Algebraic and Geometric Topology at MSU

The activities of the MSU Topology group are supported by an RTG grant from the National Science Foundation: RTG: Algebraic and Geometric Topology at Michigan State (DMS 2135960), 2022-2027.

Here you can find more information about us and the activities we organize, including seminars, reading courses, conferences, and opportunities for undergraduates.

Michigan State University hosted the 2024 Graduate Student Topology and Geometry Conference on April 12-14th. More information can be found here. 

RTG grant receives university-wide recognition

Professors Gerhardt, Hedden, Kalfagianni, and Stoffregen share goals of the topology group's RTG grant in an article by the College of Natural Science at MSU.

MSU topology professors share goals of the RTG grant

Professors Gerhardt, Hedden, Kalfagianni, and Stoffregen discuss the topology group's RTG grant in a video.

MSU topologists featured in article by Quanta Magazine

Professor Stoffregen and recent PhD graduate Abhishek Mallick were featured in Quanta Magazine after their recent contributions to the slice-ribbon conjecture.

RTG Postdoc Position

We invite applications for RTG Postdoctoral Associate positions with a starting date of Fall 2025, applications will open soon. 

Highlights of the positions  include:

NSF requirements restrict the position to US citizens, nationals, or permanent residents.

Summer Topology Program

The 2024 Summer Topology Program took place May 13 - June 28, 2024. A group of 13 MSU undergraduate students worked closely with MSU faculty and graduate students to learn about topics in Topology! The Summer Topology Program will return in May 2026.

Upcoming events