Vaccine needle


General Info

You will see "the immunization form" called either of the following. They are the same thing, don't get worried or confused!

  • Healthcare Student Immunization Record

  • Healthcare Professional Student (HCP) Immunization Form

The form's instructions say to send records by snail mail, but any other place online that gives instructions or information says to send by email. Students have done both, they both work. Email is faster, and MSUCOM ESSR says sending from your email will help ensure security. Contact information for the University Physician's Office is below.

Instructions, the form, and official information can be found at:

It is strongly recommended that you submit the HCP Immunization Form with whatever vaccine documentation you currently have, and then work on getting the rest of your immunizations and update UPhys with those later. This gets you into the system on time and opens up the possibility of extensions. UPhys cannot mark you "compliant between steps", or grant extensions, without first receiving your HCP Immunization Form!


The vaccination deadline is not a "soft" deadline. You will be un-enrolled if your Compliance Profile says you are non-compliant on vaccinations without contacting the University Physician's Office (UPhys - see below) to explain your situation.

However, if you contact UPhys ahead of time you are very likely to get an extension of the deadline if you are between steps, have medical necessity, or have some kind of genuine hardship. Once you have an extension documented, your profile will update to reflect your personal new deadline. "Compliant between steps" also means you have an approved extension! If your profile isn't updated with the extension, contact ESSR with the extension information you got from UPhys.

Note: UPhys cannot grant you an extension without first receiving your HCP Immunization Form. Send it in even if you don't have everything done!

Titers vs. Immunizations

Having gotten an immunization does not prove to MSU that you are immune. Only a titer does that. But if you have vaccination records send those too! Having both is best.

For those of you who had chicken pox before the vaccine was available, you will have to get a titer to prove you are immune.

The vaccinations that do not require titers, only a record of the immunization, are:

  • Influenza

  • Pertussis

  • Tetanus / Diphtheria

  • COVID-19

Hepatitis B

Hepatitis B is the immunization requirement students have the most problems with. You MUST have a titer done, even if you have had all 3 immunization shots. You should get the Hepatitis B titer(s) done at least 5 weeks before coming to campus! This allows one week to get the results, and then in the likely scenario that your titer does not indicate immunity, it gives you enough time to immediately get a Hepatitis B booster shot and then a second titer weeks later to show the booster shot was effective. If you are in between steps of your Hep B booster and titer, or 3 Hep B shots, you can contact UPhys and ask to be marked "compliant between steps". This will keep you from being un-enrolled. They will want documentation of any shots you've gotten so far.


For the current year is not due until November 2021.

HOWEVER, you must submit documentation of last year's flu shot if you got one. If you didn't, contact UPhys (see below) and let them know.

Checking on Your Immunization Record Status

You can view your immunization record status using Uphys' HCP app:
Enrollment Services & Student Services (ESSR) will refer to this report as your Compliance Profile. Both links go to the same place.

Once classes begin, you will get an email once a month with your personal status and the above link.

Give UPhys some time after submitting your records before expecting to see your profile updated. They are uploading for thousands of MSU students, not just for the two medical schools!

University Physician's Office (Uphys)

Fax: 517-355-0332

Email: using your MSUCOM school email address

Snail mail:
Office of the University Physician
463 East Circle Drive–Room 123
Olin Memorial Health Center
Michigan State University
East Lansing, MI

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