Metheringham Primary School

Welcome to issue 7 of our whole school Newsletter. Don't forget to follow us on Twitter for regular updates on achievements, class news and whole school updates. Follow us @metheringhamp

Coming up in this issue:

  • Learning updates

  • Meet the subject leader

  • TTRockstars

  • Attendance

  • This Week's Tweets1

  • Fundraising Event

  • Uniform

  • Year 5 Taster Session

  • Safety

  • FOMS

  • Free Home Workbooks

  • Starting School

Learning Updates

Foundation Stage In the Foundation stage, the children have been reading the story 'The Lighthouse Keeper's Lunch'. This week they have planned a character description. It was lovely to see them using their secure grapheme knowledge and super letter formation. We can't wait to read their full character descriptions.

Key Stage One In Key Stage 1 the children have been lucky enough to have a visit from a beekeeper who told them all about the importance of bees. They got to find out lots of interesting facts, dress up in a beekeeping suit, observe bees and even taste local honey. One of the KS1 children even managed to spot the Queen bee whilst observing the hive!

Lower Key Stage Two LKS2 have been busy with lots of new learning this week. In science, they have started learning about the functions of different parts of a plant. They have planned an investigation using real plants too! The children are looking forward to observing them and keeping a log about how they grow and change. In maths, Y4 have had their multiplication check. They all tried really hard so a big well done to them! Many of the children have also been on a maths hunt around the classroom and outside in search of right angles in shapes and in the environment. They are also having great fun collecting words for Haiku poems which they hope to share with you next week!

Upper Key Stage Two In Upper Key Stage 2, the children have been busy getting the rehearsals for the end of year performance underway. Some children have worked so hard to learn their lines. It won't be long before we say 'No scripts!' On Wednesday, there was great excitement as we had a visit from the Starlincs mobile Planetarium. We gazed in wonder at the night sky as we spotted the different constellations to be seen in the Northern Hemisphere between May and June. In the afternoon, the children presented their 'sticky knowledge' by creating double page spreads in their science books.

Meet the subject Leader

Meet Miss Wright



subject leader

Hello everyone,

I am Miss Wright (crazy penguin lady)! I was very lucky to re-join our fabulous school this academic year as a Year 5 Teacher, after completing my teacher training here back in 2020. I have been teaching the lovely Year 5 Hawks this year and am looking forward to meeting my new Year 3 class soon! Before I became a Teacher, I worked in various Human Resources roles in a number of different government departments. Most recently I was a HR Business Partner for the RAF. I have always loved planes, so you'll often see me pointing out all of the jets that fly above the playground!

My main passion though, is teaching English. I love reading and always have my head buried in a good book! There is no greater pleasure than reading or exploring a text with a class who are gripped and can't wait to find out what will happen next! Reading is so, so important. A great quote says, "reading is the key that opens doors to many good things in life." I must admit, I love writing even more though! Children should be exposed to, and have the opportunity to write for a range of purposes and audiences throughout their time at Primary School. And as Teachers, we have the pleasure and privilege of watching their writing skills develop and see their ideas materialise on paper!

Can you guess who my favourite author is?


Every child from Year 2 upwards has a TTRockstars account which can be accessed in school or at home via the website TTRockstars

Each issue we will list the latest leader board for Times Tables Rockstars. To get on the leader board, you need to play 'studio' on TTRockstars and you need to play at least ten times.

Well done to this week's top ten!

Mrs Duggin wrote to all classes this week. She challenged them to take a place in the top ten. Each child that achieves this will receive a special mention in next weeks newsletter and a prize from Mrs Duggin.


Below are the attendance figures for week 1 of Term 6. A huge well done to the classes maintaining a high standard of attendance. Teamwork makes the dream work!

This week's tweets!

fundraising Event


We would like to send a reminder out to all families about the expectations for school uniform. We hope that this will be useful and help with the uniform shop for the next academic year. Appropriate (black) shoes/trainers for active playtimes are encouraged.


White shirt/White polo shirt

Emerald green sweatshirt/cardigan

Navy blue or black trousers

Navy blue or black skirts or pinafores

Blue or black cotton shorts

Green/white check or striped dresses

Black flat-soled shoes/trainers are encouraged so pupils can be as active as possible at breaktimes.

Indoor PE

Green T-shirt

Blue or black shorts

Black plimsolls

Outdoor PE

Green T-shirt

Warm sweatshirt top (not hooded)

Tracksuit bottoms


Year 5 taster session


A polite reminder to all pupils and adults to use the walkways in order to enter and exit the school grounds. Walking across the carpark is unsafe and is not permitted.

Please be reminded that earrings should be taken out or covered for all PE lessons. Jewellery should not be worn for school.

Thank you for your help in keeping our pupils safe.


FOMS are asking for donations of chocolate for the chocolate tombola stall at the garden party. Please send any donations in with your child and these will be collected for the FOMS group. Donations of cakes/ biscuits etc. for the Cafe will also be appreciated. Please send these donations into school on the morning of the Garden Party in a named box/tin.

FOMS have also asked for parent volunteers that could support with the running of stalls and face painting. If you can offer any voluntary help then please contact the school office or a member of the FOMS group.

FOMS have some fantastic ideas for the Garden Party and for the Summer Disco! More information about the Summer Disco will be with you soon. We can't wait!

Free home workbooks

As a school, we use many of the fantastic resources from White Rose Mathematics to support our curriculum. White Rose offers a range of support materials for all learners and for parents/carers too. There are free online home workbooks available from this link

These materials are high quality mathematical resources for Year 1-Year 6 and they are inline with our mathematics curriculum.

Starting School

The Early Years staff welcomed so many lovely families to school as transition arrangements started this week. It was lovely to meet so many happy children who are ready to start school in September. Team green is excited to have you!

Next week, Mrs Duggin will deliver a parent's meeting to talk through the induction arrangements for September. FOMS will be at the meeting selling second hand uniform. We will also have water bottles and book bags on sale. Please bring some pennies if you would like to purchase anything.

We look forward to seeing our 2022-2023 families again next week.