Metheringham Primary School

Welcome to issue 10 of our whole school Newsletter. Don't forget to follow us on Twitter for regular updates on achievements, class news and whole school updates. Follow us @metheringhamp

Coming up in this issue:

  • Learning updates

  • Meet Team Green

  • TTRockstars

  • Attendance

  • End of year reports

  • This Week's Tweets!

  • Staff updates

  • Spelling

  • Summer Schools

  • CGS Outreach

  • FOMS

  • Parish Council

  • School Library

  • End of Year Data

Learning Updates

Foundation Stage In the Foundation stage, the children loved Science Day. They investigated floating and sinking, observed closely and had great fun getting very wet. A huge thank you to one of our wonderful parents who organised Science Day for the whole school, the children were truly inspired.

Key Stage One After designing bee hotels in DT, KS1 are staring to make them. They have selected the materials carefully and are using their knowledge from the beekeeper’s visit to make a comfy hotel for Metheringham bees. In maths, Year 1 have been telling the time and working with their friends to make the correct time on a clock. In Year Two children have been learning about volume and investigating capacity. In writing, they are writing wonderful stories inspired by the book and short film, Du Iz Tak by Carson Ellis. In music they have been exploring music and have loved listening to classical music by Gustav Holst.

Lower Key Stage Two Lower Key Stage Two enjoyed Science Day! They investigated changing states and observed changes over time. They loved working in teams to rescue toys trapped in ice blocks. A fun and inspiring day was had by all and the team work was incredible.

Upper Key Stage Two Upper Key Stage 2 have continued to practise for their end of year performance. They are so looking forward to finally presenting it to their families. In other news, Thursday was a Science Day! Mrs Costello (one of the KS1 parents and also a science teacher from St Hughes in Woodhall Spa) visited our school. The children were treated to an amazing assembly, where all manner of potions reacted producing awe-inspiring results. New science vocabulary was learnt including words like 'exothermic reactions!' Year 5 and 6 became delightfully excited as they experienced the" Vitamin C" workshop. It's incredible how far water and a vitamin C tablet can pop an old camera film cannister! I hope the hall ceiling has survived! They have also embarked on their next Computing unit: "Building a website".

Meet team green

Meet Mrs Wray

Hello! I am Mrs Wray and I am a Teaching Assistant. You will find me in the Reception/Year 1 class at Metheringham Primary school, although I have supported children from reception through to year 6. I have worked at our lovely school for so long that some of your mums and dads were in my class once! Each day that I go to school, I hope to make the day a fun, safe and caring place for our little people to learn and achieve their best. When I am not at school, I am busy at home: I have 3 grown up children and live on a small farm. We have cows, sheep, chickens and dogs so there are always lots of jobs to be done. The best time is feeding the cows and sheep with carrots as they love this treat. When I do get a chance to relax, I enjoy reading so hopefully in the summer holiday, I will get a chance to put my feet up with a cup of tea, some chocolate and a book. I look forward to meeting my new class in September and having lots of fun.


Every child from Year 2 upwards has a TTRockstars account which can be accessed in school or at home via the website TTRockstars

Each issue we will list the latest leader board for Times Tables Rockstars. To get on the leader board, you need to play 'studio' on TTRockstars and you need to play at least ten times.

This week Isaac ,in Year 6, has taken 7th place on the top ten leader board. Congratulations Isaac!

New for this week, please find the 'Top Rockers' from each class.

There are only a few weeks left before we crown the 'Rockstar of the year'. Who will take the crown?


Below are the attendance figures for week 4 of Term 6. A huge well done to Mrs Freeman's class who had 100% attendance. They have been rewarded with an extra playtime.

end of year reports

Your child's end of year report was sent home on Thursday. Please find information enclosed about how to book an optional parents meeting. These 5 minute appointments are available if you have any questions about your child's report. This is not a formal parents meeting and no learning books will be available to view.

This week's tweets!

Staff updates

We are thrilled to announce that Mrs Freeman has been successfully appointed as Deputy Headteacher for the next academic year. Mrs Freeman is currently our Year 6 teacher, Key Stage Two Leader and curriculum and assessment lead. She will be an asset to the whole school in the role of Deputy Headteacher.

We are currently advertising internally for a Team Leader for Key Stage One and Foundation Stage. We will update you further on this when an appointment has been made.


We are excited to announce that we have purchased 'Spelling Shed' to support the teaching and learning of spellings from September. We can't wait to get started!

summer schools

cgs outreach


Parish Council

All pupils received a commemorative mug to remind them of the Queen's Jubilee for years to come. Thank you to The Parish Council for this incredibly lovely gift.

school library

Click the link below and nominate our school, you could win £100 for yourself too.

WIN £1,000/€1,000 to help your school rebuild their library (

End of year data

Statutory assessments took place for the first time this year after three years of disrupted education. We couldn't be prouder of the attainment and progress of our pupils. These achievements show the hard work, resilience and determination of our pupils, staff and parents. Education, well-being and development has been affected without a doubt but the children are proving that with excellent attitudes anything is possible!