Metheringham Primary School

Welcome to issue 11 of our whole school Newsletter. Don't forget to follow us on Twitter for regular updates on achievements, class news and whole school updates. Follow us @metheringhamp

Coming up in this issue:

  • Learning updates

  • Meet Team Green

  • TTRockstars

  • Attendance

  • Meet the teacher session

  • This Week's Tweets!

  • Contact details

  • Staff updates

  • FOMS

  • End of year arrangements

  • Weather

  • RSE Day

  • Ice-cream van

  • Farewell

  • End of year

Learning Updates

Foundation Stage In the Foundation stage, the children have been inspired by poetry. They have used their senses to explore the summer season and built their vocabulary. The children planned and then wrote their own poems about the summer. We think they're wonderful.

Key Stage One This week KS1 have finished reading their reading comprehension book, The King of the Swamp and loved the ending! In English, the children have been writing about the Cautious Caterpillar and how he readies himself for changes ahead. In maths we have been learning more about measures and having fun getting practical with maths. They have really enjoyed making their bee hotels in Design Technology, using new tools and materials, following their designs and thinking about creating a safe, protective home for the bees.

Lower Key Stage Two Lower Key Stage Two LKS2 always take pride in keeping their school clean. This week they have been creating posters in PSHE ,to remind people to pick up their litter and put it in the bin. These posters will be displayed around the school to inspire others to be just as respectful as our LKS2 pupils are.

Upper Key Stage Two Upper Key Stage 2 have been very busy in Year 5/6 this week. They have continued putting the final touches to their performance, "Pirates of the Curry Bean." After two years with no performances, we weren't sure what to expect when the moment came to perform in front of our families. On Monday and Thursday this week, the moment came and we just couldn't wait to share all the hard work and efforts. Thank you to all who came and supported the children. They clearly were spurred on with the audience's enjoyment and both performances were beyond brilliant! The children have also enjoyed transition days at various secondary schools recently. Year 5's enjoyed their Taster Day at St George's, Ruskington last week too. In PSHE, they have been learning all about the changes in puberty as bodies get ready to become adults. We hope the children have shared what they have been discussing with you at home.

Meet team green

Meet Mrs Price

Hello! My name is Mrs Price and I have been a Teaching Assistant at our fabulous school for the past ten years. I have worked in various roles in different schools throughout my career but my current job is definitely my favourite! This year, my time has been split between the Stingrays (Y2 class) and the Seahorses (Y1 class). It’s a very busy role but one that I love because every day is different and the children keep me smiling every single day. The best thing about my job is being able to help and support the little people I work with to move forward in their learning journeys. Seeing them grow in confidence and blossom as individuals is both a joy and a privilege that I feel extremely lucky to have.

One of my roles in school is running the Key Stage 1 choir. This club runs from September to Easter and is open to Year 1 and 2 pupils. The aim of the club is to get the children to gain enjoyment from singing and to give them the opportunity to perform in front of an audience in assemblies and school services.

In my spare time, I enjoy being a Brownie leader in the village where I live. I especially enjoy crafting with my unit and I will also be found doing this with the children in school at any available opportunity! I love to give children the confidence to have a go at things and to enjoy exploring their own ideas. They never cease to amaze me with their creativity!

In the 2022/23 academic year, I will be working mainly with Mrs Jones in the Year1/Year2 class. I am very much looking forward to another busy, fun and productive year with another group of fabulous children at Metheringham Primary School.

Happy holidays everyone!


The end of this academic year is fast approaching and the time has come to announce the final whole school leader board and the class rockstars of the year. It's incredible to see some new names on the leader board in the last week of the year....well done Zack and Joshua, all that hard work has paid off.

The overall Rockstar of the year goes to Jackson in Year 5! What an achievement.


Below are the attendance figures for week 6 of Term 6. Well done to our two classes achieving the best attendance of the week.

We will update you on the whole school attendance for this academic year and our pupils who achieved 100% attendance in our first newsletter in September.

We would like to take this opportunity to thank all families for their commitment to attending school regularly and for ensuring children are punctual. Every day counts towards success.

Meet the teacher session

Parents and children are welcome to meet their new teacher on Monday 18th July between 3:40 and 4:00. Please enter school via the main entrance and make you way to your new classroom. The teacher will be there to say hello to you all and some key information will be shared.

If you are unable to attend, key messages will be shared on your child's new seesaw account. New Seesaw codes will come home with your child on Monday.

This week's tweets!

Contact Details

On Monday 18th July, your child will come home with a contact details card. These details are the most up to date details that school has. We ask you to check these details carefully. If any of the details are wrong or out of date then please write on the contact card and send it back to school by Wednesday 20th July. If your details are correct, you do not need to send the card back to school.

Staff updates

We are thrilled to announce that Mrs Jones has been successfully appointed as Early Years and Key Stage One Team Leader for the next academic year. Mrs Jones has worked in Early Years and Key Stage One for a number of years and is currently our PE Leader and Deputy SENDCO. She will be an asset to our senior leadership team and I'm sure you will all join with us in congratulating her on this new role.

We have also appointed Mrs Bates as Learning and Family Support Mentor. Mrs Bates will work closely with Miss Coleman, Mrs Thackray and the Pastoral Support Team next year. Miss Coleman will be stepping into the new role of Behaviour Mentor for the next academic year as we respond to the ever changing needs of our pupils.


We were so impressed with the turn out at The Garden Party. The atmosphere was wonderful and to see so much support for our school community was incredible.

This was FOMS first event in over 2 years. They managed to raise £708.33! This exceeded their last event in 2019 when they raised £682. What an incredible achievement by such a committed team.

Our Year 6 pupils raised £202.08 on the day. Their games were so much fun.

We would like to take this opportunity to thank the whole FOMS team for their time and commitment. Some of the team are leaving us as their children move on to secondary schools this year. Their support over the years has been incredible and they have made a huge difference to our school and pupils. We wish them well and thank them for everything they have done.


Please ensure your child has a water bottle and sun hat in school every day.

Sun cream can be applied before school and left in your child's book bag for top ups during the day.

If the temperatures rise to the expected levels, we will restrict time spent outside at break times and PE to 15 minutes at a time.


RSE Day is an annual day to celebrate Relationships and Sex Education in schools and other settings. On June 30th, classes from EYFS to Y6 took part in RSE Day. Each class took part in the virtual assembly and then every child decorated a leaf and wrote on it one thing that makes them unique and special. These leaves will be laminated and hung on our school 'DIVERSI-TREE.'

Ice-cream van

We have arranged for the ice-cream van to come to school on Thursday 21st July. All children who would like a cool treat need to bring in £1 to purchase an ice-cream or ice-lolly on the day.

End of Year arrangements

Reminders for the last week of term:

Monday 18th

  • Moving up morning for pupils

  • Parents and children invited to 'meet the teacher' 3:40-4:00

  • New Seesaw codes and contact cards will come home

Wednesday 20th

  • Home reading books will be collected in

  • Return any amendments to contact cards

Thursday 21st

  • Last chance to collect owl badges

  • Learning books will come home today (Please send your child with a strong bag)

  • Children need £1 for the ice-cream van

  • Lost property will be displayed at the end of the school day for parents to collect

  • FOMS end of year Disco!

Friday 22nd

  • YEAR 6 LEAVERS ASSEMBLY @ 2.15PM (Year 6 parents only)

  • Medication will be sent home for the summer (please return this in September)

  • End of Term 6


Farewell from Mrs Gillings

I can't quite believe that I only have 1 more week at Metheringham School. I have been here almost 20 years, as a dinner lady, a Teaching Assistant and Teacher. I've worked in almost every classroom and have watched the school change a lot in that time. Now it is time to hand over to someone else and have some new challenges. I shall miss lots of things about school but what I will miss most is the children. They have taught me just as much as I have taught them over the years and I love it when they grow up and still shout hello or stop for a chat in the village. I have worked with some great people, some still here and some not. Mrs Flintham and I have had a lot of 'adventures' in the last 20 years (Mrs McMenemie knows about some of them). We most definitely have not been mischief and always set a good example *cough. Mrs Taylor and Mrs Creasey always kept me in line and also banned me from using glitter. Miss McKenzie has coped with my madder ideas and kept my feet on the ground. Everyone has put up with my bossiness about computing. I have lots of great memories of my time here and wish everyone well for the future. Thank you to all the staff, parents and children I have worked with. Miss you already.

Mrs Gillings

Farewell from Mrs Ullyatt

Since day 1 both the guinea pigs and I were made to feel welcome by the school. The guinea pigs have enjoyed being looked after by the children and in one instance even rescued from a witch...also know as of Mrs Schwandt! I have enjoyed teaching pupils in Year Two, Year One and Reception since being at Metheringham School. For each class I have taught there are many memories I shall be taking away, which will always make me smile. I have enjoyed being the Maths Lead and watching the children progress and rise to new challenges in maths throughout the school. We have some amazing mathematicians at Metheringham and I have no doubt that many pupils will use their mathematic skills later on in their lives and possibly even in the career they choose. I have worked with some amazing pupils and staff in my time at Metheringham and for that I am truly grateful. For me at this moment in time, due to health reasons, I am stepping away from teaching and looking forward to a new chapter of work within the NHS. However, I am not quite sure how I am going to cope without the brilliant assistance of Mrs Wray! Who frequently reminds me to read my reminder post its on my laptop, keeping me organised, even though she also has a tendency to be forgetful herself. (But I won't tell her that!) Thank you to the Metheringham School Community and I wish you all good luck for the future.

Mrs Ullyatt

End of year

This will be our last newsletter of the academic year and.....what a year! Times have continued to be difficult in school despite the world returning to normality after Covid. We have seen the impact the past few years has had on pupils and families, struggled with staffing levels and have not know what each new day would bring.

Despite all of this our pupils have remained our sole focus and concern. The staffing team have been incredible in going above and beyond for their pupils, families and for each other. Staff have taken on extra responsibilities, stretched themselves to work at pace on school improvement priorities and continued to give their pupils the best possible education. We cannot thank them enough for their support this year. Metheringham Primary School is a very special place because of our wonderful Team Green. To those members of the team who are leaving us this year, we wish you lots of happiness in your new adventures.

As always our pupils have taken this year in their stride. They have shown their resilience, determination and love of learning in everything they have achieved. We are proud of each and every one of them and we look forward to seeing them shine in the next stage of their education.

We would like to wish our lovely Year Six pupils well as they journey on to pastures new. They truly have been a wonderful cohort throughout their time with us and they live and breath our Metheringham values. Make us proud Year 6 and continue to be your happy, caring and incredible selves, we will miss you!

To our wonderful parents, we couldn't achieve what we do without you. Your support, partnership and care helps us improve standards and give each and every child the best possible chance. Thank you for everything.

Lastly, a huge thank you to our School Governors. They work voluntarily to support, challenge and improve the education and well-being of our school community. They have been by our sides through a challenging year and for that we can't thank them enough.

We hope you all have a safe, happy and relaxing summer.

School opens on Tuesday 6th September for the start of Term 1