SCLS 2023

The Sky's The Limit

Recap of the Event

Dr. Nicholson is the Missouri Teacher Development Specialist for the Regional Professional Development Center at Southeast Missouri State University and provides professional learning for educators from 84 school districts in her region. Dr. Kelli Nicholson served as a high school English teacher for fourteen years. An avid reader, writer, and thinker, Dr. Nicholson is interested in building a bridge between research and the classroom.  Teaching is a challenging job, now more than ever. Dr. Nicholson believes in an educational future focused on sustainable practices that empower and invigorate teachers and motivate students to question the world around them, fall in love with learning, and enact change. She hopes to introduce educators to practical strategies which promote equity, empathy, critical thinking, culturally responsive pedagogy, cognitive engagement, and brain-based instruction.

Thank you to the following for supporting educators at SCLS 2023!