Metheringham Primary School

Welcome to issue 30 of our whole school Newsletter. Don't forget to follow us on Twitter for regular updates on achievements, class news and whole school updates. Follow us @metheringhamp 

Coming up in this issue:

staff update

Miss Wright leaves us today to start her maternity leave. The class and team are going to miss her but we can't wait to hear the lovely news of her safe arrival and watch her blossom as a mummy.

Mr Anker has joined the team and will be teaching our wonderful Year 3 class. He has spent lots of time in school already and is keen to make a difference to Team Green.

Mrs Burton joined the staffing team last term. She is working in UKS2 as an enhanced adult. Please say hello if you see her.

Mrs Deakin joined the staffing team last term. She is working in KS1 as an enhanced adult. Give her a wave if you see her.

 Learning Updates

Foundation Stage This week, children in Reception have been planning and writing a middle part to a story using the characters from Jack and the Beanstalk. We have had great fun using our imaginations to think of what adventures Jack could go on at the top of the beanstalk.  

Key Stage One  The children in Key Stage One have shone this week. We have been completing assessments to showcase everything we have learned since September. The children have been so mature and shown so many of our school values. It has been a pleasure to see. The children have also completed amazing information reports all about the Giant Pandas of China in their English learning, learned lots of fun facts about Amelia Earhart in history and in computing the children have been cooperating in small groups to program sprites to move in Scratch Jnr. This was all before the excitement and fun activities of World Book Day!  

Lower Key Stage Two In LKS2 this week, we have been continuing to focus on our Cinderella performance, including busting out some dance moves! The stage is now up and we can’t wait to show you our fantastic show in a few weeks time. In maths, we have continued our fractions topic and in RE, we have extended our Christianity knowledge by learning about the Holy Communion. Can you remember what the bread and wine symbolises? We celebrated World Book Day in style, by writing ‘Paper Bag Book Reviews’, making Pom Poms for our ongoing library renovation and chilling out with a bedtime story. Sadly this week we are saying good-bye for now to Miss Wright; we are going to miss her SO much, but from all of LKS2, we wish her all the best with becoming a new mum! We welcome Mr Anker to our team, and he can’t wait to join us all full-time from Monday. 

Upper Key Stage Two Assessment week - done! We are so incredibly proud of UKS2 - they have approached these assessments with resilience and maturity. In English, we have been getting stuck into our new narrative topic, using the book stimulus 'Jumanji' (written by Chris Van Allsburg). This week, the children have been focusing on the text in detail and looking at writing features: plot, setting and characters. Maths has continued to take the year 5s on their fractions journey, this week, looking at adding mixed numbers together. This has been a tricky concept for some to grasp - nevertheless, they've pushed on through. The year 6s have continued looking at conversions - miles to kilometres. It goes without saying that, without a doubt, World Book Day has been the highlight of this week. UKS2 have embraced it just as if they were in KS1 - it's still 'cool' to dress up. The children have enjoyed sharing their 'bedtime' books and of course their cuddly toys. Ask your child about the 'Masked Reader'......😂


42 pupils have maintained 100% attendance so far this academic year.

Current whole school attendance is 95.22%. 

Our attendance figures for week 1 of Term 3 were as follows. A huge well done to Miss Houldershaw's Class, what a great start to term!

During the last school week, we had  26_incidences of lateness. This is a significant increase from last week.

Please be reminded that doors open at 8:45 and registration is at 9:00. This gives you 15 minutes to be early and have a calm start to the day.


It's not ok to be late for school. Punctuality is a life skill and has a significant impact on our health, happiness and well-being.

When your child is late, this not only upsets them but the class is also disrupted. An adult has to stop what they are doing and catch your child up. Please help us to minimise disruption for all and be on time or early!

Mrs Bates will be making phone calls to parents regarding persistent lateness and fixed penalty notices will be considered where an improvement is not seen.

Pupil Voice

This is what one child has told us about their improved punctuality:

Q: How has being in school on time helped with your learning?

I hear everything I'm supposed to do from the teacher, I don't get things wrong.

I tell Mummy to hurry up in the morning. I'm so proud of my call from Mrs Bates to Mum because I'm not late anymore.

Q: How has being on time made you feel?

Happy - I enjoy being early if the teacher is not in I can talk and play with my friends. I get time to take all my stuff out of my bag without rushing.

Q: What are the benefits of being early?

I can play with friends more; I get to do the morning tasks and I get a sticker off Mrs Bates.

Meet the team

Meet Mrs Woodhead

Hi Everyone,


My name is Jackie Woodhead and I have had the pleasure of working at Metheringham Primary School since January 2004 (I know, I’m a dinosaur).  I started working here as an administration assistant and midday supervisor before being given the chance to train and become an Administrator and then a School Business Manager. I love my job and am very fortunate to work with the best group of people and children!

Outside of school, I enjoy spending time with my parents, who live in Metheringham, and our two daughters, who are based in London. I also enjoy going on holiday and trying to keep fit, although it’s not as easy as it used to be! Reading is also a hobby of mine. I attend a Book Club although my work colleagues and hubbie think it should be called a Wine and Book Club. They know me far too well!

This week's tweets!


Every child from Year 3 upwards has a TTRockstars account which can be accessed in school or at home via the website TTRockstars

Each issue we will list the latest leader board for Times Tables Rockstars. To get on the leader board, you need to play 'studio' on TTRockstars and you need to play at least ten times. 

Please find the current leader board and the class 'top rockers'. There are some new names on the leaderboard this week. Well done to you all.

Spelling Shed

Every child from Year 3 upwards has a Spelling Shed account which can be accessed in school or at home via the website Spelling Shed

Here are the latest scores on the whole-school leader board (these scores are based on their total score from the last 7 days): 

Mrs Duggin challenged the pupils to shake up the leaderboard on Tuesday. This week's top ten have earnt themselves lunch with the staff next week! We can't wait to see you in the staffroom on Monday.

Upcoming events

Tuesday 7th March- Parent consultation evening

Thursday 9th March- Parent consultation evening

Advanced Notice

Week commencing 13th March- Science Week/ Year 6 Residential 

Friday 17th March- Comic Relief 

Meet the school governors 


My name is Michelle McGill and I am the chair of the Vision, Curriculum and Standards Committee at Metheringham Primary School. I have been a governor since my youngest started school, and am in my second term as a parent governor. My oldest has just embarked on her journey into secondary school and I can honestly say that the foundations she built at Metheringham have stood her in good stead to succeed. 

My background is in sport and some of you (or your children) may recognise me as I have taught the school swimming lessons and am a member of the FoMS committee, helping the school raise valuable funds for future developments. Until recently, I was a College sports lecturer and have just moved across to England Golf in a new role, as their Equality, Diversity and Inclusion officer. I enjoy the role as a governor, particularly coming into the school and talking to the children about their experiences, helping the school monitor their progress towards the school improvement plan.

In my spare time, once we have finished taking the children to their sports fixtures, I love spending time with my family outdoors and going for a walk in the countryside. My favourite place is the Lake District and we took our children there last summer, so that they could experience the joys of fell walking and Cat Bells, my most favourite fell.

World Book Day

On Thursday 2nd March, we celebrated World Book Day in style! This year's theme was 'Bedtime Stories.' It was fantastic to see everyone dressed up as book characters or in their pyjamas, as well as clasping their favourite book and teddy! 

The staff enjoyed taking part in 'The Masked Reader' and children loved guessing who was reading, and what they were reading behind the mask. Can you guess? 

During the Whole School Assembly, we had the opportunity to check out everyone's fabulous book character potatoes, as well as sing a couple of our favourite book songs together!

 Thank you to the Year 6 Reading Ambassadors for planning some cracking reading activities for KS1 and KS2 to join in with at lunch time! 

Check out some of our photos from an incredible day... 

Comic relief 

We will be joining fundraising efforts for Comic Relief on Friday 17th March. We all know things are tough at the moment so we appreciate any support you can give to this worthy cause.

Our school Council are busy planning the day and will update you on their plans via Seesaw next week. There will be a dress up day and a bake sale.  More information will be posted soon.

You can help us raise money for this great cause by donating directly to the fundraising page - 

JustGiving sends your donation straight to Comic Relief and automatically reclaims Gift Aid if you are a UK taxpayer, so your donation is worth even more.

online safety alert


This young man has already been inspired by our upcoming Science Week. He has built a famous structure and plans to light it up using circuits during Science Week. What a star!