Metheringham Primary School

Welcome to issue 29 of our whole school Newsletter. Don't forget to follow us on Twitter for regular updates on achievements, class news and whole school updates. Follow us @metheringhamp 

Coming up in this issue:

Welcome back to school everyone! It's been lovely to catch up with children and families and hear about all your holiday adventures. The children have returned refreshed, motivated and full of smiles. There has been so much happening in school already and the term is jam-packed with learning, opportunities to shine and so much fun. We are now half way through the academic year and thoughts will be tuned into moving learning on, growing independence and preparing children for their next stages. Please remember we are always accessible at the front of school or by arranging a meeting at the school office if you need us.

Mrs Duggin and Mrs McMenemie 

Co-Head Teachers 

 Learning Updates

Foundation Stage The Reception children have been climbing beanstalks this week. They had to use their imaginations, find clues and think about what adventures Jack could have gone on. Jack will be visiting our school on Friday, and we can’t wait to ask him lots of questions to find out all about what he has got up to at the top of the beanstalk.  

Key Stage One  KS1 have been learning all about giant pandas this week.  They have been reading lots of interesting facts.  Did you know that all the giant pandas in the world belong to China?  In English, the children have started to write their giant panda reports and will be finishing them off next week.  In PE, we have been focusing on fitness and stamina.  Phew, it was hard work!  Lots of the school values were on show and we will be hoping to improve our fitness levels each week.  

Lower Key Stage Two This week, we have had an exciting first week back. We have been focusing heavily on our Cinderella performance. Keep your eyes peeled for more information about how to purchase your tickets soon! We have started learning about fractions in Maths - we think we're about ½ way there! In Computing, we have been developing our basic computing skills and are exploring a touch typing game! The children have loved this. If they wish to practise this at home, there is a link on Google Classroom. Year 4, have been writing postcards to refugees and are looking forward to sending these later this week. On Wednesday, we walked to St. Wilfrid's Church in Metheringham and enjoyed identifying the religous symbols located within. Can you remember the history behind the 'Great Fire of Metheringham' in 1599?'  

Upper Key Stage Two Well, UKS2 are raring to go for Term 4! SATs is a mere 8 school weeks away and the Year 6s are on it - full steam ahead! The first week back has been good, with the children getting to grips with the new topics for this term. In PSHE, the children have started looking at relationships, specifically knowing the attributes of a good team and knowing how to communicate during a disagreement in a respectful way. In RE, Christianity is being explored further this week by looking at the Ten Commandments and those Commandments which are deemed the 'Greatest'. Multi-media creating is what the Y5s and Y6s will be tasked with this term in computing, starting with exploring conditions: identifying conditions in a program to then modify them. 


42 pupils have maintained 100% attendance so far this academic year.

Current whole school attendance is 95.12%. 

Our attendance figures for Term 3 were as follows. The race for top spot was close but...Mrs Jones Class ended with the best attendance in Term 3. They will be rewarded with an extra fun playtime.

During the last school week, we had  16_incidences of lateness. This is a pleasing decrease on last week's figure.

Please be reminded that doors open at 8:45 and registration is at 9:00. This gives you 15 minutes to be early and have a calm start to the day.

Meet the team

Meet Mrs Evans

Hey everyone

My name is Mrs Evans and I am the School Administrator.   I have lived in Metheringham for 12 years and worked here for nearly 5 years.  I love the variety of my job; no two days are the same and I am very lucky to work with a very lovely team. 

I have two girls, who both attended Metheringham Primary school, my youngest is in year 6 and due to leave this year so that's something I am not looking forward to.  

In my spare time I enjoy spending time with my family (which includes our 2 house rabbits Hedwig & Dobby).  We are a musical theatre loving family and head off to London every chance we get, a firm favourite in our house is Frozen the musical.  My husband's family own a sheep farm in Northern Ireland and we love to head over, get muddy and help with lambing in the springtime.

This week's tweets!


Every child from Year 3 upwards has a TTRockstars account which can be accessed in school or at home via the website TTRockstars

Each issue we will list the latest leader board for Times Tables Rockstars. To get on the leader board, you need to play 'studio' on TTRockstars and you need to play at least ten times. 

Please find the current leader board and the class 'top rockers'. Well done have obviously been determined to get reach the top over the holidays. What an achievement!

Spelling Shed

Every child from Year 3 upwards has a Spelling Shed account which can be accessed in school or at home via the website Spelling Shed

We’ve got some amazing scores on Spelling Shed already. Here’s the latest scores on the whole-school leader board (these scores are based on their total score from the last 7 days): 

Well done to Owen in Year 4 and Miss Tucker's Class for their leading positions! 

Upcoming events

Monday 27th February- Deadline to return parent consultation appointment


Tuesday 28th February- Class Photographs 

Thursday 2nd March- World Book Day

Advanced Notice

Tuesday 7th March- Parent consultation evening

Thursday 9th March- Parent consultation evening

diary of Events

Meet the school governors 


My name is Chris Wood, the Chair of the Resources Committee at Metheringham Primary School.  I’m now in my 15th year as a governor (having been a parent governor and now a Co-Opt governor), originally starting when my daughter was in reception...she is now about to leave for university in May! Like some others, my wife also works in the school and it’s great to keep these links open as we still live in the village, and want to see Metheringham and its children get the best possible education and opportunities that they can. 

My background is in IT, mainly in Government, and particularly Highways, although most recently I moved to the Ports working for Associated British Ports.  Through my career, I have over 30 years’ experience working in various roles from IT Technical lead to IT Management to Project and Programme management.  The vast experience I have gained in these roles, helps me to guide and challenge the school's Business Management and teaching staff to make sure the right choices are made and processes are followed. This enables the school to not only be a Good OFSTED school but also a very well run, and as much as possible in these difficult times, a sustainable and future thinking organisation.  The budget that we as governors help to shape is approximately a million pounds a year and although that seems a lot, it isn’t enough for everything that is needed, so there are always difficult choices and discussions to have.

In my spare time, I enjoy playing golf at Blankney Golf Club (where I am also the recently appointed Junior Organiser), walking our dog Denny and some of you may see me in and around the village when I’m running round trying to train for my next sporting event, which this year, is building up to the Manchester Marathon in April. I’ve also competed in triathlon, cycling and numerous team sports. My hobbies and my 2, now older, children fill most of my spare time, and when not, I like nothing more than the lure of the sofa and a good Marvel or Stars Wars film!


Tickets for the upcoming LKS2 performance of Cinderella, and all future performances, will be available to purchase via your ParentPay account. We will no longer be accepting cash payments in school. Please ensure you have downloaded the ParentPay app so you are able to access tickets when they become available.

World Book Day

World Book Day is on Thursday 2nd March and children are invited to come to school dressed in their favourite pyjamas or as a book character.

We would also like every child to bring their favourite bedtime story to school on the day.

Any donations of wool would be much appreciated.

A £1 donation can be made via your ParentPay account. We will not be accepting cash on the day.

More information about World Book Day has been sent out to all parents in a letter via Seesaw. Please have a look at everything we have planned.


Everyone has received activation letters for ParentPay. Please activate your account ASAP. 

You can now use ParentPay to book new clubs for term 4. Places are allocated via the app on a first come first served basis. It's not too late to book for Term 4!

The clubs on offer for term 4 are listed below:

Please note E Bluey Club and Choir will commence as normal. 

School photos