Metheringham Primary School

Welcome to issue 61 of our whole school Newsletter. Don't forget to follow us on X for regular updates on achievements, class news and whole school updates. Follow us @metheringhamp 

Coming up in this issue:

Learning updates

Foundation Stage In Early Years we have been busy making our own vehicles.  We looked carefully at the features of a jeep and used recycled items to create our own design.  Some of use even put on windscreen wipers! 

Key Stage One In KS1 we have been learning about life cycles.  The children are all enjoying using scientific language and applying their knowledge of our wonderful world.  There have been some super discussions about how babies develop into toddlers and how many skills they have to learn before they start school. 

Lower Key Stage Two Year 3 and 4 have had an exciting week of discovery.  In science, the children have been investigating how sound is created in different instruments from around the world. A very noisy investigation! Excitingly, Geography has been explosive this week as the children have been creating volcanoes to learn how pressure reacts when it is released from the earth.  In Maths, year 3 have been focusing on equivalent lengths whilst year 4 have been extending their knowledge on division.   Finally, the children have been practising their persuasive skills in English, writing speeches in which they have attempted to persuade teachers to introduce a range of ideas into daily life.  Pizza every day at school is going to take much more persuasion!   

Upper Key Stage Two This week we have started a new topic in English, as we look at Floodland by Marcus Sedwick as our stimulus. The children are really enjoying the start of this book and are curious to see what happens. We have been making predictions and exploring the image from inside the cover. In Year 4/5 our maths focus has now moved to fractions, which will rely on the childrens multiplications and division skills. In PE, we are coming to the end of Rugby and Gymnastics. In Gymnastics the children have been creating group routines involving balancing. They have come up with some incredible routines and balances which they performed in front of the rest of the class.


45 pupils have maintained 100% attendance so far this academic year. 

145 pupils have maintained 100% attendance so far this term.

Last years whole school attendance figure was 95.15%

Current whole school attendance is 95.58%

Our attendance figures this week are as follows:

Well done to Mrs Fulbrooke's Class! We wish all of our poorly children better and hope for a better week of attendance next week :-)


During the last school week, we had  18_incidences of lateness. 

Please be reminded that doors open at 8:45 and registration is at 9:00. This gives you 15 minutes to be early and have a calm start to the day.

These latenesses range from 8 minutes late to 110 minutes late. This has a huge impact on classroom teachers, office staff, pupils in class and the child that is late. Please help us to reduce lateness.


Every child from Year 3 upwards has a TTRockstars account which can be accessed in school or at home via the website TTRockstars

Each issue we will list the latest leader board for Times Tables Rockstars. To get on the leader board, you need to play 'studio' on TTRockstars and you need to play at least ten times. 

Please find the current leader board and the class 'top rockers'. 

Rock Status Improvements

You can improve your 'Rock Status' by playing in studio and improving your speed and accuracy. 

These children improved their Rock Status this week:

Mrs Freeman's Class:

Gus is now an Unsigned Act

William is now a Rock Legend

Charlie is now a Rock Hero

Lyla is now a Rock Star

Niall is now a Support Act

Alfie is now a Rock Legend 

Harvey is now a Rock Legend

Tallulah is now a Rock Legend

Holly is now a Rock Legend

Myia is now a Rock Star

Scarlett is now a Headliner

Eloise is now a Rock Star

Mrs Wilcox and Smith-Wood's class:

Jess is now a Support Act

Owen is now a Rock Star

Mrs Fulbrook's Class

Marie is now a Breakthrough Artist

Thomas is now a Support Act

Harry is now an unsigned Act

Sophie is now an unsigned Act

Mr Edwards Class:

Lois is now a Rock Legend

Isla is now a Support Act

Felicity is now a Support Act

Miss Tucker's Class:

Ava Jane is now a Support Act

Asa is now a Headliner

Spelling Shed 

Every child from Year 2 upwards has a Spelling Shed account which can be accessed in school or at home via the website Spelling Shed

Here are the latest scores on the whole-school leader board (these scores are based on their total score from the last 7 days): 

A great week for our top ten spellers! 

This week's X Posts

upcoming events

Co-Op Community Champion 

Our Metheringham Lincolnshire Co-op branch will be raising funds for our school from 3rd December 2023 – 2nd March 2024. Please support us by purchasing in store if you can.

Amazon wishlist

The school has set up an amazon wishlist with a whole host of ideas if anyone would like to donate something to the school. We will write inside the front cover of any books to say who it was donated by, and add the books to our school library. You are invited to donate a book on your child's birthday to mark the special day. Thank you for your ongoing support.

Click here to view our wishlist 

Online safety

Please find some online safety information below. You can also access our latest online safety newsletter on our school website: Click Here 

Safety while Gaming 

This year, the NSPCC launches its first Game Safe Festival. As part of the upcoming NSPCC Game Safe Festival, there will be a free online webinar for carers, parents and those working with families about online gaming and how they can help keep their children safe. 

The webinar will be open to parents and carers from across the UK. We're bringing together key players to make sure children have positive gaming experiences. And we're helping the adults in their lives have the knowledge, confidence and tools they need to help keep children safe when they game.

The free workshop will take place on Zoom on Wednesday 7 February 2024, 7-8pm. Poster attached with details on how to register.

AI and online safety

We have received quite a few concerning reports regarding inappropriate, oversexualised and abusive material on AI Chat Apps. We have created the attached factsheet to be shared with parents. Whilst AI can be a really creative tool and has many benefits that will change how we use the internet it is important parents are aware that safety features have not caught up with all available apps and they therefore need to be checked by an adult and monitored in order to avoid harmful content being seen by children and young people.

Kathryn Smith, Community Safety Strategy Coordinator Prevention Education

Children's Mental health week

Between 5th - 9th February, our school will be taking part in Children's Mental Health Week 2024.  It is a mental health awareness week that empowers, equips and gives a voice to all children and young people in the UK. Everyone can take part.  Here's how our families can get involved, including 'top tips' for supporting your child's mental health.


The JRSO's (Junior Road Safety Officers)  are working hard to find out how children come to school, so they can raise awareness on the healthier ways to travel.  They have collated evidence from all classes and created these charts.  Their next project for after half term is,

'Be Bright, Be Seen.'

parent survey

Please find a link to the school website where you will find the results from our latest parent survey. Thank you for your lovely feedback. We feel very lucky to have such a supportive community.

Click Here 

Term 4 clubs

Term 4 clubs go live on Parentpay next week! Have a look at what will be on offer...

end of term 3 Pop up Event

Term 3 ends on Friday 9th February 

Our FOMS team will be hosting a uniform sale and a pop up stall at the end of the school day to sell end of term treats. Don't forget your pennies.

More info to follow on Seesaw next week.