Frank Lupi


Environmental & Resource Economics

Department of Agricultural, Food, and Resource Economics        

Department of Fisheries and Wildlife

Michigan State University 

East Lansing, MI 48824

Google Scholar

MSU Website

Education & Employment:

Ph.D., Applied Economics, with Economics minor, 1997, University of Minnesota, Minneapolis. 

M.S., Agricultural Economics, 1988, University of Illinois, Urbana.

B.S., Economics, 1986, University of Illinois, Urbana.

Professor,  2009–present, Michigan State University

Associate Professor, 2003-09, Michigan State University

Assistant Professor, 1999-03,  Michigan State University

Named as a William J Beal Outstanding Faculty member, 2018

Member Partnership for Ecosystem Research and Management, Center for Systems Integration and Sustainability, Water Science Network, Environmental Science and Policy Program

Journal Publications


Lupi, F., J.A. Herriges, H. Kim, and R.J. Stevenson. 2023. Getting off the ladder: Disentangling water quality indices to enhance the valuation of divergent ecosystem services. Proceedings of the National Academy of Science. 120(18): e2120261120 (PNAS free; PDF)

Boudreaux, G. F. Lupi, B. Sohngen and A. Xu. 2023. Measuring beachgoer preferences for avoiding harmful algal blooms and bacterial warnings. Ecological Economics. 204:107653

Sandstrom, K., F. Lupi., J.A. Herriges and H. Kim. 2023. Comparing water quality valuation across probability and non-probability samples. Applied Economic Perspectives and Policy. 45:744-761 (AEPP free; PDF)

Kim, H. and F. Lupi. 2023. Testing the robustness of a structural model for discerning use and non-use values of ecosystem services. Agricultural and Resource Economics Review.


Lupi, F., R. von Haefen and L. Cheng, 2022, Distributional effects of entry fees and taxation for financing public beaches, Land Economics. 98(3): 509-519. 

von Haefen, R., and F. Lupi, 2022, How does congestion affect the evaluation of recreational gate fees?  An application to Gulf Coast Beaches, Land Economics. 98(3): 495-508

Tanner, S., F. Lupi and C. Garnache. 2022, Estimating visitor preferences for recreation sites in wildfire prone areas, International Journal of Wildland Fire. 31(9):871-885


Goeb, J., and F. Lupi, 2021, Showing Pesticides’ true colors: The effects of a farmer-to-farmer training on pesticide knowledge, Journal of Environmental Management. 279(1):  111821.


Lupi, F., D. Phanuef and R. von Haefen. 2020. Best practices for implementing recreation demand models, Review of Environmental Economics and Policy. 14(2): 282-301. 

Goeb, J., A. Dillon, F. Lupi and D. Tschirley. 2020. Pesticides: What you don’t know can hurt you. Journal of the Association of Environmental and Resource Economists. 7(5), 801-836 

Reeling, C., V. Verdier and F. Lupi. 2020. Valuing goods allocated via dynamic lottery. Journal of the Association of Environmental and Resource Economists. 7(4), 721-749. 

Lupi, F., B. Basso, C. Garnache, J. Herriges, D. Hyndman, and R. Stevenson. 2020 Linking agricultural nutrient pollution to the value of freshwater ecosystem services, Land Economics. 96(4): 493–509. 

Srivastava, L., et al., 2020. How will climate change affect provision and value of water from public lands in Southern California through the 21st century? Agricultural and Resource Economics Review. 19, 117-149.

Ansah, E., M. Kaplowitz, F. Lupi and J. Kerr, 2020. Smallholder participation and compliance with sustainable cocoa certification, Agroecology and Sustainable Food Systems. 44(1), 54-87. 

Bocci, C., B. Sohngen, F. Lupi and B. Milian, 2020. Timber or Carbon? Evaluating forest conservation strategies through a discrete choice experiment, Ecological Economics. 171, 106601. 

Yang, H., F. Lupi, J. Zhang and J. Liu, 2020. Hidden cost of conservation: A demonstration using losses from human-wildlife conflicts under a payment for ecosystem services program. Ecological Economics. 169, 106462. 


English, E., J. Herriges, F. Lupi, K. McConnell and R. von Haefen. 2019. Fixed costs and recreation value. American Journal of Agricultural Economics. 101(4), 1082-1097.

Melstrom, R., C. Reeling, L. Gupta, S. Miller, Y. Zhang and F. Lupi, 2109. Economic damages from a worst-case oil spill in the Straits of Mackinac, J. of Great Lakes Research. 45 6), 1130-1141.

Alvarez, S., F. Lupi, D. Solis, and M. Thomas, 2019. Valuing provision scenarios of coastal ecosystem services: The case of boat ramp closings due to algae blooms in Florida, Water. 11(6), 1250.

Yeboah, F., F. Lupi, M. Kaplowitz and J. Kerr, 2019.  Households’ preferences for attributes of Conditional Cash Transfer programmes: A choice experiment in Ghana, Development Policy Review. 37:402-422.


English, E., R. von Haefen, J. Herriges, C. Leggett, F. Lupi, K. McConnell, M. Welsh, A. Domanski, N. Meade. 2018. Estimating the value of lost recreation days from the Deepwater Horizon oil spill. Journal of Environmental Economics and Management. 91:26-45.

Nohner, J., F. Lupi and W. Taylor, 2018. Lakefront property owners' willingness to accept easements for conservation of water quality and habitat. Water Resources Research. 54(3):1533-48.

Yang, H., F. Lupi, J. Zhang, X. Chen* and J. Liu, 2018, Feedback of telecoupling: The case of a payment for ecosystem services program, Ecology and Society. 23(2):45.


Chen, X., F. Lupi, J. Liu, 2107. Accounting for ecosystem services in compensating for the costs of effective conservation in protected areas. Biological Conservation, 215:233-240.

Hyndman, D., et al. 2017. Quantifying changes in water use and groundwater availability in a megacity using novel integrated systems modeling, Geophysical Research Letters, 44.

Steinman, A.D., et al. 2017. Ecosystem services in the Great Lakes, J. Great Lakes Res. 43:161-168.


Garnache, C., S. Swinton, J. Herriges, F. Lupi and J. Stevenson, 2016. Solving the phosphorus pollution puzzle: Synthesis and directions for future research. American Journal of Agricultural Economics.98: 1334-1359.

Yang, W., D. Hyndman, J. Winkler, A. Viña, J. Deines, F. Lupi, L. Luo, Y. Li, B. Basso, C. Zheng, D. Ma, S., X. Liu, H. Zheng, G. Cao, Q. Meng, Z. Ouyang, J. Liu. 2016. Urban Water Sustainability: Framework and Application. Ecology and Society. 21(40):4.

Palm-Forster, L., S. Swinton, F. Lupi and R. Shupp, 2016. Too Burdensome to Bid: Transaction Costs and Pay-for-Performance Conservation. American Journal of Agricultural Economics. 98: 1334-1333.

Yeboah, F., M. Kaplowitz, J. Kerr, F. Lupi, and L. Thorp. 2016. Sociocultural and institutional contexts of social cash transfer programs. Global Social Policy. 16(3): 287-308.

Palm-Forster, L., F. Lupi and M. Chen, 2016. Valuing Lake Erie beaches using value and function transfers.  Agricultural and Resource Economics Review. 45(2): 270-292.

Knoche, S., F. Lupi. 2016. Demand for Fishery Regulations: Effects of Angler Heterogeneity and Catch Improvements on Preferences for Gear and Harvest Restrictions. Fisheries Research. 181: 163-171.

Liu, W., C. Vogt, F. Lupi, G. He, Z. Ouyang, J. Liu. 2016. Evolution of tourism in a flagship protected area of China, J. Sustainable Tourism. 24, 203-226.

Skevas, T., N. Hayden, S. Swinton, F. Lupi. 2016. Landowner willingness to supply marginal land for bioenergy production. Land Use Policy, 50, 507-517.


Knoche, S., F. Lupi, A. Suiter. 2015. Harvesting benefits from habitat restoration: Influence of landscape position on economic benefits to pheasant hunters. Ecological Economics. 113: 97-105.

Melstrom, R., F. Lupi, P. Esselman, R.J. Stevenson. 2015. Valuing recreational fishing quality at rivers and streams. Water Resources Research, 51, 140–150.

Yeboah, F., F. Lupi, M. Kaplowitz. 2015. Agricultural landowners’ willingness to participate in a filter strip program for watershed protection. Land Use Policy. 49: 75–85.

Esselman, P., R. Stevenson, F. Lupi, C. Riseng, M Wiley. 2015. Landscape prediction and mapping of game fish biomass, an ecosystem service of Michigan rivers.  North American Journal of Fisheries Management. 35:302-320.


Melstrom, R., F. Lupi. 2013. Valuing Recreational Fishing in the Great Lakes. North American Journal of Fisheries Management 33:1184–1193.

Kaplowitz, M., Lupi, F., Yeboah, F., K., Thorp, L. 2013. Exploring the Middle Ground between Environmental Protection and Economic Growth. Public Understanding of Science 22 (4): 413-426.

Sidique, S., Lupi, F., Joshi, S. V. 2013. Estimating the Demand for Drop-Off Recycling Sites: A Random Utility Travel Cost Approach. Journal of Environmental Management. 127: 339-346.

Knoche, S., Lupi, F. 2013. Economic Benefits of Publicly Accessible Land for Ruffed Grouse Hunters. Journal of Wildlife Management. 77(7):1294-1300.

Komarek, T., Lupi, F., Kaplowitz, M., Thorp, L. 2013. Influence of Energy Alternatives and Carbon Emissions on an Institution’s Green Reputation. Journal of Environmental Management. 128:335-344.


Chen, X., Lupi, F., An, L., Sheely, R., Vina, A., Liu, J. 2012. Agent-based modeling of the effects of social norms on enrollment in Payments for Ecosystem Services. Ecological Modelling 229 16-24.

Kaplowitz, M., F. Lupi, O. Arrello. 2012. Local markets for payments for environmental services: Can small rural communities self-finance watershed protection? Water Resources Management 26(13) 3689-3704.

Ma, S., Swinton, S., Lupi, F., and Jolejole-Foreman, C. 2012. Farmers’ Willingness to Participate in Payment-for-Environmental-Services Programs. Journal of Agricultural Economics 63(3) 604–626.

Kaplowitz, M., Lupi, F. 2012. Stakeholder Preferences for Best Management Practices for Non-Point Source Pollution and Stormwater Control. Landscape and Urban Planning 104 364-372.

Kaplowitz, M., Lupi, F., Couper, M., Thorp, L. 2012. The Effect of Invitation Design on Web Survey Response Rates. Social Science Computer Review 30(3) 339-349.

Knoche, S., Lupi, F. 2012. The Economic Value of Publicly Accessible Deer Hunting Land. Journal of Wildlife Management 76(3) 462-470.


Komarek, T., Lupi, F., Kaplowitz, M. 2011. Valuing Energy Policy Attributes for Environmental Management: Choice Experiment Evidence from a Research Institution. Energy Policy 39 5105-5115.

Wolf, C., Lupi, F., Harsh, S. 2011. Farmer Demand for Financial Record-Keeping System Attributes. Agricultural Finance Review 71 (2): 259 - 276.


Hoehn, J., F. Lupi, and M. Kaplowitz, 2010. Stated choice experiments with complex ecosystem changes: The effect of information formats on estimated variances and choice parameters, Journal of Agriculture and Resource Economics. 35(3):568-590.

Horan, R., and F. Lupi, 2010. Economics of Managing and Controlling Invasive Species,  Resource and Energy Economics. 32(4):477-482.

Chen, X., F. Lupi, A. Vinas, G. He, J. Liu, 2010. Using Cost-Effective Targeting to Enhance the Efficiency of Conservation Investments in Payments for Ecosystem Services, Conservation Biology. 24(6):1469-78.

Knoche, S., and F. Lupi, 2010.  Time and Money Invested in Off‑Season Deer Hunting Activities, Human Dimensions of Wildlife. 15:296-298.

Sidique, S., S. Joshi, and F. Lupi, 2010. Factors influencing the rate of recycling: An analysis of Minnesota counties, Resources, Conservation, and Recycling. 54(4): 242‑249.

Gramig, B., C. Wolf, and F. Lupi, 2010. “Understanding Adoption of Livestock Health Management Practices: The Case of Bovine Leukosis Virus.” Canadian J. of Agricultural Economics. 58:343-360.

Sidique, S., F. Lupi, and S. Joshi, 2010. “The Effects of Behaviors and Attitude on Drop‑off Recycling Activities,”  Resources, Conservation, and Recycling.  54(3): 163‑170.


Chen, X., F. Lupi, G. He, and J. Liu, 2009.  “Linking social norms to efficient conservation investment in payments for ecosystem services.” PNAS: Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 106 (28):11812‑11817.

Bruggeman, D., M. Jones, K. Scribner, and F. Lupi, 2009. “Relating Tradable Credits for Biodiversity to Sustainability Criteria at a Landscape-Scale,” Landscape Ecology. 24(6): 775‑790.

Chen, X., F. Lupi, G. He, Z. Ouyang and J. Liu, 2009. “Factors affecting land reconversion plans following a payment for ecosystem service program,” Biological Conservation 142(8):1740‑1747.

Ortega-Pacheco, D., F. Lupi and M. Kaplowitz. 2009.  “Payment for environmental services: estimating demand within a tropical watershed.”  J. of Natural Resource Policy Research. 1(2) 189‑202

Fenichel, E., F. Lupi, J. Hoehn, and M. Kaplowitz. 2009. “Split-sample tests of ‘no opinion’ responses in an attribute based choice model,” Land Economics. 85(2): 349‑363


Kaplowitz, M., F. Lupi, and D. Bailey, “Wetland mitigation banking: The banker’s perspective,” Journal of Soil and Water Conservation.  63(3) 162-172, 2008.


Knoche, S. and F. Lupi. “Valuing Deer Hunting Services from Farm Landscapes.” Ecological Economics 64(2)313-320, 2007.

Swain, E., P. Jakus, G. Rice, F. Lupi, P. Maxson, J. Pacyna, A. Penn, S. Spiegel and M. Veiga. “Socioeconomic Consequences of Mercury Use and Pollution.” AMBIO 36(1) 45-61, 2007.

Swinton, S.M., F. Lupi, G.P. Robertson and S.K. Hamilton. “Ecosystem services and agriculture:  Cultivating agricultural ecosystems for diverse benefits.” Ecological Economics 64(2)245-52, 2007.

Kaplowitz, M.D., F. Lupi and J.P. Hoehn. “What does the public know about wetlands in Michigan? Using focus groups for scoping and exploratory research.” Michigan Academician 3719-34, 2007.


Kotchen, M., M. Moore, F. Lupi, and E. Rutherford. Environmental Constraints on Hydropower: An Ex-Post Benefit-Cost Analysis of Dam Relicensing in Michigan. Land Economics, 82:(3):384-403, 2006.

Swinton, S., F. Lupi, P. Robertson, and D. Landis. “Ecosystem Services from Agriculture: Looking Beyond the Usual Suspects,” American Journal of Agricultural Economics 88:1160-1166, 2006.

Racevskis, L.A., and F. Lupi. “Comparing Urban and Rural Perceptions of and Familiarity with the Management of Forest Ecosystems,” Society and Natural Resources. 19(6):479-495, 2006.

Bigford, T., et al., “Report of Resource Policy Committee: Economic Growth and Fish Conservation,” Fisheries, 31(8):404-409, 2006.

Vista, A., P. Norris, F. Lupi and R. Bernsten. “Nutrient Loading and Efficiency of Tilapia Cage Culture in Taal Lake, Philippines,” The Philippine Agricultural Scientist. 89(1): 48-57, 2006.

Shi, H., E.J. Laurent, J. LeBouton, L. Racevskis, K.R. Hall, M. Donovan, R.V. Doepker, M.B. Walters, F. Lupi and J. Liu. “Local Spatial Modeling of White‑Tailed Deer Distributions.” Ecological Modeling, 190:171-189, 2006.

2005 to 2001

Horan, R., and F. Lupi. “Economic Incentives for Controlling Trade-Related Biological Invasions in the Great Lakes,” Agricultural and Resource Economics Review, 34(1):75-89, 2005.

Whitehead, J., D. Lipton, F. Lupi, and R. Southwick. “Economic Growth and Environmental Protection: A Clarification about Neoclassical Economics,” Fisheries; 30(4):32-34, April 2005.

Bruggeman, D, M. Jones, F. Lupi, and K. Scribner. Landscape Equivalency Analysis: Methodology for Estimating Spatially Explicit Biodiversity Credits, Environmental Management, 36(4):518-534, 2005.

Horan, R., and F. Lupi. “Tradable risk permits to prevent future introductions of alien invasive species into the Great Lakes,”  Ecological Economics, 52(3): 289-304, 2005.

Kaplowitz, M. and F. Lupi. “Color Photographs and Mail Survey Response Rates.” International Journal of Public Opinion Research. 16:199‑206, 2004.

Kaplowitz, M., F. Lupi, and J. Hoehn, “Multiple‑methods for developing and evaluating a stated preference survey for valuing wetland ecosystems.” Ch. 24 In Questionnaire Development, Evaluation, and Testing Methods, (S. Presser, et al., eds). 503‑524. Wiley:New Jersey. 2004.

Lupi, F., J. Hoehn and G. Christie. “Using an Economic Model of Recreational Fishing to Evaluate Benefits of Sea Lamprey (Petromyzon marinus) Control on the St. Marys River,” Journal of Great Lakes Research. 29: 742‑754. 2003.

Hoehn, J.P., F. Lupi, and M.D. Kaplowitz. “Untying a Lancastrian Bundle: Ecosystem Valuation in Wetland Mitigation,” Journal of Environmental Management, 68(3):263-272, 2003.

Stewart, T.J., J. Bence, R. Bergstedt, M. Ebener, F. Lupi, and M. Rutter. “Recommendations for Assessing Sea Lamprey Damages: Toward Optimizing the Control Program in the Great Lakes,” Journal of Great Lakes Research. 29: 742‑754. 2003.

Lupi, F., and D. Jester, Uses of resource economics in managing Great Lakes fisheries, in Sustaining North American Salmon: Perspectives Across Regions and Disciplines, (W. Taylor, M. Jones, & K. Lynch, editors). American Fisheries Society: Bethesda, MD, 195-220, 2002.

Coon, T.G., H. Campa III, A.B.Felix, R.B. Peyton, S.R. Winterstein, F. Lupi, M. Schulz, and J. Sikarskie. “Farming Captive Cervids: A Review of Social, Economic, and Ecological Opportunities and Risks in Michigan and North America,” Transactions of the 67th North American Wildlife and Natural Resources Conference, 251-268, 2002.

Lupi, F., M.D. Kaplowitz, and J.P. Hoehn. “The Economic Equivalency of Drained and Restored Wetlands in Michigan,” American Journal of Agricultural Economics 84:1355-1361, 2002.

Horan, R., C. Perrings, F. Lupi, and E. Bulte. Biological pollution prevention strategies under ignorance: The case of invasive species, American Journal of Agricultural Economics 84:1303-1310, 2002.

An, L., F. Lupi, J. Liu, M. Linderman, and J. Huang. “Modeling the Switch from Fuelwood to Electricity: Implications for the Conservation of Giant Panda Habitat,” Ecological Economics: 42(3): 445-457, 2002.


Jones, C.A., and F. Lupi. “The Effect of Modeling Substitute Activities on Recreational Benefit Estimates,” Marine Resource Economics, 14(4), 2000.

Chen, H., F. Lupi and J. Hoehn, An empirical assessment of multinomial probit and logit models for recreation demand, in: Valuing Recreation and the Environment: Revealed Preference Methods in Theory and Practice, (C. Kling and J. Herriges, editors) Edward Elgar Publishing: Northhampton, MA, pages 141-162, 1999.

Lupi, F., and P. Feather. “Using Partial Site Aggregation to Reduce Bias in Random Utility Travel Cost Models,” Water Resources Research, 34(12):3595-3603, 1998.

Lupi, F., “Valuing the Effects of Water Quality on Recreational Resources: Discussion,” American Journal of Agricultural Economics, 80:1039-1042, 1998.

Rubey, L., and F. Lupi. “Predicting the Effects of Market Reform in Zimbabwe: A Stated Preference Approach,” American Journal of Agricultural Economics, 78:89-99, 1997.

Jayne, T.S., L. Rubey, F. Lupi, D. Tschirley, and M.T. Weber. “Estimating Consumer Response to Food Market Reform Using Stated Preference Data: Evidence from Eastern and Southern Africa,” American Journal of Agricultural Economics, 78:820-824, 1996.

Working Papers

Lupi, F., Random utility models of recreation demand, book chapter for Handbook of Environmental Valuation, Edward Elgar

English, E., K. E. McConnell, R. H. von Haefen, and F. Lupi. Should single and multiple day trips be pooled when estimating travel cost models?

von Haefen, R., English, E., McConnell, T., Herriges, J., and Lupi, F. A multisite zonal travel cost model of recreational damages from the Deepwater Horizon Oil Spill with intercept data 

Boudreaux, G. F. Lupi, B. Sohngen and A. Xu. Estimating economic damages of water quality warnings in the Great Lakes

Garnache, C., and F. Lupi, The Thomas Fire and the effect of wildfires on the value of recreation services in Southern California

Tanner, S., F. Lupi and C. Garnache, Estimating the impact of fires on recreation in the Angeles National Forest using combined revealed and stated preference methods

Ansah et al., How sustainable certification works in practice for smallholder farmers of four crops

Tanner, S., C. Garnache and F. Lupi, Differential effects of wildfires on housing prices: Do risk zones convey information to homeowners?

Sarkar, S., F. Lupi and B. Basso, Modeling mid-western corn yield response to phosphorus fertilize

Ansah et al., Why do sustainably-certified coffee cooperatives cease operations?

Kim, H., F. Lupi and J.A. Herriges, Estimating recreation demand with incomplete trip location information

Grant Funding as PI or co-PI


Regional grants:    Great Lakes Commission, Great Lakes Fishery Commission, Great Lakes Fishery Trust, International Joint Commission, Michigan DEQ, Michigan DNR, Michigan & National Sea Grant Programs.