Meiby Ortiz-Bouza

Ph.D. Candidate

Michigan State University


About me

My name is Meiby Ortiz-Bouza and I am a PhD Candidate in Electrical and Computer Engineering at Michigan State University. My research focuses on machine learning and graph signal processing, specifically identifying communities and anomalies in graphs and uncovering insights from complex network data. I have developed novel frameworks for these two network analysis tasks with applications to real-world datasets, such as citation, co-author, social, and brain networks. In addition, I hold a Master's degree in Applied Mathematics and Scientific Computation, which has provided me with a strong foundation in advanced mathematical techniques and computational methods.  Actively looking for full-time roles to start after graduation in May 2025.


Research Interests

My research areas of interest include Graph Signal Processing and Machine Learning, with a focus on community detection/clustering in multiplex and attributed networks.


 Peer-reviewed Publications 

 Conferences Presentations

 Awards and Fellowships