Metheringham Primary School

Welcome to issue 40 of our whole school Newsletter. Don't forget to follow us on Twitter for regular updates on achievements, class news and whole school updates. Follow us @metheringhamp 

Coming up in this issue:

 Learning Updates

Foundation Stage The Reception children had a wonderful time at Skegness Aquarium. They really enjoyed learning about sealife and exploring the activities that they had there.  

Key Stage One  This week the children have been continuing to learn about Brunel and all his amazing designs.  We watched an informative film about his life and thought about how his designs changed the country we live in.  Year 1 & 2 children got to draw some of his creations.  

Lower Key Stage Two This week in LKS2...  We have enjoyed our first swimming sessions out in this glorious sunshine, and continued to develop our Rounders skills in PE. Year 4 have been super stars and completed their times table check. They all worked so hard and tried their absolute best - Miss Pearson and Miss Tucker are incredibly proud of all the children - well done. Year 3 and 4 have started our PSHE topic by discussing ground rules and why these are so important - the children have showed responsibility and respect during these sessions, two of our school values. In English we are continuing our narrative writing - I wonder what adventure our characters will embark on? We have finished reading 'Pebble in my Pocket'; we thoroughly enjoyed learning about the rock cycle during this text. We have ended the week by learning about the influence of the Romans on our life today. What a jam packed week! Have a great weekend everyone!  

Upper Key Stage Two Hot hot hot!  Our first proper taste of summer!  The fans are out in the classroom and we are all flagging by 2:30! 

Despite the sweltering heat, UKS2 have been enjoying their diary writing in role as the main character (Michael) from Michael Morpugo’s ‘Kensuke’s Kingdom.’  We have some wonderful examples, where children have used the model text effectively to support their writing. 

This week in maths, Year 5/6 have been recapping triangles and quadrilaterals and developing our 2D and 3D shapes knowledge, while Y6 have been studying statistics, particularly involving pie charts. More maths, but in science during a Gravity investigation, where children needed to measure, draw results charts and read from scales.  even better that we were able to carry out this learning outside!

It is our Growing and Changing unit in PSHE, so this week has seen us collaborating to generate our ground rules to ensure safe, happy and respectful learning environments.  As well as this, we have re-capped the parts of the male and female body involved in our bodies growing and changing as we gradually develop into adults.  All the children have been amazing, with the questions and discussions have been so rewarding.   

Staff updates

Due to school funding cuts, we are unable to run 10 classes in the next academic year. This means that we will be saying goodbye to Miss Houldershaw at the end of the year and reducing to 9 classes. Miss Houldershaw has enjoyed her time with us at Metheringham and is very sorry to be leaving us. We are hoping that the reduction in classes is a temporary measure and that we will be able to increase again the following year, if funding allows.

We will also be saying goodbye to Mr Anker at the end of the year as he seeks an appointment to complete his Early Career Teacher years.

We have appointed Mrs Holly Fullbrook, who trained with us in 2021-2022, to cover Miss Wright's maternity leave until her return. Mrs Fullbrook knows the school and the pupils well and is excited for the opportunity to work with us again.

Class structure for 2023-2024:

Reception- Miss Storr

Reception/Year 1- Mrs Jones

Year 1/Year 2- Miss Pearson

Year 2- Ms Vrettos and Miss McKenzie 

Year 3- Mrs Fullbrook/Miss Wright 

Year 3/4- Miss Tucker

Year 4/5-Mr Edwards

Year 5/6- Mrs Wilcox/Mrs Smith-Wood

Year 6- Mrs Freeman


28 pupils have maintained 100% attendance so far this academic year.

Current whole school attendance is 95.17%. 

Our attendance figures for week 1 of term 6 were as follows:

Well done to Miss Houldershaw's Class! A great start to Term 6!

During the last school week, we had  20_incidences of lateness. We hope to see this improve next week.

Please be reminded that doors open at 8:45 and registration is at 9:00. This gives you 15 minutes to be early and have a calm start to the day.

Book recommendations 

The Lovey Squirrels in Year 2 would like to recommend the following book to you:

Would you like to read this wonderful book?


This week's tweets!


Every child from Year 2 upwards has a TTRockstars account which can be accessed in school or at home via the website TTRockstars

Each issue we will list the latest leader board for Times Tables Rockstars. To get on the leader board, you need to play 'studio' on TTRockstars and you need to play at least ten times. 

Please find the current leader board and the class 'top rockers'. 

It's time for a shake up! Next week the top ten Class Rockers will be invited for lunch with the staff! Let's get rocking!

Spelling Shed

Every child from Year 2 upwards has a Spelling Shed account which can be accessed in school or at home via the website Spelling Shed

Here are the latest scores on the whole-school leader board (these scores are based on their total score from the last 7 days): 

Harry, this is a great achievement! Keep up the super spelling :-)

Upcoming events

Advanced Notice 

Thursday 29th June- Garden Party 3pm to 5pm (everyone welcome)


RSE Day 2023 

RSE Day is a day where we celebrate great Relationships and Sex Education in schools and other settings.  RSE Day takes place on the last Thursday in June each year.  In 2023, RSE Day will be held on Thursday 29 June.  Metheringham will be celebrating the day with lots of creative activities to involve our young people in discussions about healthy relationships and other RSE themes.   


The theme for RSE Day 2023 is 'Let's Launch into Kindness'.   

Good Lookin Cookin 

We are pleased to announce that we will be working in partnership with 'Good Lookin Cookin' who will be our new hot meals provider in the next academic year.

More information will be shared before the end of term about how to place your orders for September. 

Read all about 'Good Lookin Cookin' on their website: Click Here! 

Garden Party

Our Friends of Metheringham Primary School (FOMS) team are busy preparing for our Garden Party on Thursday 29th June. There will be music, stalls, games, activities, food, ice-cream and much, much more.

 This is our opportunity to celebrate the year and we would love as many families as possible to attend between 3pm and 5pm.

FOMS will be asking for donations of sweets for their Tombola and plants for a plant sale. Donations of sweets can be made anytime. Donations of plants can be made on Wednesday 28th June. 

FOMS will also be organising a uniform swap shop which will take place after school on the Fridays leading up to the end of term.

Chill and chat

Mrs Thackray has arranged for the next Chill and Chat session for parents and carers on the following date:

Wednesday 12th July at 2.15pm until 3.15pm 

This session will be led by Odette Read, Specialist Teacher from the Dyslexia Outreach and Specialist Teaching Team. 

More details will be shared soon. Please save this date if you are interested in this opportunity to learn more about Dyslexia.


Information has been shared this week about our partnership with Metheringham Swimming Pool to raise much needed funds for the pool. We are encouraging all children to take part in a sponsored SPLASH-A-THON! 

Each class is invited to the pool on Sunday 25th June to take part in a sponsored SPLASH with their class. A sponsor form and letter with your child's class splash time has been sent home. 

Staff are hoping to come along to the event to cheer on their classes. Please could you indicate via a Seesaw message to your child's teacher if you intend to take part so we know how many staff to send along.

Relief vacancy

We are recruiting relief midday supervisors to join our lunchtime team. This is a zero hours contract, to cover midday absences. For more information please visit the school website:


Swimming has been a huge success this week. The children have loved the water, been very respectful to the coaches and enjoyed being active in the sunshine. How lucky are we to have such an amazing facility on our doorstep and for whole school swimming to be fully funded by the school at no cost to parents and families. Even more reason to support the Splash-a-thon event...let's keep our community pool open!


Next year, we are lucky enough to have 38 families that have chosen Metheringham Primary School as their child's first school. We have enjoyed visits to nursery settings and meeting the children and families at our first induction session. We hope they all enjoyed it as much as we did. We can't wait to see you all again on Tuesday 20th June.

Reading and Spelling Parent Survey

Please help us to evaluate the impact of reading for pleasure and Spelling Shed on your child's progress and enjoyment.

Click Here to access a short parent survey: Reading and Spelling Parent Survey 

Miss Pearson (Interim English Leader)