Metheringham Primary School

Welcome to issue 17 of our whole school Newsletter. Don't forget to follow us on Twitter for regular updates on achievements, class news and whole school updates. Follow us @metheringhamp

Coming up in this issue:

  • Learning updates

  • Attendance and Lateness

  • Meet the team

  • This week's Tweets

  • Upcoming Events

  • Diary of events for Term 2

  • TTRockstars

  • Reading Survey

  • Parent Code of Conduct

  • Half-Term Challenge

  • End of Term 1

Learning Updates

Foundation Stage Following on from their learning about Elmer the elephant, the Reception children listened to the story 'Elmer’s parade'. The children have been busy getting ready for their own parade by writing invitations to their friends and making elephant masks. We can't wait to see all of their learning come to life during their elephant parade on the last day of term.

Key Stage One This week has been Expressive Arts week and the Early Years children have all had the opportunity to work with different KS1 teachers during the afternoon sessions. They have had a carousel of activities focusing on community and the arts. KS1 have also been busy making worry dolls. Billy, the character from Silly Billy, made a worry doll and it helped him to have someone to tell his worries to. After making their own doll, the children then wrote step by step instructions. Amazing writing! We also had the joy and privilege of visiting Metheringham village Library to listen to a story and choose our own books.

Lower Key Stage Two This week, LKS2 have become Design & Technology experts! Using their electricity knowledge, they have made a circuit to light up an LED inside a fairy tale book spine. They have evaluated their designs and discussed how they could improve their methods. They learnt that Thomas Edison did 4000 experiments before he was successful! They have started to introduce next term’s topic by reading ‘Stone Age Boy’ and they are looking forward to an educational visit to Creswell Crags on Friday!

Upper Key Stage Two In computing, we have been learning about databases and how they help us to store and gather information. This has been really helpful in showing our children how to use computers in a practical, real-world way. In English, we have loved getting into character and writing a diary linked to our text 'The Lost Thing'. The children's understanding of the features of a diary really shines through.

attendance update

158 pupils have maintained 100% attendance in the first!

Current whole school attendance is 97%.

Our attendance figures for week 6 were as follows. Well done to Miss Pearson's class on achieving 100% attendance...what a team!

During the last school week, we had 17 incidences of lateness. This is a disappointing increase on last weeks figure of 14.

Please be reminded that doors open at 8:45 and registration is at 9:00. This gives you 15 minutes to be early and have a calm start to the day.

Meet the team

Meet Mrs Smith-Wood our Religious Education Leader

Hi Everyone,

I am Mrs Smith-Wood and I have been part of “Team Green” at Metheringham now for over 5 years, originally covering some days as supply teacher before taking a role of Teaching Assistant. This current year, I have taken the opportunity to move back into full teaching, sharing the Year 5/6 class with Mrs Wilcox. I have the pleasure of being RE subject leader as well as running the School Council with Mrs Wilcox - exciting times!

After finishing University, I followed the Business and Leisure route and ran several Gyms and Leisure Centres, which was great, very fast paced and pressurised. However, once I was expecting my first child, I left and focussed on my family. My husband and I have 2 children, my eldest is away at university in her final year studying Food and Nutrition, and my youngest is just embarking on his A-levels. Once we had children, we decided to move back down to Lincolnshire. It was then that I decided I wanted to move into the world of teaching. I’d always loved the “art of teaching and coaching” in my business management roles and it seemed like the ideal time.

Outside of teaching, I love walking my dog, especially around the fields where I live. I love to travel, either city breaks, our last one to Budapest in April was fantastic, and my fundamental annual “2 weeks in the sun”. I especially enjoy doing lots of things with my family from watching Marvel to fantasy films to Star Trek, walking, various sports and just generally spending time with them.

Sport has always played a large part in my life and I’m trying to get back into it again after the hiatus of the 2nd lockdown. I enjoy running and triathlons, having completed many including several ½ Ironman distances as well as various length running events (INC 12 Great North Runs). My husband and I are already booked in 2023 for the Cambridge 1/2 Marathon, the Woodhall 10k and Manchester full marathon! So, a very busy year awaits!

This week's tweets!

Upcoming Events

Monday 31st October- Pupils return for Term 2

Friday 4th November- Book changing day

Diary of Events


Every child from Year 3 upwards has a TTRockstars account which can be accessed in school or at home via the website TTRockstars

Each issue we will list the latest leader board for Times Tables Rockstars. To get on the leader board, you need to play 'studio' on TTRockstars and you need to play at least ten times.

There is no change to this week's leader board....will anyone attempt to take a place in the top ten over the half term break?

Reading survey

Reading for Pleasure Parent Survey

Please be reminded that the link to our parent reading survey is here. All responses are gratefully received.

Reading for Pleasure Parent Survey

Parent code of conduct

At Metheringham Primary School, we are very fortunate to have a supportive and friendly parent body. Our parents recognise that educating children is a process that involves partnership between parents, class teachers and the school community.

We would like to take this opportunity to remind all parents, carers and visitors to our school about the expected conduct. This is so we can continue to flourish, progress and achieve in an atmosphere of mutual understanding and respect. Our Parent Code of Conduct lists behaviours that we will not tolerate. A copy of the parent code of conduct can be found on our school website.

In order to support a peaceful and safe school environment the school cannot tolerate parents, carers and visitors exhibiting the following:

· Disruptive behaviour that interferes or threatens to interfere with the operation of a classroom, an employee’s office, office area or any other area of the school grounds.

· Using loud/or offensive language, swearing, cursing, using profane language or displaying temper.

· Threatening to do actual bodily harm to a member of school staff, Governor, visitor, fellow parent/carer or pupil regardless of whether or not the behaviour constitutes a criminal offence.

· Damaging or destroying school property.

· Abusive or threatening e-mails or text/voicemail/phone messages or other written communication

· Defamatory, offensive or derogatory comments regarding the school or any of the pupils/parent/staff, at the school on Facebook or other social sites. Any concerns you may have about the school must be made through the appropriate channels by speaking to the class teacher, the Co-Head teachers or the Chair of Governors, so they can be dealt with fairly, appropriately and effectively for all concerned.

· The use of physical aggression towards another adult or child. This includes physical punishment against your own child on school premises.

· Approaching someone else’s child in order to discuss or chastise them because of the actions of this child towards their own child. (Such an approach to a child may be seen to be an assault on that child and may have legal consequences).

· Smoking and consumption of alcohol or other drugs whilst on school property.

· Dogs being brought on to school premises.

Should any of the above behaviour occur a member of staff will:

  • Remind adults of the code of conduct and report the incident to the Senior Leadership Team

  • Politely end a meeting or conversation

If the behaviour continues the school may feel it is necessary to:

  • Issue a verbal/written warning

  • Contact the appropriate authorities and if necessary, ban the offending adult from entering the school grounds.

Half-Term challenge

The whole school has been busy during 'Expressive Arts Week' helping to create a scarecrow for the Doddington Hall Scarecrow Competition. The Metheringham Owl Scarecrow will be on display at Doddington Hall over the half-term break. We challenge as many of you as possible to visit Doddington Hall and have your photograph taken with The Metheringham Owl. Please send any photos to your class teacher on Seesaw or tag us on Twitter @metheringhamp. We hope our autumnal owl gets lots of happy visitors and of course, lots of votes!

End of Term 1

We've had a very successful start to the academic year. Term 1 has been happy, positive and full of fun and progress. It was also lovely to hear all the positive feedback from parents during our parent consultation appointments this week. Thank you to all families for your support this term. We couldn't do what we do without you. Have a fantastic half-term break.

We will see you all at 9:00 on Monday 31st October for the start of Term 2.