Activity Instructions

Roadmap Alignment (Jan 18)

Individual Reflection

Review your team Miro board, look at the team's goals and everyone's individual focus areas and commitments. Take note of your observations and reflections. Think about:

  • What are you noticing when you compare individual plans and team deliverables?

  • What might this say about our priorities for next year?

  • What could we consider adjusting for better alignment?

  • What are some decisions we might need to make?

Team Dialogue

You will have the remaining time to discuss in breakout rooms with your work teams.

  • Share your reflections with your teammates.

  • Discuss the "on ramp" of the roadmap. What potential emerging opportunities might we want to consider?

  • And the "off ramp". What might we need to let go of to make space for our priorities? What could that look like? What might that require?

  • What are our next steps as we begin the new year?

Individual Action Planning Instructions

(November 30)

Individual Time for Dashboards

  • Add sticky notes with ideas to your individual dashboard.

  • You will have ~15-20 minutes to work.

Thought Partner Dialogue

  • You will be paired with a colleague and join them in a breakout room.

  • First, each share what you have on your dashboard so far.

  • Consider and have a conversation on these prompts:

        • What is something you are hoping for next year?

        • How might you find balance in your work next year?

        • What might be different for you next year than it is this year?

        • What further exploration or thinking might you want to do after today?

Work Team Time

  • Spend a few minutes exploring one another’s boards.

  • Consider and have a group conversation on these prompts:

        • What are you noticing?

        • What are you wondering?

        • What might this mean for us as individuals or as a team going forward?

Reflective December

Individual Work

  • Completing reporting (PEARS, impact statements, CFEI indicators)

  • Annual review self-reflection for HR

  • YOUR 2023 planning

      • Individual Action plan (Dashboard)

      • Professional Development plan

      • Other preparations for the coming year

Getting Support

  • Check-in meeting with leadership

  • Optional Coaching session with Norma, Lindsey, Meghan

  • Finding thought partners

Collaboration Activity Instructions (Nov. 9)

Work Team Time - Get clear about your team's plan

    1. Your team will have about 20 minutes practice how you can clearly explain your 2023 Team Action Plan (deliverables) to a new audience. Come up with a concise way for someone to present your team's plan (elevator pitch).

    2. Decide who will present. Choose a "team captain" for the following activity. This person will stay in this breakout room and share your team plan with a new audience.

    3. The rest of the team will be "explorers". Each person will choose a different work team to visit and learn. Here's a list of the teams:

Center for Lakes and Streams, Community Food Systems, Finance and Homeownership, Land Use/Good Governance, LeadNet, MNFI, Natural Resources, Product Center, Sea Grant, Tourism

We will then close the breakout rooms to give instructions for the Collaboration Exploration in the main room.

Collaboration Exploration! - Delve into another team's plan

Time to mix it up! Each "Explorer" will go visit a different work team and learn as much as they can. Ask questions and take notes to share back with your work team. Find out about another team's big picture, their ambitions and priorities, look for areas of crossover, efficiencies, support, new opportunities. You will have approx 15 minutes.

Work Team Shared Learning - Make connections and dialogue

You will return to your work team. Go round robin, each "Explorer" briefly share what they learned from another work team. Then if time allows, as a group, discuss:

  • What inspired or excites you?

  • What are you questioning right now?

  • What commonalities or themes are you noticing?

  • How might collaborating benefit you and others?

  • What is one thing you (each person in the group) will think more about or do after this meeting?

This doesn't need to be documented, have a deep conversation with your group! Spend the remaining time digging into what collaboration could look like in the future. The meeting is over whenever your group is finished, you can sign off from the breakout room.