Metheringham Primary School

Welcome to issue 70 of our whole school Newsletter. Don't forget to follow us on X for regular updates on achievements, class news and whole school updates. Follow us @metheringhamp 

Coming up in this issue:

Learning Updates

Foundation Stage Reception children have been learning to partition teen numbers. They have used lots of different representations to show their understanding of how numbers are made up.  

Key Stage One It has been an exciting week in Key Stage One watching the caterpillars grow and awaiting their transformations. We have continued some mini minibeast madness with our art looking at some paper cuts from Henri Matisse, writing about Flik from A Bug’s Life in English and taking photographs of mini beasts in their natural habitats as part of our computing. 

Lower Key Stage Two Year 3 and 4 have had an exciting week of music and activity.  The week began with a taster session of Karate, where children had the opportunity to put to the test their listening skills, coordination and teamwork. Year 3 enjoyed another session of music working alongside Lincolnshire music service to play Djembe drums.  Whilst year 4 soothed the school with their recorder playing! In science the children have been conducting experiments in which they have weighed gas, and in History the children have been preparing for their visit to the International Bomber command centre by learning more about why World War II happened.  

Upper Key Stage Two The start to Term 5 in Upper Key Stage 2 has been a very happy and positive one.  The children are refreshed and learning well.  This week has included Earth Day and Karate Day,  as well as a busy learning timetable.  The Woodpeckers have planned and written a formal persuasive letter in role as Mary Jackson (a character from our hook book - Hidden Figures), who battled and achieved against racial and gender barriers in 1950's America.  In maths, we have built on our knowledge of Area and Perimeter and we are looking forward to starting a Statistics unit later in the week.  Last week, we started the new history unit about the civilisation of the Maya.  This week, we start the new science unit about Earth in Space.  Year 6 are on the final push towards the SATs - we're almost there!  It's  all go in Upper key Stage 2.  Great start everyone! 


31 pupils have maintained 100% attendance so far this academic year. 

222 pupils have maintained 100% attendance so far this term.

Last years whole school attendance figure was 95.15%

Current whole school attendance is 95.58%

Our attendance figures this week are as follows:

Well done to Miss Storr's class for their excellent attendance this week.


During the last school week, we had  24_incidences of lateness. 

Please be reminded that doors open at 8:45 and registration is at 9:00. This gives you 15 minutes to be early and have a calm start to the day.

These latenesses range from 5 minutes late to 315 minutes late. This has a huge impact on classroom teachers, office staff, pupils in class and the child that is late. Please help us to reduce lateness.


Every child from Year 2 upwards has a TTRockstars account which can be accessed in school or at home via the website TTRockstars

It's time for a TTRockstars shake up!

 Each week this term we will be focusing on effort. Mrs Duggin can see how many days each child has logged in and played TTrockstars. Each week she will award house points to each child which equates to the total number of days played that week. If you play every day you can earn a total of 7 house points for your team and maybe a 'quacking' prize if you put in the most effort across the term. 

How many house points will you earn in the next 7 days?

Well done to Ms Vrettos and Miss Wright's class for making the most effort in the last 7 days. A huge well done to Lydia, who is the pupil who made the most effort on TTRockstars this week!

Spelling Shed 

Every child from Year 2 upwards has a Spelling Shed account which can be accessed in school or at home via the website Spelling Shed

Here are the latest scores on the whole-school leader board (these scores are based on their total score from the last 7 days): 

Well done to Hugh! What a great score :-)

This week's X Posts

upcoming events

Advanced notice:

Monday 6th May- Bank Holiday- School Closed 

Swimming Fundraising 

After the success of last year, the Splash-A-Thon and family fun day in collaboration with Metheringham Swimming Pool is back!

Please save the date: Saturday 29th June 2024

We would like to see as many families at the event as possible in order to support our much loved pool to raise much needed funds.

 More details will follow in the next few weeks.

Amazon wishlist

The school has set up an amazon wishlist with a whole host of ideas if anyone would like to donate something to the school. We will write inside the front cover of any books to say who it was donated by, and add the books to our school library. You are invited to donate a book on your child's birthday to mark the special day. Thank you for your ongoing support.

Click here to view our wishlist 

Moving on up! Outreach

Coming to Metheringham every week in Term 5!


Year 6 will start their End of KS2 SATS later in May. The timetable for the tests is as follows:

The children have worked very hard, not just over the course of Year 6 but throughout their time at Metheringham. These tests are not a test of Year 6 but an assessment point to check what knowledge they have secured over their time with us. It is their chance to show off how brilliant their primary years have been! The results will come back in July and will be shared with parents and children before the end of the summer term. We are so proud of each and every child and we would like to thank our year 6 parents and all staff for their continued support to raise standards at our school.

For the Year 6 children, we have toast and toppings at the ready for our SATS breakfasts on each day of the assessments (more details to follow), and so many fun things planned in Term 6 to celebrate the end of their time with us.

sports day

On Friday 17th May, we will be hosting our favourite event of the year, Sports Day! This is advanced notice of timings so parents and carers can arrange to be at the event if they wish to spectate.

More details to follow soon.

Swimming lessons

We are so very pleased to announce that we have secured the swimming pool, a swimming coach and a lifeguard so that swimming sessions can go ahead in school in Term 6. This year, the school is able to fully fund this activity for all pupils, therefore there will be no cost to parents. We are so lucky to have such an amazing facility on our doorstep. 

A timetable and more details will be sent to parents in the next few weeks.

School council

On Wednesday 24th April, the School Council delivered a presentation to invited guests: School Governors, Councillor Kendrick and parents, after which followed an afternoon tea. The children wanted to share their experience of their recent visit to the County Council Chambers, situated inside Lincolnshire County Council Offices. The children spoke with confidence and clarity, delivering their most favourite parts of the visit. The children received much deserved praise from both Councillor Kendrick and Mrs Duggin. They are a true credit to Team Green! 💚 

chill and chat

Miss Coleman has arranged a Chill and Chat session for parents and carers on the following date:

Thursday 23rd May 9 - 10-15am 

This session will be led by Kathie Robson (Early Help Consultant) and The Pastoral Support Team. 

The session will be focused on how relationships can affect parents, children and family lives.

More details will be shared soon. Please save this date if you are interested in this opportunity.

online safety

Stay Safe Partnerships Online Safety Q+A for Parents of Primary Aged Children 

5th June 2024 6-7:30pm 

FREE TEAMS event sign up required: 

Fidgets and toys

A polite reminder that fidgets and toys should not be sent to school with your child without prior consent from class teachers or the SENDCO. Any fidgets or toys that are brought into school without consent will be left in the school office for parents and carers to collect at their earliest convenience. 

If your child has consent to use a fidget in school, please send this in and it will be kept in school for them to use on a daily basis. We do not encourage children bringing in different fidgets each day as they can be hard to keep track of. 

Thank you