstars and you need to play at least ten times.

There is no change to this week's leader board....Mrs Duggin has set KS2 a challenge to knock someone off the leaderboard. Can anyone rise to the challenge?


Poppy Appeal

Our School Councillors will be selling poppies during the school day, everyday next week. If you would like your child to purchase a poppy, then please send them into school with a donation. A minute silence will be observed on Friday 11th November.

In addition to this, our School Council Team will be selling a selection of Poppy Appeal goodies at the end of the school day on Tuesday 6th November from 3:20-3:45. We are asking for a donation of £2 for any slapbands, poppy clips, wristbands or ziptags. These can only be purchased after school on Tuesday, on a first come first served basis. We cannot take payment for these in advance or reserve items.

Upcoming Events

Monday 7th-Friday 11th November- Poppy Sales in school (a small donation)

Tuesday 8th November- Poppy goodies on sale afterschool 3:20-3:40 (£2 each)

Friday 11th November- Book changing day


We are always here to help during the cost of living crisis. Although we can't offer financial support to families, we do have a range of knowledge of organisations that can help families in crisis. Please make us aware if you need our help, so we can give you access to this support. Here are a few organisations that we are aware of that can help with access to food.


Our Metheringham Owl has won the Doddington Hall Scarecrow competition. The school will receive a Doddington Christmas tree for us all to enjoy as a prize. A huge well done to #TeamGreen and a huge thank you to everyone 'whooooo' visited the owl over half term.

Mrs Ward will be bringing the owl home at the end of the week and we hope to display it on the school grounds soon.

Educational Visit

Look at how much learning happened on the LKS2 educational visit on the last day of Term 1

Our Curriculum

Curriculum Displays

Our subject displays have been updated with all of the incredible learning from Term 1. Each display showcases the progression of knowledge and skills from EYFS to UKS2.

The children write on owls to say how our golden threads helped them to be inspired, to believe or to achieve.


Please take care this Bonfire Night. Spend a few minutes discussion Bonfire Night safety, it could make a big difference.

Stay safe and have fun!

Please find recruitment information for on-call firefighters below.