
 Minnesota School Social Work Week Partner Toolkit 

The Minnesota School Social Work Association (MSSWA) is proud to promote National School Social Work Week, held the first full calendar week of March (Sunday, March 3 – Saturday, March 9, 2024). 

National School Social Work Week is a great way to recognize School Social Workers and celebrate the impactful work they are doing in their school and community. This toolkit includes resources to help you show appreciation for School Social Workers during National School Social Work Week. 

Letter to School Social Workers

2024 Minnesota School Social Work Week Theme

"Wisdom in Action: Empowering Change"

Promote School Social Work Week on social media 

Recognize the value of School Social Workers during National School Social Work Week on your social media channels, newsletters, and other communications by sharing information and resources. 

Feel free to use these social media posts (below) during National School Social Work Week and don’t forget to tag MSSWA. 


🌟 Kicking off School Social Work Week with "Wisdom in Action: Empowering Change"! Today, let's reflect on the wisdom that drives positive transformations in the lives of students and communities. Share your insights on the power of wisdom in action! 💡💙 #SSWWeek #EmpowerChange #WisdomInAction


🤝 "Transformative Tuesday" is here! School Social Workers, share your stories of how your wisdom has sparked positive changes in your school or community. Together, we're making a lasting impact! 🌈💪 #TransformativeTuesday #SSWWeek #WisdomInAction


🌿 Midweek Wellness Reminder! Amidst empowering change, let's focus on self-care. What wisdom do you incorporate into your routine for personal well-being? Share your tips and tricks for a balanced, empowered life! 🧘‍♂️💙 #WellnessWednesday #SSWWeek #WisdomInAction


🎉 "Thoughtful Thursday" calls for celebrating the wisdom in action! Recognize a colleague or share an inspiring story of how a school social worker's wisdom has created positive change. Let's amplify the impact together! 🤗🌟 #ThoughtfulThursday #SSWWeek #WisdomInAction


🚀 It's "Future-Focused Friday"! As we wrap up School Social Work Week, let's envision the future of empowered change. Share your aspirations, goals, or dreams for the impact you hope to make in the coming years. Together, our wisdom shapes a brighter future! 🌈💙 #FutureFocusedFriday #SSWWeek #WisdomInAction