Metheringham Primary School

Welcome to issue 14 of our whole school Newsletter. Don't forget to follow us on Twitter for regular updates on achievements, class news and whole school updates. Follow us @metheringhamp

Coming up in this issue:

  • Learning updates

  • Attendance Update

  • Meet the team

  • This week's Tweets

  • Up and coming events

  • National Poetry Day

  • Troubleshooting

  • Park Run

Learning Updates

Foundation Stage In the Foundation stage, the children have learnt all about body parts. There was lots of fun and laughter when Miss Storr asked the children to read and place sticky labels on parts of their friend's body. The children then explored the enrichment in the environment and made pasta bodies, autumnal faces and painted self-portraits. Lovely vocabulary and scientific language was oozing out of the children.

Key Stage One This week, Key Stage One have been inspired by a cookery masterclass with Mrs Price. Under her instruction, KS1 baked apple cake made with the apples picked from our apple tree in school. Then we wrote some wonderful, detailed instructions to teach others how to make it themselves. The children and teachers were proud of the super writing produced.

Lower Key Stage Two Salut! This week, LKS2 have enjoyed a new English text called 'Little Red'. They used props to act out the story and learnt phrases and vocabulary from the text. They all 'j'adore' learning French and hopefully your child can now tell you what food they 'j'adore'. In maths, Year 3 have continued to develop their place value knowledge, while Year 4 have been exploring number lines to 10000. The children were full of 'bright ideas' and were 'buzzing' whilst exploring circuits in their Science lesson this week.

Upper Key Stage Two In UKS2, the children have continued their Alma writing. They have become journalists, conducted interviews and are currently writing the final report for 'the missing child'. They have used both formal and informal language, direct and indirect speech as well as fantastic vocabulary. In history, they have learnt more about the crimes and punishments in the Roman period. The children found some of the punishments quite gruesome and fascinating all at the same time. None of them wanted to be put into a bag of snakes and thrown into the river!!!

attendance update

210 pupils have maintained 100% attendance in the first four weeks of the school year.

Current whole school attendance is 98%.

Our attendance figures for week 3 were as follows. Mrs Wilcox and Mrs Smith-Wood's class took the top spot!

Meet the team

Meet Mrs Duggin our Co-Headteacher

Hi Everyone,

I have had the pleasure of working at Metheringham Primary School for the last 15 years. I started my teaching career in Foundation Stage and since then I have taught in Year One, Year Two and been a Senior Leader. This year, I am lucky enough to grow as your Co-Headteacher and to pass on my passion, ambition and desire for success to the whole school.

Metheringham Primary School is a special place full of wonderful children, staff and families. I have worked closely with the families of the school for 15 years and I have watched them grow and flourish in this time. As a school, we pride ourselves on our commitment to positive relationships, well-being, parent partnerships and our wonderfully rich curriculum. Team Green inspire me everyday with their passion, enthusiasm, care and commitment. I love our school community and I've always said, 'If I were a stick of green rock, I would say Metheringham right through the middle'.

You will find me at the front of school for 'meet and greet' on a Monday and Tuesday, please come and say hello if you haven't met me yet.

Out of school, I have a family that are my pride and joy. I enjoy nothing more than long, muddy dog walks with my beautiful beagle and adventures with my little boy. I currently have the tricky job of choosing a primary school for my son who is ready to start school next year. It's very strange being the parent and not the teacher....any advice is welcome!

This week's tweets!

Up and coming events

Friday 30th September- Maths Morning for MacMillan-All families welcome from 9:30

Wednesday 5th October- Harvest Festival- Reception parents are welcome to attend at 10am

Friday 7th October- Parent consultation information will come home with your child

Monday 10th October- Flu Vaccinations for children whose parents have consented

National Poetry Day

On Thursday 6th October, we will be celebrating National Poetry Day in school with a range of poetry related experiences. We will be using the text 'The Lost Words' to inspire classes across the school and create a love of poetry.

As well as sharing lots of wonderful poems in school, we will be encouraging our children to enter the national 'Lost Words' competition. Children will be given the opportunity to write their own acrostic poems in school based on this beautiful poetry book, and Teachers will enter the best ones into the competition. If you want to get involved with National Poetry Day at home, please check out the National Poetry Day website where you will find lots of poems and activities to get involved in. We would love to see what you get up to on Seesaw or Twitter! National Poetry Day - the UK’s biggest mass-participation celebration of poetry


Parents who are struggling with Seesaw are welcome to come into school between 3:30 and 3:50 on Wednesday 5th October. Staff will be available to help you connect or resolve any issues. We are aware that the latest update has caused confusion for some of you (and us), we cannot see the problem from a parents view so this will help us to understand the issues you are having. We will put together a troubleshooting guide for any parents that cannot pop into school on this date.

Please also be reminded that the following guides are available to support parents:

Google Classroom Parent Guide

Spelling Shed Parent Guide

TTRockstars Parent Guide

When your child receives their usernames and passwords, these guides are available on our school website to help you get started. Please find all information in the 'curriculum area' on the school website.

Park Run