
Upcoming Events (2024) 

June 13, Freeport, ME, 5-8 pm ET - Hope is the Key event celebrating the 20th anniversary of the Elder Abuse Institute of Maine, Harraseeket Inn

September 12, Houston, TX - Aging to Perfection,  A lecture honoring  Carmel B. Dyer, MD, University of Texas, Health

October 9 - 11, Cleveland, OH - Case Western Reserve Department of Nursing and Center for Bioethics and Humanities, and Benjamin Rose Institute on Aging

October 21 - 22, Rochester, MN - Mayo Clinic, Division of Community Internal Medicine, Geriatrics and Palliative Medicine

November 7, Denver, CO - University of Colorado, School of Medicine, Geriatrics, Multidisciplinary Center on Aging, and Center for Bioethics & Humanities

Past Events (2024) 

May 21, virtual - The Measure of Our Age, discussion and Q&A,  Long-Term Care Community Coalition (LTCCC)

May 12, LA, CA - Mother's Day Salon with Alison Morgan

April 21, LA, CA - LA Times Festival of Books, Living Long & Living Well: Longevity Today, with Laura Mosqueda, MD, Valter Longo, Paolina Milana, and moderated by Sean Curran

April 12, Miami, FL - A salon at the Hub, in conversation with Ruth Krieger

April 11, Miami, FL - The Hub, in association with SisterhoodHow connection, purpose, and awe can enrich and protect us as we age,  (with Books & Books), with Dr. Edith Shiro

April 3, Seattle, WA - Greenwood Senior Center, Social Justice and Meaning–Making as We Age, in conversation with Page Ulrey, KC elder abuse prosecutor and Rebecca Crichton, director, Northwest Center for Creative Aging

April 2, Seattle WA - Townhall Seattle, How longevity is changing the criminal justice system, with Leesa Manion, King County Prosecuting Attorney, Page Ulrey, KC elder abuse prosecutor, moderated by Amy Radil, NPR-station, KUOW (with Elliot Bay Book Company)

March 20, webinar - Oxfam, Solving the Care Crisis webinar -- with Danielle Adams, Oxfam, Marlaina Guillaume, Dep't of Labor, Veronica Hodges, caregiver & business owner, Krystina Johnson, Educare, and Rebecca Rewald, CARE.

March 12, Seattle, WA, virtual - King County Elder Abuse Council

February 22, LA, CA - Tamkin Symposium, USC Keck School of Medicine, with Laura Mosqueda and Page Ulrey

February 16, New Haven, CT - Innovating Elder Justice, Yale Law School, Solomon Center for Health Law and Policy (with law professor Nina Kohn)

January 16-19, San Diego, CA - Women As They Age, Salzburg Global Seminar and Jewish Healthcare  Foundation

Past Events (2023

November 30, virtual - Longevity Book Club  (with Ken Stern, Longevity Project, and Yochai Shavit, research director, Stanford Longevity Center)

November 29, Washington, DC - The National Collaboratory to Address Elder Mistreatment, EDC Policy Convening

November 1, Baltimore, MD - Consumer Voice Conference (w/ Lori Smetanka, executive director)

October 25, Washington, DC - Upstairs on 7th (with Katy Klassman)

September 18, London, UK - University College London (with Thomas Harding, author)

September 6, Los Angeles, CA - Chevalier's bookstore (with Steve Lopez, LA Times columnist)

September 5, Orange County, CA - Salon (with Kerry Burnight, gerontologist)

July 18, Washington, DC - Politics and Prose (with Chris Jennings, health policy expert)  (CSPAN Book TV)