Metheringham Primary School

Welcome to issue 27 of our whole school Newsletter. Don't forget to follow us on Twitter for regular updates on achievements, class news and whole school updates. Follow us @metheringhamp 

Coming up in this issue:

 Learning Updates

Foundation Stage In the foundation stage this week, we have been exploring height and length. We worked in pairs to make two towers using cubes and then compared them using lots of mathematical vocabulary. We have also been enjoying our new text, 'The Gingerbread Man'. We have worked hard to identify the features of recipes and then read our own gingerbread recipe. I wonder what we might do next?

Key Stage One  In Key Stage One this week, we have enjoyed using model magic to sculpt rabbits. We are excited to paint these next week. In geography, we have been exploring weather symbols when learning about the varied weather in China. Year Two have enjoyed continuing learning about multiplication in maths and have begun to learn their times tables. Watch this space for TT Rockstar logins so that Year Two can practise their tables at home like our older children. We have had some inspiring writing from all our Key Stage One children who described an imaginary walk through a Chinese Lantern Festival, describing what could be seen, heard and smelled. There was some wonderful creative writing!  

Lower Key Stage Two LKS2 have been peeling back the layers in Science to explore skeletons. We know the different types of skeletons: endoskeleton, exoskeleton and hydrostatic skeleton and the advantages and disadvantages to having each type of skeleton. We also know some of the scientific names for our bones. Your children may now be able to tell you why it is called hitting your funny bone when in fact it is not 'humerus' at all.  We have been creating our own playscript scene for Matilda. Some children have almost been too good at this when creating their own prank scene for Miss Trunchbull or the Wormwoods. In year 4, we have continued our respectful rapping and hope you have enjoyed seeing them on seesaw. In year 3, we are 'not worrying about a thing because every little thing is going to be alright'.... including their reggae singing.  

Upper Key Stage Two In PE this week, the children have shown superb control in gymanstics - showing off their core muscles with very steady balances and poses. In RE, the children have been exploring the Bible further - identifying and analysing proverbs and psalms. Maths has seen the Year 5s delving further into the world of fractions: equivalent, improper and mixed; learning how to compare, order, add and subtract them. Year 6s thought they were being introduced to algebra until we revealed they've actually been using algebra since KS1! In music, the corridors have been filled with the sound of umpteen ukuleles playing - they're really sounding quite tuneful! 


48 pupils have maintained 100% attendance so far this academic year.

Current whole school attendance is 95.03%. 

Our attendance figures for week 4 of Term 3 are as follows. Well done to Miss Tucker's Class, you are stars!

During the last school week, we had  23_incidences of lateness. This is a pleasing decrease on last week's figure.

Please be reminded that doors open at 8:45 and registration is at 9:00. This gives you 15 minutes to be early and have a calm start to the day.

Attendance Updates

All families will receive an update on their child's current level of attendance before the end of Term 3. This will be an opportunity to celebrate any achievements or to highlight any concerns. Mrs Bates will also be making phone calls to families where little improvement or a decline in attendance is a concern. We would like to thank all those families that support us to maintain a high standard of attendance, it doesn't go unnoticed and your child's efforts will be celebrated in Term 4.

Meet the team

Meet Mrs Schwandt

Hello everyone, my name is Mrs Schwandt.  I work in the Year 2 Squirrels class as a Teaching Assistant with Ms Vrettos and Miss McKenzie.  My job involves working with individual children and also small groups.

I attended Metheringham Primary School as a child and then returned in 1998 as a lunchtime supervisor, before becoming a Teaching Assistant in 2008.  I enjoy working with children, helping them to grow and watching them achieve great things.

My two grown-up sons both attended Metheringham Primary School, before moving on to secondary school and then starting their careers.

During the school holidays and at weekends, I enjoy travelling as well as catching up with family and friends. Please say hello if you see me around school.

This week's tweets!


Every child from Year 3 upwards has a TTRockstars account which can be accessed in school or at home via the website TTRockstars

Each issue we will list the latest leader board for Times Tables Rockstars. To get on the leader board, you need to play 'studio' on TTRockstars and you need to play at least ten times. 

Please find the current leader board and the class 'top rockers'. 

Upcoming events

Friday 3rd February- Maths Morning, 9:30-10:30. All parents welcome.

Friday 10th February- Last day of term 3

chill and chat

Meet the school governors 



I am Helen Whitehouse, Chair of Governors at Metheringham Primary School.

I have been a governor for over 18 years, and Chair of Governors for more than 12 of those years. My background is in teaching; I have taught in both secondary and middle schools, including at a Service school in Germany. I first became a governor when my children were at the school, first serving as a parent governor and later becoming the local authority governor. I am absolutely passionate about education and getting the best possible outcomes for all the children in our community.

I am supported by a fantastic team of governors who bring a wide range of skills and expertise from their professional lives to benefit the school.

We are all volunteers who are totally committed to Metheringham Primary School.

I am in school regularly for meetings with the co-head teachers, staff, governors and external visitors as well as frequent monitoring visits. One of my favourite aspects of the role is talking to the children, sharing their learning and listening to their views. I recently had the opportunity to meet parents at some of the subject open morning/evenings and look forward to meeting more of you throughout the year.

It is a privilege to work with our fabulous staffing team; we are incredibly fortunate to have such caring and dedicated staff.


In my spare time, I enjoy being outdoors, whether it’s walking the fells of the Lake District or the local countryside with my family and black Lab. I am also an avid gardener and love relaxing and unwinding in our garden, whatever the season!


A number of times in the last week it has been brought to our attention that parents/carers are stopping, waiting and dropping children off on the zig-zag lines outside the school. 

These lines indicate the length of road where parking, stopping and waiting is prohibited. They are there to keep children safe from road accidents. Please help us to keep your child, and the children of others, safe on our roads.

The school has made contact with the Road Safety Partnership for help with this issue.

online safety

Mr Jefferies joined us in school on Thursday to carry out a number of online safety workshops. He worked with all year groups individually to address age-appropriate online safety education. The children are always inspired by these workshops and Mr Jefferies passion for keeping us all safe online. 

On Tuesday 7th February, it's Safer Internet Day in school. We will revisit and build on all of the learning from these workshops. Please remember you can take part in an online quiz with your child by signing up: 

Dan's Big Fat Online Safety Quiz  

Tue, 7 February 2023, 18:00 – 19:00 

Click Here to Sign Up! 


Our latest Ofsted report is now live on the Ofsted website and available on the school website. We would like to thank you all for your supportive comments and congratulations following this 'Good' news!

Green fingered?

For many years, we've had the support of parents or grandparents who have volunteered their time to help us maintain our lovely garden spaces around school. They have worked on their own as well as with staff, gardening club and groups of pupils to maintain and develop these spaces. This usually happened once a week for a few hours.

As these volunteers have now moved on, we are looking for anyone who is willing to volunteer their time and has a passion for gardening, to help us in our school grounds.

Any amount of time during the school day would be gratefully received. Please speak to a member of the senior leadership team at the start of the school day or contact the school office if you know someone or a group of people who would love to spend some time helping us. Our staff and pupils would love to be inspired by someone with the 'gardening bug'.

Happy holidays

Term 3 ends on Friday 10th February. 

School will reopen at 8:45am on Monday 20th February.