Metheringham Primary School

Welcome to issue 4 of our whole school Newsletter. Don't forget to follow us on Twitter for regular updates on achievements, class news and whole school updates. Follow us @metheringhamp

Coming up in this issue:

  • Learning updates

  • Meet the subject leader

  • TTRockstars

  • Online safety

  • Attendance

  • Wellbeing

  • What our pupils think about PE

  • This week's tweets!

  • KS1 SATs

  • Jubilee News

  • Reading books

Learning Updates

Foundation Stage Our youngest pupils were inspired by one of our fantastic parents this week. How exciting to get to listen to an expert in oral health and to practice brushing teeth with electric and manual toothbrushes. Ask your child what they know about teeth and staying healthy.

Key Stage One This week, KS1 have been learning all about butterflies. They managed to read and remember lots of facts and enjoyed learning in our sunny Early Years garden. Some of the Year 1 children have continued their maths learning at home by grouping different objects. They have been using Lego bricks, toy cars and even blueberries!

Lower Key Stage Two In LKS2 the children have continued to explore Anglo-Saxon and Viking art. They have used the skill of sketching and created first draft patterns out of pipe cleaners. Their designs are ready to evaluate and tweak. Next they will be making 3D stamps using sting, they will use these to create prints. We can't want to see the final piece of art.

Upper Key Stage Two The year 6 children have been really busy taking their SATs tests this week. They have worked incredibly hard - showing our school values of determination and resilience. Each day they have come in to school with a smile on their face, ready for the challenges that were to come... the toast certainly helped to keep their spirits up! The year 5 children have continued to enjoy their focus book, Floodland. They have enjoyed reading and writing persuasive speeches. In maths, they have been looking at the properties of shapes and broadening their mathematical vocabulary. In history, both the year 5 and year 6 children, have had their most gruesome lesson yet!! They have been learning all about Mayan beliefs and their sacrificial rituals. A definite highlight for all the children!!

Meet the subject Leader

Meet Miss Storr


Religious Education

subject leader

Hello my name is Miss Storr,

I am a Reception teacher at Metheringham Primary School and a mum of two adult girls. I have worked in education for the past 22 years starting as a teaching assistant, completing my teacher training at Metheringham Primary School and now being lucky to work with a community that I love. I have enthusiasm and desire to educate and support children in achieving their full potential. I get great reward from seeing children develop and grow throughout their primary school years and I feel proud that I have been a part of their school memories.

As part of my role within school, I am also RE (religious education) lead across the school. I believe that teaching RE in school helps children to develop respect and tolerance towards people's cultures and beliefs. RE at Metheringham Primary School encourages children's understanding of the differences within our communities and aims to develop awareness and respect about people's beliefs and cultures. We also help children to develop their own beliefs, to express their opinions and to think about the world around them.


Every child from Year 2 upwards has a TTRockstars account which can be accessed in school or at home via the website TTRockstars

Each issue we will list the latest leader board for Times Tables Rockstars. To get on the leader board, you need to play 'studio' on TTRockstars and you need to play at least ten times.

A huge shout out to Chase in Year 4 who has stormed his way into 5th position on this week's leader board, we know your class are going to be very proud of this achievement.

online safety

It has been brought to our attention that a number of children in lower key stage two are discussing content that is not age appropriate that they have viewed on YouTube. YouTube is an app with an age restriction of 13+. We are aware of the measure that our families put in place to keep their children safe online and to help them make informed choices about what they view and do online. When children view content that is not age appropriate and then share these experiences with other pupils in school, it can lead to more children being curious about the content and potentially accessing it.

We are all responsible for helping our children stay safe online and ensuring that others remain safe too.

Internet Matters has user friendly guides that aim to help with setting parental controls on a range of apps and devices. Have a look at how to set parental controls here:

Entertainment & Search Engine Safety - Internet Matters


Below are the attendance figures for Week 3 of Term 5. Well done to our year two pupils for their outstanding attendance.


Helping your child manage their health and wellbeing is a top priority for many, which is why so many apps exist for this. The website have found some of the best and most popular wellbeing and mindfulness apps for you and your family. Please do take a look here

From recognising emotions to practising mediation techniques, these apps offer a range of ways to manage wellbeing. Whilst these apps can be useful, they are not a replacement for seeking professional medical advice.

Remember our five ways to wellbeing which can also be used as strategies to manage health and wellbeing.

What do our pupils think about PE?

This week, Mrs Jones has been talking to the children about what they have been learning in PE and how they feel about sport and PE at Metheringham. It was a delight to hear about the children's positive experiences. They told Mrs Jones; "I like being part of Team Green. We wear green and it makes us feel like part of it. I like the after-school clubs because you get more time to play and it’s fun!" The children enjoy coming to school in their PE kits as, "you are not wasting time."

This week's Tweets!


The Year Two pupils will sit their end of Key Stage One SATs assessments next week. They have worked incredibly hard over the past few years both in school and at home during periods of disrupted schooling. We couldn't be more proud of their resilience, determination and attitudes. This is their time to shine and to prove how much they have achieved so far in their primary years. We wish them lots of luck and we know they will all smash it. Their teachers will use these assessments to inform their teacher assessments at the end of the academic year.

Jubilee News

In 2022, Her Majesty the Queen will become the first British Monarch to celebrate a Platinum Jubilee after 70 years of service. The school will be holding a day of celebrations to mark this momentous occasion.

On Friday 27th May, we would like to invite all pupils to dress in red, white and blue with tiaras/crowns encouraged too. At lunchtime, we will meet together to sing our Jubilee song and to eat outdoors for a special Jubilee picnic. The Farm Kitchen will be providing a picnic lunch for all children who have paid for a school lunch or who have requested a free school meal.

The school will also be supporting the events planned by Metheringham Village. All children will be encouraged to create something in school that they can enter into the village competitions. They will bring these creations home and parents will need to take the entries to the village hall by 12 noon on Saturday 4th June to be in with a chance of winning a prize.

Our school choir has also been asked to sing on Sunday as part of the celebrations. We can't wait to celebrate with the village and to see our pupil's contributions.

Every class will have a chance to complete one of the above activities in school.

Reading books

Reading books and diaries should be in school every day. The school prioritises reading and listening to your child read as often as possible. We cannot do this if your child doesn't have their reading book.

Please also be reminded that Friday is our book changing day. It is essential that your child gets the opportunity to change their books regularly and experience a wide range of texts. If your child hasn't changed their book on a Friday, then please contact the teacher on Seesaw and we will ensure they do this at the earliest opportunity.