Funded Grants

Collaborative Research: Extending A Coherent Gateway to STEM Teaching and Learning

National Science Foundation


09/01/17 - 08/31/22

Senior Personnel

Collaborative Research: Learning Progressions on the Development of Principle-based Reasoning in Undergraduate Physiology(LeaPUP)

National Science Foundation


07/15/17 - 07/14/20


Supporting Excellent Engineers (SEE)

National Science Foundation


02/1/17 - 1/31/22


Collaborative Research: ArguLex - Applying Automated Analysis to a Learning Progression for Argumentation

National Science Foundation


09/1/16 - 8/31/19


Launching, Accelerating, and Multiplying STEM Students for Michigan: The Michigan State University STEM Success Program

Herbert H. and Grace A. Dow Foundation


10/1/14 - 10/31/17


Collaborative Research: PCK*Lex: Applying Computerized Lexical Analysis to Develop a Cost-Effective Measure of Science Teacher Pedagogical Content Knowledge

National Science Foundation


10/1/14 - 9/30/18


LEVERS: Leveraging Engagement and Vision to Encourage Retention in STEM

Howard Hughes Medical Institute


6/1/14 - 5/31/19


Collaborative Research: Expanding a National Network for Automated Analysis of Constructed Response Assessments to Reveal Student Thinking in STEM

National Science Foundation


9/15/13 - 9/14/18


Collaborative Research: A Community of Enhanced Assessment Facilitates Reformed Teaching

National Science Foundation


9/15/13 - 9/14/18


Collaborative Research: Automated Analysis of Constructed Response Concept Inventories to Reveal Student Thinking: Forging a National Network for Innovative Assessment Methods - Supplemental

National Science Foundation


08/11/11 - 08/31/14


Collaborative Research: Automated Analysis of Constructed Response Concept Inventories to Reveal Student Thinking: Forging a National Network for Innovative Assessment Methods

National Science Foundation


09/01/10 - 08/31/14


Collaborative Research: Building Global Climate Change Literacy through Analogical Reasoning

National Science Foundation


07/01/10 - 06/30/13


CPATH-2: CPACE II: Implementing Constituency-driven Curricular Change that Integrates Computational Thinking Across Engineering Disciplines

National Science Foundation


09/15/09 - 09/14/14


Simplifying complexity: Analyzing students' models of biological systems

National Science Foundation


09/15/09 - 09/14/14


Analyzing Constructed Responses: Using Linguistic Software to Understand Students' Conceptions in Science

National Science Foundation


08/01/08 - 07/31/11


EEES: Engaging Early Engineering Students to Expand Numbers of Degree Recipients

National Science Foundation


07/01/08 - 06/30/14


A Framework For Reasoning In Cell Biology Courses

National Science Foundation


01/01/08 - 12/31/09

Senior Personnel

Reforming Introductory Biology at MSU: Does it Make a Difference?

National Science Foundation


01/01/08 - 12/31/09

Senior Personnel

CPATH CB: Computing and Undergraduate Engineering: A Collaborative Process to Align Computing Education with Engineering Workforce Needs

National Science Foundation


09/01/07- 08/31/10


FIRST III - Faculty Institutes for Reforming Science Teaching: Developing the Scholars

National Science Foundation


01/01/07 - 12/31/10


Problem-Based Learning Designed Science and Mathematics Professional Development

National Science Foundation


06/01/04 - 05/31/09

Senior personnel

Development and Design of Structural Elements for a Web-based Course in Animal Welfare



08/01/04 - 02/01/06

Senior personnel

Evaluation of Michigan 's Freedom To Learn program

Michigan Virtual University


10/01/03 - 12/31/04


Teachers as Designers: A Problem-Based Approach to Preparing Teachers

U.S. Department of Education


10/01/03 - 09/30/06


Promoting Rigorous Outcomes in Mathematics/Science Education (PROM/SE)

National Science Foundation


10/01/03 - 09/30/08

Senior personnel

Diagnostic Question Clusters: Development and Testing in Introductory Geology and Biology

National Science Foundation


9/15/03 - 8/14/08

Senior Personnel

Evaluation of Michigan 's Learning Without Limits program

Michigan Virtual University


03/06/03 - 09/30/03
