Metheringham Primary School

Welcome to issue 12 of our whole school Newsletter. Don't forget to follow us on Twitter for regular updates on achievements, class news and whole school updates. Follow us @metheringhamp

Coming up in this issue:

  • Welcome back

  • Learning updates

  • Attendance and lateness

  • Attendance Update

  • Illness

  • Seesaw

  • This week's Tweets

  • Reading and Homework

  • Chill and Chat

  • Safety

  • Diary of events

  • Bank Holiday-School Closure

Welcome Back

We would like to welcome all families back from their summer adventures. The first week of this academic year was a huge success. On our travels around the school, it was clear to see that all children are flourishing in their new classes. The school is calm and happy and everyone is feeling positive about the year ahead. Staff new to Team Green are settling in well and are already building successful relationships and setting high expectations with our pupils.

Our youngest pupils have told us how much fun they are having and how safe and secure they feel in their classes. It has been a pleasure to spend time playing in The Foundation Stage and rising to the challenge of learning all these new names. We would like to take this opportunity to welcome all of the families that are new to school, our doors are always open if you need anything.

This year, the staff have worked hard on our school improvement plan and have great plans for the successful implementation of our new curriculum, enhancing systems and structures for our most vulnerable pupils and for working beyond the academic to nurture the personal development of our pupils. A copy of our school improvement plan is available on the school website.

As we start this academic year as Co-Headteachers, it is our goal to work seamlessly to foster a safe, secure and happy school. We endeavour to raise standards, drive school improvement forward and to ensure that our pupils are surrounded by high quality, effective teaching and learning. We look forward to seeing many families in school this year for open days, performances and events. We also look forward to seeing our pupils being inspired by visitors, extra curricular experiences, sporting events and school visits.

As always, your positivity and support are welcome and we look forward to working closely with you throughout the year.

Mrs Duggin and Mrs McMenemie


Learning Updates

Foundation Stage In the Foundation stage, the children have been exploring and settling into their new classes. They have established lovely relationships and they are already a credit to Team Green. This week, they have enjoyed the story 'Owl Babies'. They then investigated natural materials and small world resources. The children loved matching animal babies to their mummies.

Key Stage One This week, KS1 have been talking about significant moments in the lives. It has been a delight to share some of their important moments and see photos of them as babies The children are all enjoying their history learning and have been sharing and talking enthusiastically about the photos and mementos that they have brought in to show their peers.

Lower Key Stage Two LKS2 have settled in wonderfully since returning to school. We have been very busy getting to know each other and getting back into the school routine. We have started lots of exciting new topics over the past couple of weeks including, Electricity in Science, The World in Geography and All About Me in French! We are particularly enjoying comparing classic fairy tales with modern twisted versions in English! Au Revoir!

Upper Key Stage Two The Year 6 pupils have been learning how to ride their bikes safely on the road. They have learnt how to position themselves correctly on the road, do a u-turn, turn left and right! They have experienced quiet roads and some of the busier roads in the village, all while taking great care and keeping themselves safe. The instructors have been very impressed with their behaviour, attitude and enthusiasm for learning new skills. We are really proud of all of the children who took part in Bikeability for demonstrating our school values.

Attendance and lateness

Attendance is always a high priority at Metheringham Primary School. It was incredible to see 13 pupils achieve 100% attendance for the whole academic year at the end of last year. This was an incredible achievement and we hope to see more pupils reaching this target this year.

Every day counts towards excellent attendance. As a school, we aim for all pupils to achieve an attendance level of 95% and above. Any pupils falling below a level of 90% attendance is considered to be persistent absentee. Mrs Bates will be leading on school attendance this year and will be in regular contact with families where a child is at risk of falling below 90%.

Taking holidays in term time will affect a child’s schooling as much as any other absence and we expect parents to help us by not taking children away in school time. There is no automatic entitlement in law to time off in school time to go on holiday. Amendments to the 2006 regulations make clear that the Headteacher may not grant any leave of absence during term time unless there are exceptional circumstances.

We expect all families to complete a leave of absence request form if they deem the request to be an exceptional circumstance. Requests that are not deemed exceptional circumstances by our Headteacher may result in a fixed penalty notice and a fine from the Local Authority. Leave of absence forms can be found on the school website or are available from the school office.


Pupils arriving after 9:00 will be marked as late. We expect all pupils to show respect by being punctual. If your child arrives late for class:

  • They miss out on important learning, which could effect their achievement.

  • They don’t have the social time to settle into class.

  • It can be embarrassing for them.

  • They may disrupt the learning of the rest of the class.

If you are struggling to get your child to school on time, then please let us know. We may be able to offer some helpful strategies or advice.


If your child tests positive for Covid-19, the latest guidance is to stay at home for 3 days.

attendance update

What a great start to the year. 245 pupils have returned to school and maintained 100% attendance in the first two weeks. Current whole school attendance is 99%.

Our attendance figures for week 1 were as follows. Well done to our 100% classes!


If your child is ill, please remember to contact school each morning they are absent. You can speak to the school office, email or leave a message on the school answer phone. Please leave the name of your child, their class and the reason for absence.

Please be reminded that if your child has been sick,they must stay off school for 48 hours. This is advice from the public health team. We understand this may be frustrating as children can quickly bounce back but this is to stop the spread of infection, to ensure that our staff can continue to deliver quality education and to ensure that other pupils and families do not become ill.


All parents have received their child's Seesaw code in order to access their child's journal. It is vital that all families connect to this as this is the schools method for sharing information, updates and any changes or reminders. EYFS and KS1 pupils will also use Seesaw to complete weekly homework tasks. Please speak to your child's class teacher ASAP if you have not received your child's code or you are having trouble connecting.

This week's tweets!

Reading and Homework

Reading books and homework will be sent home on Friday 16th September. We have invested money with the support of our FOMS team on new reading books across the school. These books match our reading scheme 'Essential Letters and Sounds' and provide interesting and engaging texts for all pupils. A levelled book and a reading for pleasure book will be sent home each Friday. More information on reading and book changing will be sent home with your child's reading book.

Please encourage pupils to look after these books and notify a member of staff if a book becomes damaged or lost.

Chill and chat


Please be reminded that walking across the carpark before and after school is strictly prohibited. This is for health and safety reasons and also to set a good example to our pupils about road safety. Please stick to the pedestrian walk ways to enter and exit the school grounds.

Children are reminded to stand with their adult at the start and end of the school day. Use of the early years play equipment and playing on the grassed area at the front of school is a health and safety hazard.

A polite reminder that dogs are not permitted on school premises.

Diary of Events

Bank Holiday school closure

School will be closed on Monday 19th September. We will reopen as normal on Tuesday 20th September.