Metheringham Primary School

Welcome to issue 15 of our whole school Newsletter. Don't forget to follow us on Twitter for regular updates on achievements, class news and whole school updates. Follow us @metheringhamp

Coming up in this issue:

  • Learning updates

  • Attendance and Lateness

  • Meet the team

  • This week's Tweets

  • Up and coming events

  • Maths Morning

  • Harvest

  • Safeguarding

  • FOMS

  • Road Safety

  • Responsibilities

  • From tiny seeds...

  • Homework

  • Nativity!

Learning Updates

Foundation Stage In the Foundation stage, the children have been learning about Harvest and which foods can be harvested by farmers. They have learnt that Christians celebrate Harvest by giving donations of food to people who need it.

Key Stage One This week, KS1 have had the opportunity to read lots of funny poems. The children have enjoyed reading silly words and creating their own poetry. In science, they have been talking about the weather and discussing the weather patterns in our country. As you can imagine, this was a very interesting conversation!

Lower Key Stage Two This week LKS2 have learned what region they live in and what counties surround Lincolnshire. They have continued to explore electricity in Science and have investigated what effect a switch has in a circuit. The children were very 'switched on!' They also started branching out with computing skills, by exploring branching databases. On Thursday, they loved reading lots of poetry and writing acrostic poems about the environment to celebrate National Poetry Day.

Upper Key Stage Two In UKS2, the children have started a new literary text – ‘The Lost Thing’ by Shaun Tan. The Lost Thing is a humourous story about a boy who discovers a bizarre-looking creature while out collecting bottle-tops at the beach. Whilst exploring this intriguing text, the children have been looking at the theme running through this narrative, whilst developing their simple, compound and complex sentences; developing rich vocabulary to the end of writing a setting description. Décrivons-nous! (Remember me!) In French, the children have been using adjectives to describe their features, more specifically, hair and eyes. This week, the world of Science has taken them into the realms of investigating how to make a lightbulb brighter or motor faster – this will be further developed when they apply their learning into making more complex circuits.

attendance update

194 pupils have maintained 100% attendance in the first five weeks of the school year.

Current whole school attendance is 98%.

Our attendance figures for week 4 were as follows. A huge well done to Mrs Jones class for smashing 100% last week!

Unfortunately, lateness continues to be an issue. During the last school week, we had 38 incidences of lateness. The attendance team will be looking closely at these incidences and parents will be contacted about this.

Please be reminded that doors open at 8:45 and registration is at 9:00. This gives you 15 minutes to be early and have a calm start to the day.

Meet the team

Meet Miss Pearson our Science Subject Leader

Hi everyone!

I’m Miss Pearson and I am one of the Year 4 Class Teachers at Metheringham. I started my teaching career at my first school during the Covid global pandemic, which was an absolute rollercoaster as you can imagine! I became an expert at using technology very quickly (though the children may say otherwise!) and got very used to talking into my laptop screen from home! I have recently joined Metheringham this September and have been welcomed by a friendly staffing team, and polite, respectful children with a love of learning.

I am our Science Subject Leader and I love planning hands-on activities for our children to explore the world of Science with enthusiasm. I am currently planning some exciting events for British Science Week next watch this space!

I love all things PE and sport. I spend most of my leisure time in the gym, playing tennis or dancing! I enjoy walks outdoors, spending time with family and friends, and exploring new places. Before I began my teaching career, I spent a month teaching English in Kathmandu, Nepal. I developed my teaching during this time, finding new ways of communicating with those children who were not confident English speakers. I believe that every child learns differently, and this is something that I embed in my classroom teaching.

I am passionate about nature and birds, as you can see pictured below! I enjoy talking with the children about their time they have spent outdoors and things they have heard and seen, or perhaps even their hobbies. In a busy, curriculum-filled day, it is important to find opportunities to talk about our down-time.

I am starting to see a few familiar faces now, but please do come and say hi if you haven’t already!

See you around!

This week's tweets!

Up and coming events

Monday 10th October- Flu Vaccinations for children whose parents have consented

-Please return parent's evening slips by today

Thursday 13th October- Appointment slips for parent's evening will be sent home with your child

Friday 14th October- Book changing day!

Maths Morning

Thank you, thank you, thank you to everyone that attended maths morning and supported our McMillan Coffee Morning event. It was incredible to see all of the learning happening in classes and to have such positive feedback from this. The children and staff loved seeing you all in school and you will be pleased to know we raised over £400 for a wonderful charity too.


Our pupils blew us all away in their Harvest Assembly on Wednesday. The Year Six pupils led the assembly with some wonderful messages of thanks and important facts about Harvest time. Our youngest pupils are a credit to our school and did so well with their wonderful singing and contributions...I think we all had tears in our eyes. The singing from the whole school was wonderful too.

Thank you to everyone who has made a donation to the community larder. This year, more than ever, people will need and benefit from these kind donations.


If an adult has concerns about the welfare of any child, then they have the responsibility to call Children's Customer Services on 01522 782111. Further advice on this can be obtained from the school's Designated Safeguarding Officers (Mrs Freeman, Mrs McMenemie and Mrs Duggin).


Friends of Metheringham School is a group of volunteers that support at events and raise money for the children of the school. We are looking for volunteers to help out at events - please contact the main school office if you would like to be involved so we can make contact with you. All our future events will be found on the school Newsletter and on the FOMS notice board which is displayed in the front entrance of the school. For anyone wishing to purchase school Pre-loved school uniform please follow our Facebook Page or ask for further details.

We look forward to hearing from you!

The FOMS Team

Road safety

We have had three reports in the last term of adults concerned about the safety of pupils who are crossing the roads outside of school. Please spend a few minutes talking to your child about how to cross the road safely. A little reminder could make a big difference.

Road safety is part of our PSHE curriculum and will be addressed through assemblies in Term 2.


Sports Crew

A warm welcome to our Sports Crew for 2022-2023. Your applications were incredible and you will be a credit to the development of sports for #TEAMGREEN!

School Council

Yesterday, Thursday 6th October, the whole school voted for their class representatives for the school council. Over the next few days, the votes will be counted (and verified!!).

We can't wait to announce our school council members next week!

From Tiny Seeds...

One of our pupils took home a tiny sunflower seedling last year and looked after it well enough to grow this wonderful sunflower! What an achievement and what a lot of new seeds that can now bring joy to others too!


We have recently reviewed our Homework Policy which is available to read on our website. Please find the expectations for each year group below:


Our Early Years and Key Stage One Pupils and staff are already planning ahead to our infant nativity. Please find dates and times below. We would like to share these now so you have time to book time off work and to make you aware that we will not be having evening performances.

Tuesday 6th December -2:00

Wednesday 7th December- 2:00 (No under 4's)

Thursday 8th December- 10:00