Metheringham Primary School

Welcome to issue 16 of our whole school Newsletter. Don't forget to follow us on Twitter for regular updates on achievements, class news and whole school updates. Follow us @metheringhamp

Coming up in this issue:

  • Learning updates

  • Attendance and Lateness

  • Meet the team

  • This week's Tweets

  • Upcoming events

  • School Council

  • TTRockstars

  • Parking

  • Congratulations

  • Reading Survey

  • Golden Threads

Learning Updates

Foundation Stage In the Foundation stage, the children have been inspired by the story 'Elmer'. They have thoroughly enjoyed learning about Elmer's cheerful personality. The children were super creative and painted the character‘s squares using lots of artistic and fine motor skills. Lots of new language and vocabulary has been used because of such a lovely and enjoyable story.

Key Stage One This week, KS1 have been exploring goals and aims for the future in PSHE. They ordered pictures to show how important things are to them. It was really interesting to see everyone's different ideas. At the end of the lesson, the children discussed the skills they would like to develop as they get older.

Lower Key Stage Two It has been another fun-filled, busy week in LKS2. In Science, pupils have investigated what materials are conductors of electricity and will light up a light bulb. In English, they are so proud of their diary writing as Little Red. They have used all of the English skills they have learned over the past few weeks to make their writing successful! In Geography, the children have been looking at where they live in relation to the wider world and got very creative with circles!! In Reading Comprehension, they are exploring the book 'Inside the Villains' and have loved delving inside the big, bad wolf. They even spotted Grandma and the three little pigs inside his 'misery guts!'

Upper Key Stage Two In maths this week, the Year 6 children have worked really hard to understand the method of long division. We have been really impressed with their resilience and determination to master the method! This term, they have been exploring databases and how they can store and gather information. This has been really helpful in helping our children use computers in a practical real-world way. The children are continuing with their RE learning, looking at Hinduism and Islam – this week saw them learning about the belief of ‘Karma’ within Hinduism. Our PE lesson saw UKS2 take part in their end of term house competitions.

attendance update

173 pupils have maintained 100% attendance in the first six weeks of the school year.

Current whole school attendance is 97%.

Our attendance figures for week 5 were as follows. Well done Miss Storr's Class, you had the highest percentage in the whole school!

During the last school week, we had 14_incidences of lateness. This is a decrease on last weeks figure of 38.

The attendance team will continue to make phone calls in the coming week to any families who are struggling to get their children to school on time.

Please be reminded that doors open at 8:45 and registration is at 9:00. This gives you 15 minutes to be early and have a calm start to the day.

Meet the team

Meet Mr Edwards our Co-Computing Leader

Hello everyone!

I am Mr Edwards. Last year, I had the pleasure of being a supply teacher at Metheringham and I never wanted to leave. I am now the year 5 teacher in school and I am loving every day, working with fantastic people. I have been teaching for 3 years now and I am so glad that I changed career.

Aside from being the year 5 teacher, I am also the co-computing subject leader. I love to use technology to enhance our learning experiences in school. It is important that the children understand the ever-changing technological world around. Prior to being a teacher, I worked as a Business Systems Analyst, which involved me working with various computing systems and analysing data on a regular basis….this comes in handy when we are doing lots of assessments in school.

When I am not in the school, I am spending my time with my wife, daughter and my dog (Machu). We love to watch movies (with home-made popcorn), play Nintendo and go for walks. To me, the most important thing is family and friends.

In my spare time, I enjoy drawing and trying to improve my Spanish. I find drawing a good hobby as it helps me to relax and wind down after a busy week. I also find that learning languages is a really interesting way to get to know other cultures and ways of life.

Please come and introduce yourself if you see me around.

This week's tweets!

Upcoming events

Tuesday 18th October-

  • Tempest Photographers in school to take individual photographs

Pre-School siblings are welcome to come into school from 8:30 to have group photos with siblings.

  • Parents Meeting Appointments After School

Thursday 20th October-

  • Whole school Autumn Walk

All pupils need wellingtons/outdoor shoes to change into

  • Parents Meeting Appointments After School

Friday 21st October-

  • Lower Key Stage Two Educational Visit

  • End of Term 2

School Council

The whole school were thrilled with the outcome of the School Council Elections. A huge congratulations to our chosen School Councillors for this academic year. Your peers believe in you and so do we. You will be a credit to future events, school council meetings and the running of our school.


Every child from Year 3 upwards has a TTRockstars account which can be accessed in school or at home via the website TTRockstars

Each issue we will list the latest leader board for Times Tables Rockstars. To get on the leader board, you need to play 'studio' on TTRockstars and you need to play at least ten times.

Well done to this week's top ten!


Please be reminded that cars should not be stopping on the yellow lines outside of school to let children out. This is not safe and does not set a good example of road safety to our pupils.


We would like to say a huge CONGRATULATIONS to Miss Wright and her family on the lovely news that she is expecting a baby! We are all thrilled for her and cannot wait to see her blossom as a Mummy.

Reading survey

Reading for Pleasure Parent Survey

Metheringham Primary School are taking part in the Lincolnshire Reading Pledge. As part of this, we are exploring children’s, parents and teachers’ reading for pleasure outside of school. Please note that all responses are anonymous unless you choose to record your child's name and class details at question 11. Your information (name and email address) is not stored. Any information we receive will help us to inform our approach to reading as a school. If you wish to help us by submitting your responses, please do so by following this link:

Reading for Pleasure Parent Survey

Golden Threads

Our school motto and golden threads are 'Inspire, Believe and Achieve'. These threads are evident in the values that the children display around school and are carefully threaded through our curriculum. It is important to us all that we live and breath the 'Metheringham way'. It is lovely to see that this also spills over into our pupil's achievements outside of school.

This young man has been inspired and has believed in himself in order to be recognised and invested into Cubs. What an achievement! We hope he continues to 'Inspire, Believe and Achieve' in the Cubs community that he is now part of.

If you have any examples of how you have been inspired, the belief that you have found in yourself or others, or any amazing achievements then please share them with your class teachers. We love to see our school motto and golden threads in action both in and out of school.