Metheringham Primary School

Welcome to issue 48 of our whole school Newsletter. Don't forget to follow us on Twitter for regular updates on achievements, class news and whole school updates. Follow us @metheringhamp 

Coming up in this issue:

Staffing Updates 

Mrs Burton will be leaving us at the end of Term 1. We are very sorry to see Mrs Burton go and wish her every success and happiness in her future endeavours. She has been a pleasure to work with and has made a difference to lots of our children.

We have made two new teaching assistant appointments. Miss Hawkins will be returning to us in Term 2 and will join the team in supporting pupils in class and with interventions. We have also appointed Mrs Goodwin who will be joining our team in EYFS and Key Stage One and supporting pupils in class.

Miss McKenzie is unable to return to work in Term 2. Current staffing arrangements will continue.

Learning updates

Foundation Stage Our Reception children have been learning all about Harvest.  They have had the opportunity to learn and paint with different vegetables in the early years setting.  I am sure you will agree that their singing during our harvest celebrations was heart-warming and they have all settled exceptionally well into Metheringham school life.

Key Stage One In Year 1 & 2, the children have been carrying on with their self portrait learning during our art lessons.  It was great fun to trace round pictures of our beautiful faces and think about the position of our features.  Next week, we are going to start printing our portraits in the style of Andy Warhol. 

Lower Key Stage Two This week, we have had lots of fun exploring our new text. The children were filled with wonder at the arrival of a peculiar tent in our classrooms. It was filled with many items which allowed us to make predictions about our new unit. Can you guess where the story is set? We have read the start of 'Leon and the Place Between' and noticed the story creates a lot of suspense in the first few pages. We have so many questions. What is the place between? What is going to happen? Who is 'he'? We cannot wait to find out! LKS2 have also enjoyed learning a poem for national poetry day. In history this week, we have discovered who King Alfred was and why he was considered to be 'Great'.  

Upper Key Stage Two What a week!  First of all, thank you for all your harvest donations.  Everyone really enjoyed the Harvest Festival and we are so proud of all the children. How can it be the end of week 5 already?  Year 5 and 6 have continued to develop their writing skills through our book, “The Adventures of Odysseus.” Year 6 have written their own version of Chapter 1, “The Stranger, whilst the other two classes have written and edited their setting descriptions.  How lovely to see so many parents attend the Maths Morning last week.  The feedback was very positive.  We hope you enjoyed learning alongside your children.  In our topic unit, The Ancient Greeks,” we have gained knowledge about who they were, when they lived and where this ancient civilisation began.  On Thursday, it was National Poetry Day (and World Teacher Day) so we shared poetry and watched a video by a poet named Joseph Coelho “Poetry is language at its most distilled and most powerful.” —Rita Dove.  

National Poetry Day 2023

Today is National Poetry Day and we celebrated by reading some of our favourite poems. Some classes performed a poem for you to see - take a look!

Treasure Trove.mp4


154 pupils have maintained 100% attendance so far this academic year. 

Last years whole school attendance figure was 95.15%

Current whole school attendance is 95.42%

Our attendance figures for week 5 of term 1 are as follows:

Mr Edwards class, what a result! An extra playtime is awarded to you.

During the last school week, we had  11_incidences of lateness. This is an improvement on last weeks latenesses

Please be reminded that doors open at 8:45 and registration is at 9:00. This gives you 15 minutes to be early and have a calm start to the day.

Holidays in Term Time

Amendment to Lincolnshire’s Fixed Penalty Notice, Code of Conduct Dear Parents and Carers

We have been notified of a change to the Lincolnshire Fixed Penalty Notice, Code of Conduct. In line with our attendance policy, holidays in term time will not be granted unless it is deemed an exceptional circumstance. The procedure for making a request has not changed, all families must submit a leave of absence request in writing, using the standard school form which is available on the school website and from the office. A decision will be given in writing, if this is unauthorised and the family choose to take the holiday anyway the school will advise the Local Authority to issue a fixed penalty notice. 

In accordance with the Lincolnshire Fixed Penalty Notice, Code of Conduct, all holidays that are not deemed to be exceptional circumstances and will result in the school requesting the Local Authority to issue a Fixed Penalty Notice, for a holiday taken during term time. This is regardless of your child’s current level of attendance and the number of days requested. If you take a term time holiday without submitting a leave of absence request, and we have sufficient evidence, a request for a Fixed Penalty Notice will be made.


Every child from Year 2 upwards has a TTRockstars account which can be accessed in school or at home via the website TTRockstars

Each issue we will list the latest leader board for Times Tables Rockstars. To get on the leader board, you need to play 'studio' on TTRockstars and you need to play at least ten times. 

Please find the current leader board and the class 'top rockers'. 

Well done Sophia and Chase for their rankings this week.

Spelling Shed 

Every child from Year 2 upwards has a Spelling Shed account which can be accessed in school or at home via the website Spelling Shed

Here are the latest scores on the whole-school leader board (these scores are based on their total score from the last 7 days): 

World League Position 2!! WOW!

This week's X Posts

upcoming events

Advanced Notice 

MacMillan Fundraising 

We raised a huge £416 for MacMillan Cancer support! Thank you to everyone that came along, got stuck in to maths learning, enjoyed a coffee or cake, and made a donation. You are incredible!

Parent Consultations 

Parent consultations will take place on Tuesday 17th and Thursday 19th of October.

 Please note, learning books will be available to view outside your child's classroom and adults will go to the hall to meet with their child's teacher. 

 Appointment letters have been sent out to families. Please return these by Monday 9th October. 

Thank you 


It was lovely to see so many of our reception parents in school on Wednesday for our Harvest celebrations. The children did us all very proud as always. There was poetry, prayers, donations, readings and lots of beautiful singing. It was wonderful to see our families singing long to our favourite harvest songs too. 

Thank you to everyone that has made a donation. We are in talks with Sleaford Community Larder who will be coming to school to thank the children and to take these generous donations.

World Teacher day

On Thursday, we celebrated our teachers who work tirelessly to provide high quality teaching and learning for our pupils. They give their time, expertise and commitment to the school in order to provide support to each other, our little people, families and the wider community. The school wouldn't be the special place that it is without them all. Happy World Teacher Day to Team Green!

Sponsored Non-Uniform and walk

On Thursday 19th October, we will be taking part in a sponsored non-uniform day and autumn walk. The whole school will team up and walk in the great outdoors to raise much needed funds for a class set of new iPads. Please check out our Go Fund Me page and share this link with family and friends to sponsor a child. Can we smash our target of £1000? 

Go Fund Me Link 

Inspire Week 

In week 7, we will be holding an 'Inspire' week. Our teachers are busy organising inspiring activities, workshops, virtual experiences and visitors in order to inspire our pupils with a love of Science, Technology, Engineering, Mathematics, Arts, Music and Physical Activity. 'Inspire' is one of our school's golden threads and we hope to raise the profile of this during this exciting end to Term 1.

Flu Vaccinations 

The School Immunisation Team are due into school on Tuesday 10th October for the upcoming Flu vaccinations. Children will receive their spray vaccination if parents have consented. Please make your child aware that this will take place.

Big Ambition Survey

The Children’s Commissioner for England has recently launched ‘The Big Ambition’ to hear directly from children, young people, and parents across the country.

This is an opportunity to hear from all children, in every part of the country and in every setting. The survey will be used to encourage policymakers to think about children and young people’s needs, to ensure children’s voices are reflected in the decisions that will affect them in years to come.

To find out more head to The Big Ambition page. To take part in The Big Ambition survey visit: 

Reading Ambassadors

Our Y6 Reading Ambassadors have started their KS1 Buddy Reading club this week with the selected Y1 & 2 children. They had a wonderful lunch time listening to and sharing their favourite books!