Metheringham Primary School

Welcome to issue 20 of our whole school Newsletter. Don't forget to follow us on Twitter for regular updates on achievements, class news and whole school updates. Follow us @metheringhamp

Coming up in this issue:

  • Learning updates

  • Attendance and Lateness

  • Meet the team

  • This week's Tweets

  • TTRockstars

  • Anti-Bulling Week

  • English Open Morning

  • Christmas is coming!

  • Upcoming events

  • Remembrance

  • Pastoral Support

  • Safety

Learning Updates

Foundation Stage This week, the Reception children have used the artist Kandinsky to identify circles and triangles in the environment. They also learnt to use the vocabulary of these 2d shapes to describe what they see. They even created their own Kandinsky style art work to apply their learning in their play.

Key Stage One Key Stage One have been getting into the festive spirit already and begun practising for the Christmas play. We are so excited and parents, you are in for a treat! Well done to all the children who have already learned their lines and are making everyone smile with their wonderful singing. The children have also shown super maturity and determination when they've done their first assessments of the year to show all their teachers all the super knowledge they've gained since September. In RE, they have really enjoyed making Jonah and the Whale peg puppets, inspired by the Old Testament story in the Bible. The children have been having lots of thoughtful discussions and shown a great attitude and understanding for our Anti-bullying week. Well done, everyone!

Lower Key Stage Two This week we have been ‘showing what we know’ in our termly assessments. The children have worked so hard and we are proud of every single one of them. Please ensure you get some down time this weekend Y3&4 – you deserve it! In Art, we have been learning how to draw a person in proportion using a step-by-step tutorial. In History, we have rounded off our topic by exploring the Iron Age. We’ve learnt about hillforts, roundhouses and the progression of weapons from the Stone Age through to the Iron Age. In PSHE, we have discussed Anti-Bullying and being proud – our children had the opportunity to read their lovely parent postcards from Parents’ Evening. To end our week, we have learnt about Children in Need and the importance of the event.

Upper Key Stage Two Upper Key Stage 2 had their eagerly anticipated History trip to Lincoln Castle. Even though we arrived a bit wet and soggy (thank-you British weather), each group was whisked off to their starting destination for their activity. The year 5/6 children were immersed into three activities, all centred around Crime and Punishment: Joseph Ralph escape game (twice he escaped Lincoln Prison!), a prison tour, including understanding the chores involved whilst an inmate as well as a visit to the prison chapel; and if we weren't wet enough the children and staff enjoyed the stunning views of our wonderful historic city via the wall tour. Phew!

attendance and Lateness

116 pupils have maintained 100% attendance so far this academic year.

Current whole school attendance is 96%.

Our attendance figures for week 2 of Term 2 were as follows. We had a lot of poorly little people in week 2. It's great to see them returning to school feeling a lot better this week. Well done to Mrs Freeman's Class for the highest percentage of attendance in week 2!

During the last school week, we had _12_ incidences of lateness. This is a pleasing decrease on the last weekly figure of 18.

Please be reminded that doors open at 8:45 and registration is at 9:00. This gives you 15 minutes to be early and have a calm start to the day.

Meet the team

Meet Mrs Flintham our Reception Teaching Assistant

Hello, I'm Mrs Flintham!

I started working at Metheringham Primary School in 2002 as a Teaching Assistant. You will find me having fun, getting messy and making cool crafts in the reception classroom. I love using glitter to make people sparkle; it's so much fun and it makes everyone laugh..... the cleaning staff don't seem to like glitter very much though! I'm the funniest person you will ever meet and I hope to make every day at school fun and exciting.

My favourite past times are 'high fiving' with muddy hands in the mud kitchen and doing roley poleys down the corridors....but.....shhhh....don't tell Mrs McMenemie or Mrs Duggin!

When I'm not at school, I like taking my dogs for long walks, putting on my pj's and settling down with a cup of tea and a chocolate bar.

My favourite days are dressing up days, when I'm always looking my best!

See you all soon!

This week's tweets!


Every child from Year 3 upwards has a TTRockstars account which can be accessed in school or at home via the website TTRockstars

Each issue we will list the latest leader board for Times Tables Rockstars. To get on the leader board, you need to play 'studio' on TTRockstars and you need to play at least ten times.

Please find this week's top ten which now includes two members of staff! I'm very sorry children the teacher's are spending their lunch hour trying to knock you off.

I have also included the 'Top Rockers' from each class! Well done everyone.

anti-Bullying Week

The whole school kicked off Anti-Bullying Week by wearing odd socks. The children and staff celebrated their uniqueness and differences with cool and crazy socks....some children wore an actual pair of socks because they normally wear odd socks everyday!

It was incredible to hear the pupils' responses to bullying during Mrs Wilcox's assembly. The children at Metheringham have a sound understanding of what bullying is and have a bank of strategies to keep themselves and others safe from bullying.

Mrs Duggin and Mrs McMenemie were pleased to see so much wonderful learning taking place around anti-bullying in the classrooms too!

English Open Morning

All parents and carers are welcome to attend our English Open Morning on Tuesday 22nd November. This is a similar set up to our Maths Morning. Come and join your child in their class to explore phonics, spelling, handwriting, reading and writing.

We look forward to seeing parents and carers between 9:30 and 10:30 on Tuesday.

Christmas is coming

I'm sorry (not sorry) to mention the 'C word' so early. CHRISTMAS is coming and it's coming fast! You will all receive a letter on Monday, via Seesaw, that will explain the festive fun we have planned in the coming weeks.

We will be preparing for our annual Christmas Fayre by holding a Non-Uniform Day on Friday 25th November. We ask children to come in non-uniform and bring along a chocolate donation for our chocolate tombola. All donations will be used at the Christmas Fayre to help us raise much needed funds for computing resources.

Upcoming Events

Tuesday 22nd November- English Open Morning 9:30-10:30 (All parents/carers are welcome)

Friday 25th November- Non-Uniform Day for chocolate donations


Mrs Bates, Mrs Duggin, Mrs Flintham and Mrs Ward joined our School Councillors to represent the school at the Metheringham Remembrance Service on Sunday 13th November.

The community turn out was incredible and as always the pupils made us all feel very proud.

Thank you to everyone who purchased poppies and showed your support.

Pastoral Support

Our Pastoral Support Team have been working incredibly hard over the last few terms to provide a range of support across the school.

Their lovely display in our entrance showcases some of the wonderful things we have in place to support our pupils. Please take a look when you are next in school.

Please remember we are here to help:

Mrs Thackray (SENDCO)

Mrs Bates (Learning and Family Support Mentor)

Miss Coleman (Behaviour Mentor)

Mrs Ward (Pastoral Support)


The school car park is not to be used by parents and carers between the hours of 8:30am and 9:15am and again between 3:10pm and 3:40pm. This is for the safety of your children, for pedestrians entering the school grounds to use the pedestrian walkway and for children who are taxied to school or have access to the disabled parking.

Our car park is not big enough for a free flow of cars during these busy times. Both school gates will now be closed in the morning and Mr Stenner, the school caretaker, will operate these gates for those who can use the car park during these times. Please avoid parking on the zig-zag lines and using the gate entrances to drop children off. This is also creates safety issue.

Thank you for your understanding. We all need to work together to make sure that our school and it’s grounds are safe for everyone.