Metheringham Primary School

Welcome to issue 2 of our whole school Newsletter. Don't forget to follow us on Twitter for regular updates on achievements, class news and whole school updates. Follow us @metheringhamp

Coming up in this issue:

  • Learning updates

  • Meet the subject leader

  • TTRockstars

  • Phonics

  • Attendance

  • Safety around school

  • Behaviour update

  • This week's Tweets!

  • 1 minute maths

  • Bank Holiday

Learning Updates

Foundation Stage This week, the Foundation Stage children have been creating minibeast habitats. They have used their knowledge of minibeasts and real life objects to talk about their habitats that they created and why they used what they did.

Key Stage One This week, Key Stage one have gone 'minibeast mad'. They have identified lots of minibeasts in the school grounds and looked at their features, habitats and what they need to survive. They have progressed in their artistic skills, using cut-outs to create pictures. Can you guess which artist they have been inspired by?

Lower Key Stage Two This week, Lower Key Stage Two have investigated the weight of gas. They used fizzy pop to investigate the weight of a bottle with and without gas. What do you think they concluded?

Upper Key Stage Two In English, Upper Key Stage two have been continuing their study of the text Floodland by Marcus Sedgwick - a dystopian fiction set in a flooded Britain. They have really enjoyed 'stepping into the shoes' of the main character and writing a diary entry. They joined together for P.E. to compete in Athletics and Olympic sports to win house points. It was fantastic to see the classes rally together and show incredible sportsmanship. They even managed to squeeze in some 3D modelling using a programme called Tinkercad.

Meet the subject leader

Each issue you will meet one of our outstanding subject leaders and find out a little bit more about their role, passion and subject development across the school.

Meet Ms Vrettos

our Art and Design subject leader

Hi everyone,

I'm Ms Vrettos. I am one of the Year 2 teachers and I lead on Art in school. I am not a great artist myself but I love the opportunity to be creative and like to have a go. I find the more I try, the better I get. Most of all I like the way I feel when I'm doing art. I find it relaxing and exciting. I get excited about the smell of paints and different art materials. I like bright colours and enjoy making things out of clay. My favourite artist is Henri Matisse and I like to visit museums and galleries to learn more about art. I love teaching art and am always excited to see the creations of children across the school. It impresses me to see how children at Metheringham challenge themselves to learn new knowledge and skills which help them to create something inspiring.


Every child from Year 2 upwards has a TTRockstars account which can be accessed in school or at home via the website TTRockstars

Each issue we will list the latest leader board for Times Tables Rockstars. To get on the leader board, you need to play 'studio' on TTRockstars and you need to play at least ten times.

A huge well done and big shout out to Jenson in Year 5 for making the top ten this week! I wonder if we will see any new names on next week's top ten.


The children in Foundation Stage are enjoying their new phonics programme. Our school has adopted the programme Essential Letters and Sounds. As part of the programme the children learn to read with a partner. They enjoy hearing sounds in words using their robot arms and blending hands.


Well done to our Term 4 attendance class winners. We hope to see attendance improve over Term 5. We will be writing to each family over the next few weeks to update you on your child's current level of attendance. Thank you to everyone who supports the standards of the school by attending regularly and being punctual.

Safety around school

When collecting pupils, it is important to stick to the pedestrian walkways. Walking across the school carpark is not permitted and it is unsafe. Please help us to keep everyone safe and to model these expectations of safety to our pupils.

Behaviour update

Our new school rules are proving to be a huge success. Ask your child what ready, respectful and safe mean to them and how they demonstrate the school rules in and out of school.

This week's Tweets!

1 minute maths

Have you tried the 1 minute maths app for Early Years and Key Stage One pupils. It's so addictive that we have caught some of the staff playing it in their spare time!

Bank Holiday Monday

We hope you all have a lovely Bank Holiday Monday. We look forward to seeing you all on Tuesday 3rd May and hearing all about your long weekend.