My Journey as a Physicist 


This podcast is a series of interviews with physicists to learn about their interests outside of physics and their professional journey of how they ended up what they are today. What is life as a physicist is like? It is a little bit different for everyone. On each episode, a different physicist discusses their research, what got them interested in physics, obstacles they overcame, and what a typical day as a physicist looks like. They also provide tips and suggestions for students who may be interested in studying physics and becoming physicists. Physicists are people with lives outside of the lab too! Guests share about their interests and hobbies outside of research. Be sure to listen if you are interested in becoming a physicist too!

Each season features physicists involved in different collaborations - Season 1 features physicists involved with Lattice QCD (LQCD) and Season 2 features physicists involved with Snowmass, the US particle physics planning community. Stay tune for Season 3 for the latest episode with the on-going Nuclear Science Advisory Committee Long Range Plan (LRP). 


If you like the podcast or have any suggestions for future improvement, please take a minute to use this form to let us know.

This summer school will be held virtually by the Institute for Nuclear Theory, supported by the US Department of Energy.