Food Regulation:
Law, Science, Policy, and Practice, 3rd Edition

The text provides an in-depth discussion of the federal statutes, regulations, and agencies involved in food regulation. After an introduction to the history of food and drug regulation, it covers current food regulations, inspection and enforcement, international law, and more. With explanations of the policies and food science behind the law, the book remains accessible to students and professionals alike. This is an excellent text for food science and food law and a practical reference for food industry professionals, consultants, and others.

If you would like more information, the Table of Contents is available here.

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What people have said

"The most readable book ever written on food law." — Lorna Zach, University of Wisconsin

"This book should be mandatory reading for any food regulatory official. It provides an understanding of the core legal principles upon which regulatory policies and decisions are built. In fact, food policy-makers should have a working knowledge of the case studies presented in the book as they make day to day enforcement decisions. This foundational knowledge is extremely important to consider as Congress is in the process creating precedent-setting legislation to expand upon current food law in order to meet new food safety challenges." — Gerald Wojtala

"This book gives a very informative and comprehensive view of the US Food Law system, particularly useful to foreigners who are not familiar with the system from within. The book does not only contain a presentation of substantive food law, but also a very good understanding of the procedures, the competence of the respective agencies, and also a presentation of the competencies of state laws vs. federal laws, a topic which is not often enough discussed. In sum, this book is a “must” for all those who wish, or need, to deal with US Food Law." — Nicole Coutrelis, Paris, France

"Neal Fortin's Food Regulation has it all---a comprehensive up-to-date review of US regulations with many helpful additions including a historical perspective, useful discussion questions and notes, ethical issues and US food regulations placed in an international context. This book is a ‘must have’ for practitioner and for student.”— P. Vincent Hegarty, Professor Emeritus, Michigan State University

"This is a GREAT textbook on Food Regulation written by Neal Fortin. It is US focused but provides a superb review of the international context. A great introduction and reference guide." — Jessica Duncan

"Neal Fortin’s Food Regulation provides a wonderfully readable resource for professionals and policy wonks interested in food safety and other aspects of food regulation in the US. Fortin clearly articulates the legislation underlying the complex US approach to food regulation and lays out a number of the seminal questions confronting policy-makers, regulators, consumers and the food industry. The book has tremendous potential as a classroom text and a professional reference." Will Hueston, Executive Director, Global Initiative for Food Systems Leadership, Professor, School of Public Health, Professor, College of Veterinary Medicine, University of Minnesota

"This text fills a great need in the world of food regulation. The first thing that caught my attention is that the coverage of material is exhaustive and yet the book is user-friendly. The text is perfect for the classroom and also handy for the work-place. It is not the sort of book that just occupies space on the book shelf. It is a book to be consulted over and over. Even after a couple of months of use, my copy is already well marked and dog-eared."Michael T. Roberts, Esq.

"A comprehensive and well-organized text that effortlessly melds the often discrete areas of food science and food law in a highly readable fashion."— John Blakney, Fraser Milner Casgrain, Ottawa, Canada

"Excellent!" — Harrison Pittman, Director, National Agricultural Law Center, Professor of Law, University of Arkansas School of Law