Metheringham Primary School

Welcome to issue 49 of our whole school Newsletter. Don't forget to follow us on Twitter for regular updates on achievements, class news and whole school updates. Follow us @metheringhamp 

Coming up in this issue:

Learning updates

Foundation Stage This week the Reception children have had the opportunity to explore different vegetables.  They loved the large pumpkins - especially using their motor skills to cut, scoop and chop. 

Key Stage One Miss Pearson and Ms Vrettos' classes have been enjoying the story, The Day the Crayons Quit and were visited by Red Crayon on Monday. They heard all about the grumbles of the crayons from the story and it has inspired some super writing.🖍 In art, all KS1 children have been very busy printing their portraits using a polystyrene tile and printing inks. We can't wait to have them all finished. 

Lower Key Stage Two This week, year 3 and 4 have been learning how to take a 'chip shot' in golf.  It looks like there might be some budding Tiger Woods amongst them! The children have been enjoying the English writing, where they have been planning and creating their own suspense story openers. The children have had more opportunities to show off their drama skills; becoming baby owls and large winged creatures. The maths focuses this week in year 3 has been adding 1's and 10's to two- and three-digit numbers; noticing the exchange in value when adding more than nine.  Year 4 have been working on adding four-digit numbers. The children showcased their learning in history, creating and presenting their knowledge about the Anglo-Saxons and Vikings to others. 

Upper Key Stage Two This week in UKS2, our English continued to focus on Odysseus and his adventures. The children were tasked with rewriting parts of the story in the own words. The pieces they produced were absolutely amazing. In our maths lessons, Year 5 have been working hard on their times tables knowledge and fractions. Year 6 have been mastering the skill of adding and subtracting fractions, some with mixed numbers. In history, we have continued to look at our topic of ancient Greece, where the children have been learning the time line of the period and we were fortunate to have some Greek objects loaned to us from The Collection in Lincoln. In Science, we have been looking at water resistance and how that is similar to air resistance. Next week, we will be performing an experiment using plasticine and dropping it into water to see what happens if we use different shapes.


141 pupils have maintained 100% attendance so far this academic year. 

Last years whole school attendance figure was 95.15%

Current whole school attendance is 95.38%

Our attendance figures for week 6 of term 1 are as follows:

Well done to Year 2! A great week for attendance :-)

During the last school week, we had  18_incidences of lateness. This is an increase on last weeks latenesses

Please be reminded that doors open at 8:45 and registration is at 9:00. This gives you 15 minutes to be early and have a calm start to the day.

Holidays in Term Time

Amendment to Lincolnshire’s Fixed Penalty Notice, Code of Conduct Dear Parents and Carers

We have been notified of a change to the Lincolnshire Fixed Penalty Notice, Code of Conduct. In line with our attendance policy, holidays in term time will not be granted unless it is deemed an exceptional circumstance. The procedure for making a request has not changed, all families must submit a leave of absence request in writing, using the standard school form which is available on the school website and from the office. A decision will be given in writing, if this is unauthorised and the family choose to take the holiday anyway the school may advise the Local Authority to issue a fixed penalty notice. 

In accordance with the Lincolnshire Fixed Penalty Notice, Code of Conduct, all holidays that are not deemed to be exceptional circumstances may result in the school requesting the Local Authority to issue a Fixed Penalty Notice, for a holiday taken during term time. If you take a term time holiday without submitting a leave of absence request, and we have sufficient evidence, a request for a Fixed Penalty Notice may be made.


Every child from Year 2 upwards has a TTRockstars account which can be accessed in school or at home via the website TTRockstars

Each issue we will list the latest leader board for Times Tables Rockstars. To get on the leader board, you need to play 'studio' on TTRockstars and you need to play at least ten times. 

Please find the current leader board and the class 'top rockers'. 

Well done Lydia, you rock!

Spelling Shed 

Every child from Year 2 upwards has a Spelling Shed account which can be accessed in school or at home via the website Spelling Shed

Here are the latest scores on the whole-school leader board (these scores are based on their total score from the last 7 days): 

This week's X Posts

upcoming events

Parent Consultations 

Parent consultations will take place on Tuesday 17th and Thursday 19th of October.

Please note, learning books will be available to view outside your child's classroom and adults will go to the hall to meet with their child's teacher. 

Appointment dates and times have been sent to all families who have requested a meeting.

Thank you 

Sponsored Non-Uniform and walk

On Thursday 19th October, we will be taking part in a sponsored non-uniform day and autumn walk. The whole school will team up and walk in the great outdoors to raise much needed funds for a class set of new iPads. Please check out our Go Fund Me page and share this link with family and friends to sponsor a child. Can we smash our target of £1000? 

Go Fund Me Link 

Inspire Week 

Next week is Inspire Week! 'Inspire' is one of our school's golden threads and we hope to raise the profile of this during the week. We have a 'Drumba' experience booked for all classes, a STEM ambassador visiting us to deliver an assembly, an engineering workshop, artistic opportunities in all classes and much more. Please see the following information on what to wear on each day :-) 

Flu Vaccinations 

The School Immunisation Team were in school on Tuesday. Children received their spray vaccination if parents have consented. A 'mop up' session is booked for Thursday 14th December for anyone that was missed or wishes to take part in this later date.

Online Safety 

We have been made aware of children taking photos of themselves and their friends on personal mobile phones on their way into school in a morning. This is happening before supervision begins. These photos are being taken while children are in school uniform which risks giving away personal information if shared online. This is also a safeguarding risk for any pupils in the background of these images.

Phones are not permitted to be switched on while a child is on school site. All children have been reminded of this. This includes anywhere within the school gates. Mobile phones are kept in the school office and are handed back to children as they leave school. They are not to be switched on until the child leaves the premises.

We would encourage parents to check their child's phone for images of their friends taken in school uniform. These should be deleted and not shared on online platforms or group chats. 

While children are in uniform, they represent the school and the standards we adhere to.

Thank you for your support with this matter.

School Photographs 

Tempest Photography is in school on Tuesday 17th October to take individual school photographs. Children will have their photo taken with older siblings in school time.

Preschool siblings are welcome to come to school from 8:30 to have their photo taken with school aged siblings.

Don't forget your cool hair and big cheesy smiles.

End of Term 1

Wow, how are we talking about half term already? It's been a long but fun and exciting term and we couldn't be happier with the successes we have seen. We hope Inspire week will be just as successful and a great end to Term 1. The children are certainly ready for a week at home with their loved ones. Our littlest ones have done so, so well. Term 1 ends on Friday 20th October at 3:20 for KS1 and EYFS and 3:30 for KS2.

diary of events Term 2

Uniform Consultation 

We are reviewing our current uniform policy and would appreciate your feedback on changes that will not take effect until September 2024.

Uniform Consultation  

If you would like to see the proposed policy. It is available under policies on the school website.