Metheringham Primary School

Welcome to issue 13 of our whole school Newsletter. Don't forget to follow us on Twitter for regular updates on achievements, class news and whole school updates. Follow us @metheringhamp

Coming up in this issue:

  • Learning updates

  • Attendance Update

  • Meet the team

  • This week's Tweets

  • Reading

  • Chill and Chat

  • Maths Morning

  • Harvest

  • Open morning

  • Should I keep my child off school?

  • Parent guides

Learning Updates

Foundation Stage In the Foundation stage, the children have started reading comprehension using the story 'Room on the Broom'. They used clues to predict what our story would be about. Once they finished reading the story, they identified the title, author, illustrator and blurb. What a fun reading session!

Key Stage One This week in English, KS1 have been focusing on the story, "My Dad" by Anthony Browne. We have been writing similes to describe either our Dads or Grandads. Here are some of our super similes. "My dad is as soft as a teddy bear." "My dad is as funny as a clown." "My is really good at fixing things like a wizard." "My dad is good at running like a cheetah."

Lower Key Stage Two Bonjour! This week in Year 3 and 4, we have been busy writing character descriptions about the wicked, evil step-mother in Hansel and Gretel. We loved ‘hot-seating’ and getting into character. We have also learnt about staying safe around electrical items in Science, furthered our Tri-Golf skills in PE with Mr Steed, as well as mastering how to introduce ourselves in French! We are looking forward to starting a new fairy tale story next week in English.

Upper Key Stage Two In UKS2, we have enjoyed getting into character by becoming journalists and interviewing the shop owner from the animated film, Alma, we have been watching in English. We are looking forward to writing a newspaper report later in the week. We have also started our history topic on crime and punishment. We can't wait to find out how crimes and punishments have changed over time.

attendance update

235 pupils have maintained 100% attendance in the first three weeks.

Current whole school attendance is 98%.

Our attendance figures for week 2 were as follows. Well done to Miss Wright's class for achieving 100% in week 2.

Meet the team

Meet Mrs McMenemie our Co-Headteacher

Hi Everyone,

I have had the pleasure of working at Metheringham Primary School as Headteacher for the last 15 years. During this time, I have witnessed many changes in our education system and I have been extremely proud of how our wonderful staffing team and your children have risen to the many challenges that we have faced. We are so fortunate to have such a fantastic team working together here at Metheringham Primary and to have your lovely children to work with.

Out of school, I enjoy spending time with my family and supporting them in their chosen careers. I love the outdoors and going for long walks wherever I am. I like to travel and to see different parts of our country and the world. I particularly enjoy being in the mountains in the winter when the snow is on the ground...I used to love skiing with my family and spending Christmas or New Year doing this!

Singing has always played a big role in my life since participating in the Gaelic Mods as a child in Scotland, performing in pantomimes and singing in school with your children. I always feel that my spirits are uplifted when I have a song in my head...often it is one of the catchy songs that we have been learning in school!

Rugby is another passion of mine. I am an avid Scotland supporter and I love to go to the Autumn Internationals and Six Nations matches...when I am lucky enough to get tickets! A number of the staffing team enjoy rugby and we have some loyal Wales and England supporters in the team. This leads to friendly, good humoured banter in school which is always fun.

Working as one of your Co-Headteachers this year has allowed me more time to pursue my interests and support my family. I am enjoying working 3 days a week alongside Mrs Duggin. We work well together, sharing the same goals and expectations and in caring passionately about doing our best for the school, the staff and, most importantly, your children.

I am proud to be a member of Team Green!

This week's tweets!


It was lovely to see such a huge turn out to the Early Years Reading and Phonics Meeting. We value the support, time and effort that our parents and carers put in to reading. Together we can foster a love of reading in our little ones. Thank you to Miss Storr, Miss Houldershaw and Mrs Jones for a fantastic session.

Please Remember

  • Home reading books are changed on a Friday

  • Sign your child's diary

  • Read a little every night

  • Levelled books are independent home reading books

  • Reading for pleasure books are for enjoyment and can be read by an adult, read together or read independently

chill and chat

This week's 'Chill and Chat' session was a huge success. It was lovely to see such a good turn out and to hear lovely positive messages from parents about school. We have listened to parental suggestions and we will use these to plan future sessions. Please look out for our next session if you would like to join us.

Maths Morning

This year we will be combining fundraising for Macmillan Care along with providing parents with the opportunity to visit school to take part in their child's maths learning. On Friday 30th September, you are invited into school from 9:30 to 10:15 to spend time sharing maths learning with your child in their new classes. Parents are welcome to visit more than one class during this time if they have children in different classes.

From 10:15 am until 10:45 am, we will be holding a Macmillan Coffee Morning in the school hall. Please bring along some pennies to help us raise funds for a charity so close to all of our hearts.

We are kindly asking for donations of cakes, biscuits etc for the coffee morning. Could these please be brought into school on the Morning of 30th September. If your donation is homemade, we ask that a full list of ingredients is attached to the box/container.

All classes will have chance to attend the café to purchase a cake or biscuit. Please send your child to school with a donation towards this if you wish them to have a biscuit or cake. Children who do not have a donation will not take part in this part of the day. If we run out of cakes and biscuits, donations will be sent home unless you choose for your child to contribute this money as a donation towards fundraising.

We can't wait to see you all.


Our Harvest Festival will take place on Wednesday 5th October at 10 am. We would like to invite the Parents and Carers of our new Reception pupils to join us for this event in school. Unfortunately, due to limited space, we cannot open this to all parents.

We are asking pupils to bring in food donations. Tinned meat, fish, fruit and vegetables, packets of dried pasta, cereal, rice and biscuits are all welcome. Fresh foods and vegetables are not suitable on this occasion.

These donations will be sent as a whole school donation to the Community Larder for distribution to families in need. Could we request that these donations are brought into school no later than October 5th.

Open morning

should i keep my child off school?

Parent Guides

We have listened to parents and carers and put together the following guides, videos and information in order to help families understand and access online platforms, in order to support homework.

Google Classroom Parent Guide

Spelling Shed Parent Guide

TTRockstars Parent Guide

When your child receives their usernames and passwords, these guides are available on our school website to help you get started. Please find all information in the 'curriculum area' on the school website.