Metheringham Primary School

Welcome to issue 24 of our whole school Newsletter. Don't forget to follow us on Twitter for regular updates on achievements, class news and whole school updates. Follow us @metheringhamp

Coming up in this issue:

  • Welcome Back

  • Learning updates

  • Attendance and Lateness

  • Meet the team

  • This week's Tweets

  • TTRockstars

  • Diary of events for Term 3 and 4

  • Permissions

  • Christmas Card Competition

  • Topic Overviews

  • Clubs

  • Home Reading

  • Sleep

  • Reception 2023-2024

  • Parent Survey

Welcome Back

A big 'Welcome Back' and 'Happy New Year' to all our children, families and staff. The start of term 3 has been wonderful, the children shared lovely news from their holiday and lots of fun and exciting learning has commenced. We have welcomed two new members of staff to #TeamGreen. Mrs Burton has joined UKS2 and Mrs Deakin has joined KS1. They will be supporting teaching and learning in their classes. We wish them a happy and successful start to school life.

Learning Updates

Foundation Stage Children in Reception have been investigating which material will be make a strong roof for the Three Little Pig's house. We looked at different materials and built a house using different construction bricks. We are looking forward to testing these materials with our huffs and puffs.

Key Stage One What a super return to school and a brilliant start to 2023. In KS1 this week, we have had lots of fun beginning our China topic. We found China on the map and globe in our geography lessons and have really enjoyed learning about the Chinese New Year story in English. We had great fun learning the story of the Great Race through drama and wrote some fantastic descriptions and riddles.

Lower Key Stage Two Over the past 2 weeks, LKS2 have had a fun-packed start to the new term focusing on spreading kindness like confetti (or in our case, post-it notes!) We have been thinking about how we can protect our environment by learning how to reduce, reuse and recycle. Ask us how we are going to make a change to our own local environment? Our persuasive letters are in the making and we look forward to delivering these to Mrs McMenemie and Mrs Duggin next week. In geography, we are beginning to look at settlements – what do people need to survive in a settlement? Why might people choose to live in a certain place? What features of a settlement do we have here in Metheringham? We can now navigate a map using compass points – we’ve learnt lots of fun ways to remember NESW! Finally, we have stepped into the shoes of Kwende and Chiwa, who live in Malawi. We’ve looked at how their lives are different to ours, and how different rural and urban parts of Malawi can present challenging lifestyles. Come back for next week’s update on the tasty dishes that we have served up this Friday!

Upper Key Stage Two To start the year, we have focused on the artist Henri Rousseau, looking at his jungle paintings to inspire our own creations. The children have been exploring different skills; mixing, layering and perspective. In English, we have used the book Varmints. We've really enjoyed getting to know the themes and the emotions of the characters as changes take place. We've learnt new words, such as: obnoxious and dialect. Next week, we are looking forward to having a class debate and writing a persuasive letter linked to the story. The children have started their outdoor PE sessions with our coach Mr Steed, practicing the skills required for Tag Rugby. Indoor, the children are fine tuning their balance techniques in gymnastics, such as arabesque.

attendance and Lateness

83 pupils achieved a 100% attendance certificate for being at school every day in Term 2. Everyone was very proud of them.

62 pupils have 100% attendance for the whole of the year to date. Wow!

Pupils have 4 more terms in school and therefore, 4 more chances to earn a special 100% certificate.

Current whole school attendance is 95%.

The class with the overall best attendance in Term 2 was......Miss Wright's Class. They have earnt themselves an extra special playtime as a reward for their collective effort.

During the last school week, we had 17_incidences of lateness. This is an increase on the last weekly figure of 11.

Please be reminded that doors open at 8:45 and registration is at 9:00. This gives you 15 minutes to be early and have a calm start to the day.

Meet the team

Meet Mrs Bellamy

Hi, my name is Mrs Bellamy and I have worked at Metheringham Primary School for 6 years. I have worked with individual children from Reception up to Year 5. I currently work with a Year 4 pupil, 5 days a week.

I enjoy being part of Team Green supporting children with their learning and making it an enjoyable experience. I have a keen interest in helping children with their reading and craft.

Out of school, I enjoy spending time with my family. I have 3 children and a grandson, who lives in France. He is always trying to teach me to speak French much to Mrs Thackray’s delight. I am a model pupil in the French lessons in school!!!!

I enjoy travelling, in particular going France to spend time with my Grandson and my daughter. I also enjoy being creative in the kitchen.

This week's tweets!


Every child from Year 3 upwards has a TTRockstars account which can be accessed in school or at home via the website TTRockstars

Each issue we will list the latest leader board for Times Tables Rockstars. To get on the leader board, you need to play 'studio' on TTRockstars and you need to play at least ten times.

Please find the current leader board and the class 'top rockers'. Some of you have been busy over the holidays and you've managed to shuffle up the leader board. Well done!

Diary of Events for Term 3 and 4

Please note: A Maths Morning has been added which parents are invited to attend.


Please look out for the three letters that came home this week. They all require you to add information and should be returned to school as soon as possible. Thank you for your help with this.

Christmas Card Competition

In Term 2, children from across the school were invited to enter Dr Caroline Johnson's annual Christmas Card Competition. Dr Caroline Johnson is our local MP. We are delighted to let you know that Eady in Year 6 was chosen out of 179 designs submitted from children across the constituency as the winner of the competition. Furthermore, Ava-Rose in Year 4 was selected as one of 4 runners up and had her design featured on the back of the card. The winning designs were printed on a card, which was presented to the Prime Minister! Dr Caroline Johnson came into school this week to meet Eady and Ava-Rose.

Topic overviews for Term 3

Please find Topic Overviews for Term 3 on our school website. These will indicate how you can support your child with their learning in Term 3.


Please find information about the clubs that are on offer in term 3. These are run voluntarily by staff, in their own time. As a school, we do not charge for clubs. Spaces for clubs are limited to the capacity that each teacher can facilitate. Clubs are offered to pupils who show an interest and places are offered on a first come, first served basis. Some clubs are specifically targeted at certain groups of pupils. Mrs Jones is our Clubs Coordinator and she works hard to ensure that a variety of clubs are offered over the course of the year.

Home Reading

Home reading books are changed on a Friday. We encourage all children to read a little every night and for their diaries to be signed when they have done this. Children should re-read their book whenever possible to improve their fluency, expression and to boost their confidence.

Whilst we appreciate that accidents happen and things do get lost, we have noticed that there has been an increase in lost and damaged school reading books. Last year, we invested a lot of money in brand new decodable phonics and book banded books. Please can we ask that every bit of care is taken to ensure that school reading books are well looked after, maintained and returned to school. If an issue does arise, please make your class teacher aware. If we are not made aware of accidents, parents and carers will be charged for lost or damaged books inline with our Charging Policy which is available to read on the school website.


Reception 2023-2024

Don't forget to apply for a Reception place by 15 January for children born between 1/9/2018 & 31/8/2019.

Apply For a Reception Place Here

Parent Survey

The results from our Parent Survey were sent out on Seesaw this week. You can also find them on our school website by clicking the link below.

Parent Survey Results