Metheringham Primary School

Welcome to issue 5 of our whole school Newsletter. Don't forget to follow us on Twitter for regular updates on achievements, class news and whole school updates. Follow us @metheringhamp

Coming up in this issue:

  • Learning updates

  • Meet the subject leader

  • TTRockstars

  • PSHE/RSE news

  • Attendance

  • CGS Outreach Sports Camp

  • This week's tweets!

  • Jubilee/Sports Day reminders

  • Staff updates

  • We need you

  • Vacancy

  • Reminder

  • End of Term 5

Learning Updates

Foundation Stage In the Foundation stage the children have been recreating Monet's lily pad artwork. They started creating a bridge using masking tape which they will peel off when their paintings are finished. Next week they will be using paintbrushes and skills to create a pond. They can't wait to celebrate their achievements and show you the finished masterpieces.

Key Stage One KS1 have been so busy this week. Year 2’s have been completing their SATS tests and have worked so very hard. We are all very proud of them! Year 1’s have been learning all about plants and their features. They got to explore our lovely garden and appreciate all our trees and plants. The trainee teachers in school have excelled themselves by growing avocado plants, Amaryllis flowers, a walnut tree and cress.

Lower Key Stage Two In LKS2 we have been stepping into the role of Arthur from our story Arthur and the Golden Rope. We have been recounting his first day using emotive language in preparation to write a diary recount from Arthur's perspective. Can you guess who was brave enough to step into the hot seat? We have also begun our time unit in maths. So maybe your children will be able to tell you when it is bed time!

Upper Key Stage Two This week, UKS2 have been really busy! They have been learning more about the Maya Civilisation and their daily life - it was interesting to see how the men, women and children were treated. They also had great fun making papier mache Maya masks - who doesn't love peeling dry PVA glue off their hands!! On Numeracy day, they were delighted to be part of a Guinness World Record attempt alongside TTRockstars. We are pleased to say that... THEY SMASHED IT (along with thousands of other schools!). Year 5 have been learning about 3D shapes in maths; they have been recognising, describing and making them.

Meet the subject Leader

Meet Miss Tucker



subject leader


I am Miss Tucker and I was new to the Metheringham team in September and have been teaching the lovely Year 4 Robins this year. As a military child, I have lived in a number of different counties and even once overseas. I am currently the Geography subject lead and love being able to travel the world within the classroom. At Metheringham, we relish opportunities to explore both near and far places and delve into what makes them so special. It is always exciting to uncover how and why the world is as we see it today and Geography is a fantastic subject to be able to do this. I must say my favourite unit to explore is extreme earth and weather. Who isn't hooked when learning about a natural disaster? Can you guess where I am in this picture?


Every child from Year 2 upwards has a TTRockstars account which can be accessed in school or at home via the website TTRockstars

Each issue we will list the latest leader board for Times Tables Rockstars. To get on the leader board, you need to play 'studio' on TTRockstars and you need to play at least ten times.

There is no change to this week's top ten but lots of children are moving closer and are ready to challenge the top spots.


As you know, RSE and Health Education is part of our PSHE curriculum. At Metheringham, we are committed to empowering our children to build positive, respectful and tolerant relationships in an ever-changing world. This promotes the wellbeing of, and safeguards, children and young people.

RSE day (Relationships and Sex Education) is the 30th June 2022 and is the climax of Pride Month in the UK. As a school, we will be joining in with this.

Good quality RSE happens all year round at Metheringham, with a planned curriculum, in line with the DfE statutory framework, but 30th June is an opportunity to celebrate and raise awareness. The theme for RSE Day this year is "Celebrating Differences - Everyone can Sparkle!"

More news on this soon.


Below are the attendance figures for Week 4 of Term 5. Well done to all classes and pupils who are maintaining the schools standard of 96% and above.

Carre's outreach sports camp

This week's Tweets!


Thursday 26th May

  • All children to come in sports wear.

  • Parents to arrive via the main entrance.

  • Parents to remain seated in the spectator area and not to approach children for safety reasons.

  • Children to have a hat, water bottle and sun cream applied in the morning.

  • KS2 start time: 10am

  • KS1 start time: 1:45pm

  • Parents please sign photo permission forms that will be passed around.

  • No photos are permitted to be used on social media sites for safeguarding reasons.

  • FOMS will be running a refreshments stall for parents.

  • Please check Seesaw and Twitter for last minute changes.

  • Make lots of noise for our little people!

Friday 27th May

  • All children are invited to wear red, white and blue.

  • Picnic lunch (weather permitting).

  • Pupils will bring home a creation to enter into the village competitions.

  • Check out Seesaw and Twitter for pictures of the days events.

Staff updates

Mrs Ullyatt will be leaving our school at the end of this academic year. Mrs Ullyatt is wanting to explore opportunities outside of teaching. Mrs Ullyatt's last day of work will be Friday 22nd July. The school is looking to appoint a new teacher to start with us in September 2022. We will keep you informed about the new appointment once interviews have taken place.

We need you!

We are looking for volunteers to help us look after the garden areas in our school grounds. We have tools, tea and friendly staff and children who love to garden. If you have green fingers and time to spare, please contact Mrs Duggin to discuss this further.



Please remind children that toys, keyrings, pencil toppers and fidgets are not permitted in school. These items will be left in the office for adults to collect if they are found in school. Thank you.

end of term 5

Happy Half Term

Term 5 ends on Friday 27th May and school reopens on Monday 6th June.