
Recent Publications

Here are some selected papers, published since I was last promoted at Michigan State in June 2020.

Blurb: A theory of multilateral conflict with ideologically motivated countries, with an application to the intervention in Afghanistan (2001-14).

Blurb: I introduce a simple measure of partisan fairness in redistricting maps. Easy reading, and data from 2012 to 2020.

Media: Science News, MSU Today, The Conversation.

Blurb: We characterize the class of choice correspondences that are implementable by vote-buying mechanisms.

You can find previous publications scrolling below or on my SSRN or Google Scholar profiles, and a complete list on my CV.

Early Career Publications

A selection of publications prior to June 2020, arranged by topic.

-On coalition formation and party formation:

Blurb: A test of a theory of party formation based on party incentives to form voting blocs, with an application to the US Senate in the 1790s.

Blurb: Legislators have incentives to form voting blocs. An equilibrium with two opposed voting blocs emerges.

Blurb: A theory of party formation based on the incentives to form a voting bloc, with probabilistic preferences.

Blurb: My theory of party formation, in a more accessible version, and with a solution concept that is robust to coalitional deviations.

  • 'United We Vote.' Journal of Public Economic Theory 9(4): 1-33 (2007).

-On voting and elections:

Blurb: An explanation of why and when mainstream political parties choose to embrace extreme policies.

Media: 'LSE USAPP blog'

  • 'Citizen Candidates under Uncertainty.' Social Choice and Welfare 29(2): 317-331 (2007).

  • 'Contested Elections in a Citizen Candidate Model.' Economics and Politics 18: 95-102 (2006).

-On utility theory:

Blurb: Commonly used quadratic Euclidean utilities with n>1 agents are characterized by three axioms: separability, single-peakedness, and something utterly implausible.

Reviewed by Mathematical Reviews. 'Review (pdf)'

Blurb: A class of Minkowski-like utility functions in m>1 dimensions (including Quadratic Euclidean) is characterized by separability and single-peakedness.

  • 'Utility Representation of Risk Neutral Preferences in Multiple Dimensions.' Quarterly Journal of Political Science 4(4): 379-385 (2009).

-On public economics:

Blurb: An electoral theory of targeted public good provision with imperfectly informed voters.

  • 'Cohesion, Insurance and Redistribution.' Quarterly Journal of Political Science 2(4): 287-305 (2007).

-On legislative bargaining:

Blurb: A theory of legislative agendas and policy-making, based on the idea that one can slice policies into smaller components.

Blurb: A dynamic electoral theory of legislative bargaining with endogenous institutions.

-On game theory:

Blurb: We propose an equilibrium selection criterion (to pick the one that holds for the largest set of beliefs). It works better than alternatives in experiments on vertical contracting and electoral competition.

-Reviewed by Mathematical Reviews. 'Review (pdf)'

-On discrimination:

Blurb: A theory on the strategic incentives to assimilate and to discriminate against those trying to assimilate, which explains 'acting white' as an equilibrium outcome.

-On welfare economics:

Blurb: A preference relation over utility vectors satisfies a collection of desirable axioms if and only if it is representable by a function with a particular "sum of power functions" functional form.

-On financial markets and asset pricing:

Blurb: Theory and experiments on asset trading with a mix of boundedly rational agents, some more rational, some more bounded, than others.