Indonesia Launches International Seaweed Research Center

(May 22nd, 2024) The Coordinating Ministry for Maritime Affairs and Investment (CMMAI) together with BRIN, the Ministry of Maritime Affairs and Fisheries, and the Ministry of National Development Planning/Bappenas launched the International Tropical Seaweed Research Center (ITSRC) in Badung Regency, Bali, Wednesday.

Coordinating Minister Luhut Binsar Pandjaitan said the ITSRC marks an important step in global collaboration for research, development, and upstream to downstream integration of the seaweed industry. "The ITSRC will act as a study center, scientific research center, technology transfer, and capacity building in the seaweed industry," he said.

The government has conducted various research and activities in seaweed development, and several universities and institutions have also conducted studies on the potential, problems, and challenges related to seaweed.

The Key to Realizing the 2045 Maritime Target is Maritime Security

(May 17th, 2024) The Indonesian government continues to realise the Blue Economy Vision 2045 through various efforts. The targets aim to balance economic and ecological activities simultaneously.

The targets include protecting 30 per cent of marine biodiversity, increasing Gross Domestic Product (GDP) contribution by 15 per cent, and contributing 12 per cent of employment.

In order to realise these targets, the Indonesian government must continuously enforce maritime security. The task is very difficult, because there are many challenges that must be faced and many problems that must be solved.

One of the issues that must be resolved first, is the overlapping regulations and task implementers in the field. There are currently 24 regulations and six ministries and agencies involved in maritime security management.

BRIN to Add 2 New Research Vessels, Strengthening Indonesia's Marine Research Fleet

(May 16th, 2024) Deputy for Development Policy at the National Research and Innovation Agency (BRIN) Mego Pinandito, on the sidelines of the launch of the Indonesia-OceanX expedition in Nusa Dua, Badung, Bali, said it plans to add two new ships for research needs and mapping Indonesia's marine potential.

The two research vessels to be purchased are vessels that operate at sea level. "The purchase of these two research vessels is still in process," said Mego Pinandito. According to Mego Pinandito, the new research vessels will strengthen the current marine research fleet of four vessels, one of which is the Baruna Jaya Ship. However, Mego Pinandito could not provide details of the budget for the purchase of the two research vessels purchased from abroad. BRIN's target is that the ship will be operational by 2026.

10th World Water Forum: Korea-Indonesia MTCRC Contributes to Water Quality Survey in Lake Batur

(May 1st, 2024) The World Water Forum (WWF) is the largest international forum on water resources that involves various stakeholders from various sectors, including politics, government, multilateral agencies, academia, civil society, industry, and others.

Held every three years since 1997, Indonesia will host the 10th WWF in May 2024 in Bali, and will involve around 172 countries. The 10th WWF carries the theme "Water for Shared Prosperity" with six main sub-themes, including water security and well-being; water for people and nature; disaster risk reduction and management; governance, cooperation, and hydro-diplomacy; sustainable water financing; and knowledge and innovation.

As part of the preparation for the 10th WWF, the Ministry is collaborating with the Korea-Indonesia MTCRC to conduct a water quality assessment of Lake Batur, Kintamani.

Indonesia Hosts the 10th World Water Forum, Minister Luhut Targets 4 Achievements

(April 23rd, 2024) Coordinating Minister for Maritime Affairs and Investment (CMMAI) and Chairman of the National Organising Committee of the 10th World Water Forum (WWF), Luhut Binsar Pandjaitan, revealed four targets to be achieved from the international forum. Luhut Pandjaitan said the 10th World Water Forum is a platform for Indonesia to strengthen its role at the regional and global levels to mitigate water issues. 

"There are four deliverables targeted to be achieved, namely [first] the establishment of the Centre of Excellence for Climate and Water Resilience," said Mr Pandjaitan in an official statement, quoted on Tuesday (23/4/2024). Secondly, the 10th World Water Forum can result in the establishment of a working group for Integrated Water Resources Management for Small Islands. 

OECM: Accelerating Solutions for Expanding Indonesia's Marine Protected Areas Towards 2045

(April 19th, 2024) The celebration of the 100th Independence Day of the Republic of Indonesia on 17 August 2045 is expected to be a beautiful moment for the management of marine areas in Indonesia. That year, Indonesia is expected to have a marine protected area of 9.75 million hectares.

The area equivalent to 30 per cent of Indonesia's total sea area is an ambitious target if you look at the current conditions. This is because the addition of marine protected areas is carried out by a single agent, the Government of Indonesia.

One of the potentials to increase the number of marine protected areas is from the application of Other Effective Area-Based Conservation Measures (OECM). The concept began to emerge in 2018 when the 14th Climate Change Summit (COP) was held in Sharm El Sheikh, Egypt.

Turning Seaweed into Biofuel, an Economic Alternative for Coastal Areas

(April 17th, 2024) Research on seaweed utilisation continues. This research is in line with the large potential of seaweed in Indonesia. The Central Bureau of Statistics even noted that Indonesia is one of the largest exporters of raw seaweed in the world. The main export destination country is China. The large potential of seaweed has become the government's concern. In 2023, President Joko Widodo even specifically said that seaweed could be converted into fuel oil (BBM). The downstream results he saw in Germany. 

"Our seaweed has enormous potential, but it should not be exported raw. Now seaweed can be turned into biofuel. This means that the potential is big but the challenges are also big," the president said. According to the Central Statistics Agency (BPS), seaweed production in Indonesia is spread across 23 provinces. The top five seaweed-producing provinces are South Sulawesi, East Nusa Tenggara, North Kalimantan, Central Sulawesi, and West Nusa Tenggara.

Indonesian Maritime Reform: Examining the Urgency of Law Changes and Maritime Security Guarantees

(April 2nd, 2024) Head of Bakamla RI Vice Admiral Dr Irvansyah, S.H., M.Tr.Opsla, became a guest speaker at the Focus Group Discussion (FGD) of the NasDem Party Faction of the House of Representatives. The FGD was opened by Marine Bill Special Committee Member/Commission IV Member Sulaeman L. Hamzah, at the House of Representatives Building, on Tuesday (2/4).

This FGD was motivated by the need for changes and improvements to Law Number 32 Year 2014 on Maritime Affairs. Thus, the main focus is to evaluate and obtain information on substantial changes to Law Number 32 Year 2014 on Maritime Affairs, especially related to Security Guarantees and Law Enforcement at Sea. On this occasion, the Head of Bakamla RI gave a presentation on the Urgency of Marine Law Amendments and Marine Security Assurance and Law Enforcement at Sea.

Merah Putih 2 Satellite Predicted to Start 'On' Next Month

(March 26th, 2024) Director of Telkomsat Business Development, Anggoro Kurnianto Widiawan estimates that telecommunication services from the Merah Putih 2 Satellite can be enjoyed in April. "It is estimated that in early April we can enjoy this satellite service," he said at Telkom's Buka Bersama event in Jakarta, Monday (25/3). 

The Merah Putih satellite was launched from Cape Canaveral, Florida, United States on Tuesday (20/2) at 15.11 local time or Wednesday (21/2) at 03.11 West Indonesia Time (WIB). Anggoro said the satellite has been in orbit and has completed all of its subsystem tests since March 21.

"The satellite has two major subsystems, related to its control and communication subsystem. This communication subsystem serves as the transmission system that will be used by our customers later," he said.

Monitor Stock and Movement of Fishing Vessels, Indonesia to Launch Maritime Satellite Soon

(March 14th, 2024) Indonesia will soon launch a network of satellites in phases starting July 2024 to monitor marine and fisheries resources more effectively. This constellation of 20 nano-satellites aims to actively manage conservation efforts and ensure economic benefits from marine resources. The satellite network allows the government to monitor conditions in Indonesia from a single [data] center. 

The satellite network will be equipped with radio frequency equipment, imaging devices, and vessel tracking. The use of advanced technology is a solution to cutting patrol budgets and monitoring compliance among operating fisheries companies. 

For the purpose of fisheries resource monitoring, Indonesia will launch its first nanosatellite in July 2024, out of a total of 20 nanosatellites that will be launched gradually in the coming years. 

This constellation of satellites - each weighing no more than 10 kg - twelve will be equipped with radio frequency equipment; five will have imaging equipment, and the rest will be equipped with automatic identification system (AIS) sensors to track ships at sea.

The Ministry of Marine Affairs and Fisheries Evaluates All Issued Permits for the Utilization of Marine Space

(March 13th, 2024) The Ministry of Marine Affairs and Fisheries (MMAF) is evaluating all marine space utilization permits that have been issued. 

This is carried out to encourage the realization of spatial planning in accordance with spatial plans and/or zoning plans as a follow-up to the Decree of the Director General of Marine Spatial Management Number 77 of 2023 concerning Technical Guidelines for the Implementation of Marine Spatial Utilization Control, Ministry of Marine Affairs and Fisheries. 

Act. Director of Marine Spatial Planning, Suharyanto explained that this was in line with the Minister of Marine Affairs and Fisheries Regulation No.28 of 2021 concerning the Implementation of Marine Spatial Planning.

The permits issued by the Minister of Marine Affairs and Fisheries will be evaluated through the mechanism of controlling the utilization of marine space.

Working Together to Address Climate Crisis through World Water Forum

(March 5th, 2024) The 10th World Water Forum will be the last and largest international meeting held by President Joko Widodo during his presidency. Indonesia took the initiative to enliven the event by holding a High Level Conference attended by 43 Heads of State/Government and four International Organizations, as well as Ministers in charge of water from 193 countries. Coordinating Minister Luhut B. Pandjaitan as well as the chairman of the 10th World Water Forum said that through this forum, leaders are expected to collaborate with each other in handling water issues.

"Through this forum we have the opportunity to collaborate with all state leaders to address water issues, especially climate crisis, resilience, and water resources management. The stakeholders will convey their ideas, which of course prioritize sustainability and innovation," said Luhut.

The climate crisis is a common concern among countries, how to find solutions to the impact of the climate crisis. It is known that as of July 2023, the highest global average temperature in history will be 1.5 degrees Celsius warmer. The climate crisis is estimated to cost the global economy as much as $23 trillion by 2050. Therefore, important issues that need to be discussed between countries are the impact of climate crisis, food security, water security, rural development and poverty. 

Luhut Reveals Seaweed Downstream Potential, to be Explored Like Coal

(March 1st, 2024) Coordinating Minister for Maritime Affairs and Investment Luhut B Pandjaitan said the global seaweed trade value reached US$3.7 billion or Rp 57 trillion. Luhut said that Indonesia contributes 16 percent of the total global seaweed trade, which is 600 million US dollars or around Rp 9 trillion. He said, referring to the research results of Prof. Shrikumar Suranarayan, seaweed in Indonesian waters has great potential for the national economy. 

"He (Prof. Shrikumar Suranarayan) mentioned that Indonesia is blessed with one extraordinary thing that no other country has, namely the sun that shines throughout the year," Luhut said through his official Instagram account @luhut.pandjaitan quoted on Friday (1/3/2024) Luhut said, state revenues would be greater if the government cultivated and developed seaweed derivative products in the country itself. He said, seaweed commodities will be explored for their industrial potential like coal. This, Luhut said, could be the government's focus for the next 5-10 years.

Increase Seaweed Production, Menko Marves: Huge Potential for Downstreaming

(February 29th, 2024) Seaweed is one of Indonesia’s leading commodities that has great benefits for the economy, community welfare, especially in coastal areas, and the environment. Coordinating Minister for Maritime Affairs and Investment (Menko Marves), Luhut B. Pandjaitan, said that the potential for downstream is huge.

“From seaweed, we can produce bio stimulants or organic fertilizer that can help with the fertilizer subsidy issue and food security. Biodegradable plastics can solve Indonesia’s plastic waste problem. Food ingredients, such as wheat substitutes in noodles, can reduce wheat imports. Biofuel that can reduce dependence on fossil fuels, and much more,” explained Minister Luhut in his remarks at the “Showcase Piloting Budidaya Rumput Laut Skala Besar” in Ekas Bay, East Lombok, West Nusa Tenggara.

Indonesia itself also has a natural advantage as a seaweed producer because it is in the equatorial region where the sun shines all year round, so seaweed cultivation can be done throughout the year. In addition, Indonesian waters are relatively calm, and there are no typhoons or tornadoes that can damage seaweed cultivation.

KIOST Through Korea-Indonesia MTCRC Holds Marine Chemical Analysis Training with Cary4000 UV-Vis Spectrophotometer

(February 28th, 2024) In order to support Indonesia's commitment to enhancing human resource capacity as outlined in the RPJMN, Indonesia Emas 2045, and the Maritime Axis Pillar, an Official Development Assistance (ODA) Project titled "Establishment of the Integrated Ocean Fisheries Technology Training Center and Enhancing Capacity Building in Indonesia (ODA-KIOTEC)" currently being implemented. 

This project was initiated by the Coordinating Ministry for Maritime Affairs and Investment (CMMAI), supported by the Ministry of Oceans and Fisheries (MOF) of the Republic of Korea through the Korea Institute of Ocean Science and Technology (KIOST), and supported by the Korea-Indonesia Marine Technology Cooperation Research Center (MTCRC) as the official implementing body for both countries. KIOST, through MTCRC, continues the implementation of capacity-building projects, with a focus on specialized training in marine chemical analysis titled "Special Training Course on Marine Chemical Analysis using UV-Vis Spectrophotometer-Cary4000", held on February 19-22, 2024, at the MTCRC Cirebon Center.