AUGUST 24, 2019

Erick Weeks, Chapter Director, called the meeting to order at 1:00. Board members present were Phill Milner, Harriet Matthews, Malaika Quarterman, Esther Newell, Shannon McDowell, Janice Weaver and Debby Gibbs.

Esther asked that board members and STOs and apprentices introduced themselves.

Erick asked Debby to give a financial report. She reviewed the financial report. Our ending balance $20,492.20. We do have 2 expenses that are outstanding: $730.70 to Marco for the student conference bags and $500 to EdTA for Sarah Bartos’ conference registration.

Debby also handed out the revised bylaws. Erick asked that all members turn in the old bylaws, and he would destroy them.

Erick went over the objectives for the day:

· Solidify and finalize Budget for the remainder of the year

· Create a plan of action to contact all those who served in Committee Chair Positions last year to see if they would like to again

· Nominate Committee Chairpersons and members and create a plan of action for reaching out to those nominees

· Discuss the possible need for making a Google Doc Form/Application for all those people we just may not think of, but still want to volunteer within our organization

Erick led the board in a review of those who might be willing to serve on the conference board. He asked that Janice communicate with each of these nominees to see if they would like to serve. Erick then reviewed the list of prospects:

· Workshop Coordinator---Phil Milner/Malaika Quarterman

· IEs---Kaye Stuckey

· Tech challenge---Cory Squires/ask Jonathan Reeves to help

· Scholarship---ask Allana Austin/ask Trisha Pate to help

· Colleges---Erick Weeks

· Vendors---Matt Holl

· One Acts---Janice/ask Amy Smith to be the Stage Manager

· Playworks---Phill Milner/ask Matt Grant to help

· Theatre Swag---Debby Gibbs

· Trophies/Tabulation---Harriet Matthews

· Programs---Harriet Matthews

· Silent Auction---STO/Esther Newell

· Hospitality---Shannon McDowell

He then asked if there were others we need to reach out to; he also suggested that there might be an application process for those who might be interested. Debby suggested that after Janice has reached out to the nominees if we still need people, we can reach out to them. Harriet moved that we accept those who have been nominated. Janice seconded. The motion passed.

Next, we moved to the budget. Our first discussion was the fiscal year dates for MS EdTA. Phil moved that we use July 1 to June 30 as our fiscal year. Harriet seconded. Motion was approved. Phil pointed out that next year we would have to do the budget earlier in the year if it was to start on July1.

Erick chose to approach the budget a bit differently this year. He broke the budget into 5 categories: Facilities Fee, High School Conference, Jr. Conference, Teacher Summit and All State Show. He asked that we use only the balance of money that we have in the bank and not look at prospected income. After discussion the following was adopted as the 2019/20 Budget:

· Facilities Fee---$5,000.00

· High School conference---$9700.00

· Junior Conference---$2300.00

· Teacher Summit---$500.00

· All State Show---$1761.00

Janice did review conference expenses to make sure that we had allotted enough to keep the conference running smoothly. Conference committee members will have to submit a form for expenses that they have. Erick will design this form.

Our final discussion was on the All State Show. We had previously discussed doing a musical, but there is not enough money to do that this year. Discussion followed on doing a play, auditions, finding a director, rehearsals and final production. Some shows mentioned were OUR TOWN, THE CRUCIBLE or maybe a Shakespeare play. It was suggested that Erick have a form at Teacher Summit for teachers to apply for the director.

With no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 3:00.

Respectively submitted by

Debby Gibbs, Secretary/Treasurer



AUGUST 25, 2018

Erick Weeks, Chapter Director, called the meeting to order and welcomed everyone. Those present were Harriet Matthews, North Rep., Sasha Carpenter, One Act Chair, Shannon McDowell, Jr. Rep., Malaika Quarterman, Scholarship Chair, Allana Austin, North Rep., Phill Milner, Playworks Chair, Sarah Hankins, South Rep., Kaye Stucky, IE Chair, Esther Newell, Marketing and Publicity Chair, Juniper Wallace, Colleges and Vendors Chair, Corey, Tech Challenge Chair, and Debby Gibbs, Treasurer/Secretary.

Erick asked Debby to read the minutes from the Executive Board Meeting on August 4. Phill moved to correct that Natalie Bowers was appointed an STO Apprentice.

Erick reviewed the bylaws and talked about changes. Juniper pointed out that Article IV Section 3 should include that professional members could be appointed to the board.

Next Erick reviewed allof the Executive and Conference Board duties and responsibilities.

Erick reviewed the EdTA Professional Code of Conduct. He asked that each board member sign the code. He stressed the importance of acting professionally at all times.

  2. Playworks---Erick announced that we would be adding playworks to our conference in 2019. Phill Milner will be the chair. Phil reviewed the rules and regulations for the MS Playworks Competition.
  3. Registration---Erick went over the website and showed where sponsors will find all conference registration materials. It was suggested that he develop suggested timelines for sponsors to follow.
  4. Schedule---Erick announced that we would be using a new schedule this year. We will not be watching all one acts in a row. We will mix in workshops. This came from a suggestion from last year’s EdTA rep.
  5. Scholarships---Additional money will be given to scholarships. Scholarships can now be awarded to theatre major or minor, broadcast major or minors and theatre ed major.
  6. One Acts---Erick announced that again we will have room for about 7 one acts. It will be on a first come first serve option. An email will be sent to get the intention to do a one act. Those who want to be adjudicated for ITF will be given preference. In the next few years as we grow and need to add one acts, we may have to go to another system. Erick discussed maybe having a pool of judges who would go to schools wanting to do a one act and adjudicate them and give feedback. Then the top schools in the North, Central and South would perform at conference. Schools would still be recognized at conference and given certificates for participation. Or we may have to go to a three day schedule to accommodate plays.

  1. Shannon gave an update on the first ever Jr. Conference.

Erick adjourned the meeting at 12:00.

Respectively submitted by

Debby Gibbs


Erick Weeks, MS CD, called the meeting to order. Those present were Debby Gibbs, Shannon McDowell, Harriet Matthews, Phil Milner and Esther Newell. Sarah Hankins was excused due to illness.

The following items were discussed:

· The Board did an annual review of the Bylaws. Several changes were made. Those changes were approved by a unanimous vote.

· Debby moved that Blake Fredrich be removed as an STO for failure to comply with Article 5 Section 3 of the bylaws. Phill seconded. Motion was approved.

· Phill moved to add Natalie Bowers to an STO. Harriet seconded. Motion was approved.

· The Board discussed adding more money for scholarships for theatre ed. majors and for those who were going into the technical theatre field.

· Board moved to accept “The Greatest Show” as the 2020 Thescon theme.

· Shannon McDowell discussed a schedule for the first Junior Thespian Festival. The Board concurred with her plans.

After no other discussion, the meeting was adjourned by Erick Weeks, CD.

Respectively submitted by Debby Gibbs/Secretary/Treasurer